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Skate Bording Tips
The ollie is the basis of almost every trick.
1. Stand on your board. You should have one foot on the tail (back) of your board. The other foot goes in the middle.
2. Hit your tail. This is a gentle way of saying smash your tail into the ground with most or all of your might.
3. As you are "smashing", jump into the air off your smashing foot.
4. Lift up your front foot into the air. And your back foot
6. Get the board level in the air. Do this by catching up your back foot with your front foot.
7. Stay on your board and land. When you come down bend your knees to cushion your landing.
It can seem impossible sometimes, but practice, practice, practice, and you'll do okay.
The Kickflip/Ollie Flip
In order to learn the kickflip, it is necessary that you learn the ollie.
Now that you have learned it, get on your board in an ollie stance. Alter that stance a little: take your front foot and put it right before the front truck bolts. Now turn it 45 degrees. The ball of your back foot should be in the middle of your tail.
Now to actually do the trick. First you gotta pop down your tail real hard, just like an ollie, so you begin to get off the ground. When you're first learning, you'll have to jump very high.
As you rise, you should slide your foot the way you do for an ollie, but you want to slide off the heel edge of your board also, in order to set your board spinning. It must be done with a rather skillful flick of the ankle.
Now you had better have your feet outta the way. However you've gotta do it, do it. Most have their front foot forward like a karate kick.
Wait for the board to spin around, and stay well above it. When it comes around bring your feet back in and catch it. The best place for your feet to catch the board is right on top of all the bolts. You want to "catch" or "grab" it in the air with your feet, and then bend your knees a little because the ground is coming.
When your board hits the ground (you should be on it at this point), you need to use your legs like shocks in a car, and absorb the landing.
Keep your back toe on the center of the tail. Your front foot should be at a little bit more than a 45 degree angle. It should be in the center of the board with your toe hanging over the toe edge.
Hit the tail. As you do this, slide your front foot forward at an angle and just before it hits the nose, bend your foot/angle it and flip the board over the toe edge with the toe of your foot. Jump.
Wait for the board to rotate. When it comes around, bring your knees up and stop it with your feet.
Land carefully, and absorb the impact.
360 flip
To do a 360 flip, you should first be able to do a varial flip and 360 Pop Shove-it. First put your back foot on the back right edge of the board (back left edge if you are goofy), and put it at an angle so it is on the very edge of the tail. Then put your front foot a couple inches towards you from the middle of the board and then slant your foot the same way you did on your back foot.
Set up, bend your knees, and hit your tail while sliding your front foot forward. Throw your back foot behind you as quickly as you can as you hit your tail, spinning the board 'till it rotates all the way around. While doing this, slide your front foot off the edge of the board using your toe to flip it. Your board does not have to go high as long as it gets around. You can work on the height later. Once it has finished rotating, catch the board with your feet and land on it.
Posted by: PRO SKATE BORDER_88 Thu Jun 07, 2007 @ 12:55am 0 comments [add]
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Skate Bording Tips
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