Shop was established. (: Hurrays.
Officially opened!
The drinks section is available for purchase.
Other sections such as Snacks etc will have to wait.
I need to study for my maths exam now. o Ao;
Wish me luck.
(: The snack section is FINALLY available for ordering.
Thank-you for being so patient everyone~! <3
Other section should be coming along soon.
Finally added a meal set to the Meal Sets section~! Check it out nows. (:
Ooh. If you're ordering it, please make sure you're using the right form!
Another Breakfast Meal Set has been added to the Meal Sets section.
(: Something rather sweet this time.
You can now order seperate parts from the Meal Sets.
(: Just check out the Meal Sets post for more information.
Hey Guys!
The holiday has finally arrived! (: Yay.
Unfortunately, I won't be here for most of it.
So the opening time for the shop will depend on whether I have acess to the computer. I apologise if I've caused any inconvinience.
&& Please don't order unless if the shop sign says open.
(T___T I don't work well with a work load.)
The shop is currently on hiatus.
I've gone off to camp and will not have any acess to the computer for a while. So please do not order until the shop's open again.
m(__ __)m I apologise if I've caused any inconvinience.
P.s. All the past announcements have been moved to my journal.
Link to that will be added soon.
I'm back! (:
That means that the shop is now open.
But if you do plan to order, please do so by the 7th. I'm having some visitors from overseas, so if you order after that your order won't arrive as quickly.
Okays. The shop is once again on hiatus.
This holiday has been abit crazy for me, and I will not have any acess to the computer. So please try to understand. v.v
I'm sorry if I've caused any inconvinience.
> <; Sorry everyone. But the shop is once again on hiatus. I was just told that I'll be going away for 3 days. T.T There shouldn't be any interupption after this.
v.v I'm very sorry. I'll will get all the orders done as soon as I get back!
Wheet. We're open again~!
(: Orders will be done as soon as possible & there should be a shop update soon.
I think.
Tea Two has also received a award from Moonlight Wish Cafe!
^.^ Hurrays~!
Check out page 43 for the award!
:needs to find a place to hang the award. (: :
Hello duuuuuuuuude,
Many of you might have noticed that I take FOREVERR to fill in orders, which I do UNINTENTIONALLY!
So incase if you're a bit impatient, you should order between Friday-Sunday. These are the only time I'm allowed on. (Yush! I got myself banned from the computer! D8 )
Mmm. Yes! Be expecting the shop revamped within these few days! O:< It'll be friggin awesome!
Hey guys!
Wheet~ The weekend has arrived for me. ^__^
But before I get to filling in the orders.
I would like to start the first stage of revamping.
The shop is closed until further notice. O: People who have ordered will get their orders soon.
Sorry for any inconvinience.
D; But it's all for the better.
Oohh yeah!
(If that makes any sense. o 3o; )
The revamp is finally complete!
^___^ The shop is open once again!
I know the shop is looking a bit plain, but it lags less! 8D
Because there's less image to load, it'll be quicker to load our whole page.
If there's any feedback you would like to make, please feel free to do so! (: I want to be able to make this shop as enjoyable as it can be.
O: && Incase if anyone hasn't notice, we currently have a competition running to name our new NPC.
Anyone's free to enter!
(Rofls. 'Hee Chul-ness.')
Just wanted to make an announcement that our very first specials are just in!
O: < So take a good look at it and order nows! 'cause we only have 15 in stock!
(: Hello!
Okays. This is kind of unrelated to the shop, but I'm holding an art auction.
For those that are interested. Please visit the link in my signature. <33
and to help celebrate our current achievement of 100 pages!
Here's a freebie!

Please post in here if you're taking it!
(Yes. u.u I'm aware that I'm missing an extra S.)
HEY GUYS! *___*
(: I'm in a super good mood right now, because Tea Two just received an award from Pink Sugar Cafe! :'D Wheet~ (visit page 110.)
: seriously got to find a place in the thread to display it :
On a totally different note, we're not accepting anymore entries for the NPC naming competition. Thank-you to everyone that's entered and the voting will begin next week.
Hey everyone,
Sorry for the long absense.
I've been busy with school and everything so I haven't been getting much of a chance to logg on and actually fill in my orders; neither add the new affiliate.
I'm truly sorry about this.
I also apologise for the lack of new items/creations, I seem to be losing my muse to draw nowadays. The pressure of having to fill in the orders is sort of the reason I've been avoiding Gaia. So after I fill in my last two orders, this shop is on official hiatus for a ... while. Just until everything settles down and I find my muse again.
Sorry if I've caused any inconvinience and thank-you to all that has been posting. <3
Hello everyone,
I'm planning to add a bunch of items to the shop, but I'm having one of those mental blocks. So iif any of you have an idea, please feel free to post them here! Hopefully this will help me find my muse!
P.s. You can also include which style of drawing you think would suit the object, I will do my best to draw in that style. (:
Okays. I hate to say this. But I'm going away for two weeks as of tomorrow evening. I will probably be back around mid January of 2009. I was planning to get some one to take my place while I'm gone, but due to time restrictions... ^_____^;
Anyways. I hope you all have a very happy and safe christmas and new year.