This Isn't Me
People push me
to do things I don't want to.
To be someone I know isn't me
Why do I take it?
This isn't me
Do they not realize that who I
am isn't who they want me to be.
Why do I feel guilty when I tell them no?
This isn't me
And when I say no they push me still.
I tell them no again and again the guilt
returns until I hurt so bad I have to
give in. I neverfelt guilty before.
So why do I now?
This isn't me
I used to be someone.
I used to be me.
What happened to the girl I used
to be? Why did it happen?
This isn't me
I look in the mirror.
Who is this girl I see?The girl
staring straight back at me.
Where did she come from?
She looks familiar, very familiar
Is she me? She can't be.
This girl.......she isn't me
But she looks so much like me
yet her eyes tell me something's
wrong. She's afraid, very afraid,
afraid of rejection. That never
used to be. Who is this frightened girl?
She can't be me
I was never afraid, afraid of rejection.
I used to be my own person. Never
afraidto be my own self. I was never
afraid to be me. Where is the girl I
used to be? Where has she gone?
This isn't me
Or is it? Could it be? No! It can't be
true! But can it be? Have I let them
change me so much that this girl
really is the new me? I don't want to
believe, but am believing still. Am I
really no longer myself?
This isn't me
If this girl in the mirror, who
resembles me so, is not the real
me then where did I go?
Will I ever return? Why did I leave?
This isn't me
Will I ever be able to find the real
me again? And if I do, will I stay
true to myself or will I let the others
change me again until i'm a different
person? Why did I let them change
me in the first place?
This just isn't me
I'll keep searching, searching for the
real me. I am determined to find
that girl I used to be. I will find her.
One day, some day, but I will find her.
I will be myself agian, not this girl I see
now, but the real me. One of these days
I will no longer have to say
This isn't me
~AnimeRocker14 ninja