So today feeled with many ups and downs I swear.First my mom bitched at me this morning for the way i dress sad (norm).then i went to school my first 2 classes were decent.Then 3 rd and 4th (oh god) all hell breaks loose.ok third period math class algebra 2 with trig mad and we had i test mind you i got a schedaul change wich was all the schools fault seeing as my classes were over booked stressed .i was only in the class for like a day everyone else a week i had no idea what was going of an f i bet.then 4th cross country stare
the only reson im there casue my freiend plus this girl i think is really cute ask no begged me to get in the class so.... stare .ne way almost passed out cause you see I have more strenght then anything..then i hit this girl in the head with a bathroom door big knot onn her head i felt so bad soooooooooooooooo bbbaaaddd .then almost fell out i ran like a mile its like ******** 95 outside ******** riduculous.then my freind come in saying she cant breath or see
i was so scared .k then she has to walk up to school to catch her bus so i walk up there cause im a "gental lady' plus i have i real soft spot for a couple of girls on the team.she almost fell out.but i found my fav jacket blaugh heart mrgreen
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