-it's five years later and Zabimaru and Narami have come back to the castle as husband and wife with Narami eight months pregnant. Wariodude is there too with his new wife Moca who he had married two years ago. They walk over to the castle and see the gravestone that Wariodude had made for Roronoa- (Zabimaru) "It's been a long time hasn't it? Since we were last here? I have to say that you did an excellent job on the gravestone Wariodude." I just thought of what would be the best thing for him and did it like that. "Well, it sure paid off." (Narami) "You think Kathar is still here?" (Zabimaru) "Beats me. When that guy gets bored, he likes to go places. So if I call and he doesn't come, it means he's not home. -he shouts at the castle- HEY, KATHAR, ARE YOU THERE???" -Kathar comes out looking a little pissed off from getting yelled at to come outside- (Kathar) "Alright alright you don't have to shout. I mean, I have a cat's sense of hearing so...- he suddenly sees Zabimaru, Narami, Wariodude and Moca there- "Hey, it's you guys. What are you all doing here?" (Zabimaru) "We just came to reminisce about that day five years ago when my brother was finally killed in battle. In one month, me and Narami will finally have a family all our own." (Kathar) "That's good to hear. What were thinking of for a name?" (Zabimaru) "Well, if it's a boy, I'd like to call him... (Narami) It's alright Zabimaru. I know what you're thinking and it's fine." (Zabimaru) "Right then. Since Gaidoku's not here at the moment, I was thinking that we should sing that song again. Want to, Wariodude?" Sure, why not? -he and Wariodude start to sing the song again with Wariodude singing the melody and Zabimaru singing the harmony. When they are finished, Kathar says to all of them- "Alright alright that's enough. If you're not going to stay and chat, I want you all out of here. Since you haven't taken back your position as leader of your men, that goes double for you, Zabimaru." -Zabimaru smiles- "Alright alright, we'll be going now. But first, let's have a moment of silence for my one and only brother who died those five years ago." -they all put down their heads for a total of three minutes and Moca is the first to say- "Hey, why are we all here? Let's go and have some fun." (Zabimaru) "Yeah, let's go Narami." - they all say their goodbyes to Kathar and leave for wherever they may go. Kathar takes one last look at the gravestone and finally heads back into the castle. The camera then zooms in on the gravestone and it reads- "Here lies Roronoa Elric. Once and will always be a dear brother. R.I.P."
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