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heart means it's been cropped from a full, adult image. That means things are gonna get really gay.
cheese_whine Means it's safe. You don't need to hide the kids.
cheese_whine By Rustedhorizon on tumblr [Alternate versions are adult]
cheese_whine By Wataameron on tumblr
cheese_whine By Synduo on tumblr
cheese_whine By samedijohnson on tumblr
heart By Unregisterecat on FA
heart By Shoripurin on tumblr
heart By Nedoiko on FA
heart By Amaranthnymph on tumblr
heart By Milkkum on tumblr
heart By ViscousDesserts on tumblr
heart Cosplay piece by DeanII on FA
heart By vu06 on FA
heart By Monamoo on FA
heart By Wooferlicke88 on tumblr
heart By ViscousDesserts on tumblr
cheese_whine First portrait of Mateus by Princeh Monster
cheese_whine Commissioned from Princeh Monster