First post...
I do happen to have a
live journal, but I figured I'd give Lanzer's code a try, so here I am, posting my first here on Gaia.
For those who know me, I've been slowly putting up stuff on my website these days that is coming from the portfolio I am putting together for art school. The pressure has been pretty tough mainly because I am among 70 people applying for 4 positions in the Winter semester. Things would not be so bad if I were to hold off and apply for the Fall Semester (for many reasons), but because I have been holding off on going to art school for so long, and because I already have quite a bit of transferable credit from University, we (that is, my family and I) decided it would be best to apply to get in as quickly as possible. If I do get in, it will mean that I should be able to apply for the Visual Communications program with a new portfolio right after the Winter semester (so I wouldn't have to wait another full year). So... here's hoping, i guess.
The other major change lately has been the fact that I quit the gallery and have rejoined the 'dark side' that is Kinko's.
scream Actually, it's not that bad.
I'm being paid better, I get full time hours, I start work early enough to get out at 4PM, leaving the rest of the day for me to actually get personal stuff done, and there is plenty of work available to keep me occupied. There also seem to be a lot of changes coming for Kinko's itself, since it's merged with Fedex. Apparently Kinko's of Alberta will be making both it's internal and external changes some time within the next quarter or so. Will be interesting seeing how things change between now and then... which may or may not concern me as - if everything goes well - I will not be working there full time by 2005 anyway (yes, they do know i have intentions of leaving once i'm back in school).
Anyhow. Here are a few things I've been doing lately.