VOWS As I vow unto you today. I swear upon my grave to care and share everything with my one and only true love. Until death shall I never part. Until it's my time I swear upon my very life I shall never lave my one and only true love. With this love I shall hold you and adore you to the very grave. Crave when I swore to you that I shall never leave you, until an unfair parting in death. To my one and only true love I vow to you today that I am forever more yours to love and adore, cheeish and care for forever and amore. I love you with all that was given to me and even more. Now I say to you I vow my heart, life, and soul to you forever and a more...
Sir Adam West · Wed Jan 07, 2009 @ 11:32pm · 0 Comments |