"Pay not and you will perish with my cero..."
[EDIT - 07.10.09] Peace, but I raised my rates...
That's cuz Naomi Minami helped me heart
But of course I also give credit to XziqueX. ;D
Ooookay well anyway, I've just opened a new art shop some weeks ago, but since vacation's just ended, it will be temporarily closed--unless one is willing to wait for 2 weeks (reason: I will only get to use the computer--that means being able to progress with the art--for 2 days in a week).
But anyway, if you're interested, I only rate at low costs, compared to other art sellers. Just PM me if you want one. And be sure to wait a long deal of time. rofl
Chibi: markers: 5k

Vectored version (this one's only a sample 'cause it'll be the first time I'll be putting up such in my shop): 18k. Sorry, but even if I work everyday, it still takes me a week. It's already a discounted 'cause if on school days it'll take me about a month.

Chibi, photoshop-colored: 12k

Yes, I know she's pale, but I won't make the same mistakes again. Promise.
Regular, photoshop-colored: 15k

So, there you have it. They're all 20k and below. I hope I make someone happy with the price. I mean, I strain my eyes against the fact that I'm actually an astigmatic. Ahh but then, there's no faster way to earn. Especially brought by the fact that I'm broke.
Anyway, for everyone to avoid delayed payment (I prefer accepting the gold right after the person receives the art), I will be adding 1k to the price after every seven days. Remember what Ulquiorra said? *waves finger*
If a month passes, I wonder what I'll do... twisted
Okay well anyway, I'd be happy to do any customer great art, as to meet my demands for such a high price. It makes me kunda guilty, you know. But I feel like a dork for wrecking my eyes for a mere 3k. That's something.
Hope you'll mind asking for one soon. Just acknowledge my PM's if I state that an art is still in progress, and it will be of more delay (I hope that never happens).
And I hope you like my art heart