Here are my pictures I have that I would love to put in my signature, but can't: Updated: Oct. 11/05
Posted: Sun Aug 14, 2005 @ 11:49pm
Aug. 14 2005
Last week I spent 2 days at Saint Mary's University for a writing prep course. It was so much fun, I can't wait for real classes to start in September. A group of friends from high school were there, which made the experience even more enjoyable. We met a new friend there, Felicia. She was very quiet. Katie Felicia and I walked down to Barrington street on the first night for something to do. When we left it was sunny out and within 5-10 minutes there was a downpour. For the most part we got soaked.
The best part about the weekend was the fact that there was not a single rule we were told we had to follow. Unlike high school, in University you can do whatever you want, as long as it isnt illegal. I can't wait for this freedom all the time.
The bus ride home from Halifax took an hour and a half. I figure it will take less time when I am getting the bus hom later at night when there is less traffic. Spending the two days at the university has made me so much more excited to return to the classroom in less than a month. Before this I was a little scared, I had no idea what it was going to be like, or how I was going to find my way around. I was glad that the designed the course so that each class we took was in a different area of the university so we could learn how to get from one area to another.
I want to take my girlfriend to the campus some time before I start to show her around. I think she would enjoy it, and we could go explore downtown Halifax afterwords. Hoepfully she'll agree to go. wink
This is my third post, I havent posted since February. I have become much more active on the site again. I dont know how long that will last, hopefully most of the summer. I am on my way to improving the way my avi looks. Im going to sell my KIKI Kitty in order to buy more items for myself. I have joined 2 guilds in the last week, Harry Potter Guild of Gaia, and the Canadian Guild. They are both pretty interesting, although not very lively right now. My GF has gone away for the weekend, I am so bored. Oh well, I will manage.
I would love people to comment on my entries, maybe tell me what you think of my avi. I really like my headband/glasses thing I have going on. I have had that since I can remember, and I will get rid of it for noone. Not even my girlfriend who has asked many times.
Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 @ 12:19am
Feb 24/05
Life is crazy, to say the least. Trying to get ready for university next year, applying for scholarships and the constant worry about how you are going to pay for it if you dont get them. Being a yearbook editor has just as many advantages as disadvantages. I stay at school 3-4 hours after the last class of the day, listen to crap from other classmates about how they want the yearbook to be and what they hate about what we are doing. It's a good thing I like doing layouts and I know that seeing the finished product will be a great day. I can say I bulit and designed a book that many people will have for years.
Wow, my first post into my own journal. What to say.....? sweatdrop Oh well, I guess I dont have much to say right now. Maybe when Im not in school I'll write something better.