OMG, 3dw4rd h4s g0n3 l33t! |

Haha. I found this pic in a thread somewhere on the chatterbox, if I'm not mistaken. I found it hilarious. Hope you guys like. : D
random naked individual · Fri Sep 15, 2006 @ 11:36pm · 0 Comments |
Hey y'all....I'm apologizing for yesterday and in advance.
I'm hispanic and I'm turning 15 tomorrow. In my culture, it's a big tradition to have a "Quinceanera", or a Sweet 15. And, of course, I'm having one. Usually, they're harder to plan than weddings and they are very stressful. (I'm learning that the hard way.) I just had someone cancel who was supposed to be in our ceremony, and we had no way to replace them. Now, I wouldn't be flipping out so much if the party wasn't in TWO HOURS. Yeah. Now you understand the gravity of my situation. -_-;; Anyways. I'm really busy right now and my party lasts until midnight. I'll probably be busy for the next two days or so, what with accomodating all of my presents, all of the decorations that we bought and all so that we can put them away.
But even through all of this, I've had an amazing experience. I'm having a beautiful gown, a nice ceremony, and an awesome reception with a sit down dinner, a DJ, and all that great stuff. ^^ And all of this was only $1,500, so I'm glad my mom took the time and money to do this. Normally, the lowest budget is $3,000, so we beat the lowest!!! Lawl. <3 Anyways. Yes, I'll try to be on and check my pm's and all but I'm not sure I'll be able to.
Happy birthday to me! I love all of you guys; you're all great and understanding. I hope you guys have a good Fourth of July weekend (or just a great weekend, to all that aren't American) and have a lot of fun. I'm sure I'm going to!
random naked individual · Fri Jun 30, 2006 @ 08:48pm · 2 Comments |
A Touching Email I recieved... |
I got this email today, and I thought it was very sweet. ^_^
As we grow up, we learn that even the one person that wasn't supposed to ever let you down probably will. You will have your heart broken probably more than once and it's harder every time. You'll break hearts too, so remember how it felt when yours was broken. You'll fight with your best friend. You'll blame a new love for things an old one did. You'll cry because time is passing too fast, and you'll eventually lose someone you love. So take too many pictures, laugh too much, and love like you've never been hurt because every sixty seconds you spend upset is a minute of happiness you'll never get back.
random naked individual · Tue Jul 26, 2005 @ 04:26am · 0 Comments |
I went on a four hour deep-sea fishing trip yesterday with my grandparents. It was awesome! I was sitting there with my Grandma while my Grandpa is on the other side of the boat, fishing. I go over to my Grandpa, and the fishing rod next to him starts going crazy. It was T-Joe's (the captain) rod, so he comes running over and the fish gets off the hook. He turns to me and he's like "If it comes back, I'll just holler for ya." Exactly like that, too. So it comes back, and he hands the fishing pole to me and he's like "REEL THAT SUCKER IN!!!" So, about 10 minutes later, a shark is laying on the boat's floor and everyone's like "Oh my gawd!" and "Holy cow!" and "It's a shark!" and I'm just staring at it. My arms were dead, I tell you. That thing was 3 feet long. So, I caught a shark. It was the biggest thing I had caught in my life, I swear. It...was....so....awesome. T-Joe said that I could keep it, but my Grandpa said that when you catch a shark you should gut it right then and there or else the liver lets out a toxin. So we let someone else have it. We gave it to some man who had a (good-looking) son with him. xD Afterwards, we were coming off the pier and I was walking around, looking for some lady who was supposedly going to mail us the pics of me and the shark, when the same guy we gave the shark to came up to me. He was like "Hey, this is my wife! Can I take a picture with you? I don't want to take all the credit for the shark." So his wife took two pictures of us with the shark. I felt so special. I had gotten photographed by complete strangers. xD I had so much fun, though. I can't wait till the next time.
random naked individual · Wed Jun 15, 2005 @ 07:43pm · 0 Comments |