This is where I'll sometimes b***h. So deal with it. I'm a s**c, yeah that's right a s**c. I'm Puerto Rican and can't speak a damn bit of spanish. I live in a state that is nothing more than a giant road. Jersey. I'm single and stuff blah blah
This is where I'll put all avi drawings of me. When, I get enough I'll put them all in my profile.
Posted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 @ 04:57pm
Jeez, I sound like a whiny b***h!!
I read the last journal and I realised it. I sound like a ******** whiny b***h! scream Not cool so I decided to write this. So, I don't sound like a whiny b***h. Anyway, in college which kicks a** xd, love life still sucks crying, Friends that utterly rock(those four know who they are) whee, and Life is good cool. So I can't really complain. Everything in my life is pretty much on track, no real complaints. I have normal things I can deal with, a rather and uneventful life, at least I'm not sick from stress all the time. So everything is just swell.
Yeah well I'm a lot happier now that I'm back in my old school. Glad I can be with my friends. So, yeah things are cool. I still miss being with my folks. God, noone is going to know just how alone I really feel. Well, noone who isn't on gaia. Then again the people on gaia that are my friends are for the most part not in my school. There I go rambling again. Jeez, I have got to get rid of this notion that I need a girlfriend too. Because seriously I don't a significant other to justify my existance.
Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2004 @ 05:58am
Things go to Hell
Yeah well things didn't work out as I wanted them to. Instead of moving out it turned into me getting kicked out. I am no longer aloud in that house and I am no longer part of that family. *sigh* Well that's how things work out for me, they always end up going to Hell.....
Hmmmmmm..... can't really say this is much of a b***h but eh. I'm moving out of my rents house and moving in with people who are like family to me. I don't know what this will be like. I really don't care either. All I know is that this will be a life changing experience. Well I can tell my futre is going to get very interesting after this. Well let's let this be the start of my true path.