(supposed to be, you can tell where they'd be)Italics= thinking to myself
( )= reference to something
* *= emotion/action
< >= someone elses perspective
Note to Reader: I've daydreamed about this whole story for about 5 months now, the date is 2/10/07 only 3 weeks ago did I learn of who Yamato is. I love wood jutsu. I made up most of my jutsu, they're inspired by other jutsu I've seen.
Scott: "James, STOP POKING ME!"
James: *pokes jacket with his mechanical pencil*
James: *chuckles while he plays Jump on his DS*
*bell rings as James and Joe talk about Jump and the decks in it*
Scott: (Why the hell am I here? Why this universe? Why am I asking myself these questions? Oh yeah, like every other teen that's bored with reality, I feel like I DON'T BELONG IN THIS WORLD!!!)
After 5 more hours of daydreaming through the school day, I go home finally. As usual as soon as I walk in the door I hear 6 little kids screaming and running around. After 5 more hours my chores, dinner, etc. is done. Average, BORING life. I go to bed thinking the same thing I do everyday. "I gotta do it....I want an adventure"
Scott: This world is constantly at war or is struggling to survive and I all I can do is dream. Oh well, at least I'm good at that.
Everything goes dark and I start dreaming. about 20 minutes later, My brain shuts down as I drift into my own world that I can never recall until morning , the worst part of the day.
*alarm goes off*
Scott: *yells into pillow* "I'LL KILL YOU!!!" If I were in an anime, I would destroy that thing right now by BASHING IT AGAINST THE FRIGGIN WALL!
???: "Would you like that?"
Scott: "Like what?"
???: "If you were an anime character, you'd be more emotional?"
Scott: "I know I'd be freaking out that I'm talking to a voice coming from nowhere."
???: "If you really mean what you say, I suppose I can help you out just this once."
Scott: "What do you mean 'help me out'?"
???: "For starters, if you want to change yourself, do something you would never do and don't go to school, instead go to Walnut Grove, by your school, and find a dimensional tree.
Scott: "....Say what?"
And the voice stopped as ominous voices usually do while explaining something complex. I then got ready for school wondering if drugged me while I was asleep, and got dropped off by my dad as usual, but this time I thought of this drop off as the last time he'd do it. I was in a panic and wondered what I should do. Go to school, and be normal or go to park and be compulsive. And for the first time, I played hooky.
Scott: Why am I doing this? I never ditch school! ....Screw it, I'll listen to my "bad trip" and go to the park. Besides, even though I fear nature at night, it's daytime and nobody will be around to see me. Besides, how long can it take to find one specific tree? I have druidic ancestry, and I'm proud of it. Every druid has his own tree......right?
After walking around knocking, touching, listening to and climbing trees for 3 hours, I was starting to panic a little bit.
Scott: What the hell was I thinking?! By now everyone knows I'm gone and If I'm found, I'm screwed FOREVER.
*sits down for 5 minutes to think about where I could go now*
*the whole grove seems to whisper*
???: "Calm down "druid", just believe in something you want to be real for once. Listen to nature and your mind."
Scott: *walks down to the cement run-off ramp and sits down by lake under a big oak tree by the pond and looks at his own reflection* My mind says look closer at yourself and-
I then saw in my reflection the oak behind me was glowing and seemed like it was other-worldly, like in the movies! So I dropped my backpack to put my hand against the tree.
Scott: "Nothing, I am apparently drugged and am screwed in 10 different languages. Hey, voice in my head, am I supposed to feel something here? I think I found the tr-"
A huge gust of wind shot out from the tree, and just as someone grabbed onto my out-stretched arm and pulled into the tree. Nonetheless, I was shocked so I fainted. The last words I left my hometown with:
Scott: "........Finally.......someone actually heard me....."
By: Scott Marang
Scott: "HOLY CRAP that hurt! Why on my head??? Where am I anyway?"
???: "About 5 miles outside the Village Hidden in the Leaves."
???: "Yeah, so are you really willing to do what you've dreamed of for quite sometime now? From what I can tell anyway."
Scott: ...........tree....talking....I'm in the same universe as Naruto.....am I still asleep?....
???: "Why aren't you saying anything?"
Scott: *big anime face with sharp teeth* "DUDE YOU'RE A TREE!! A TALKING TREE!"
???: "But of course, you have been thinking about me and this universe for quite some time."
Scott: "So....what I thought I was just daydreaming about everyday.....was actually this reality?"
???: "Trust me, if you try and figure out how universes are related and the whole time-space comtinuum thing, your gonna get a major migrain, but yes somewhat. You see, everything is connected through life, even things percieved as unreal. Every story, tale, legend, etc. has all happened and depending on where in time you're put, you could be part of one of them easily because trees are not only symbols of life, but also bridges to other worlds in other parts of reality.
Scott: *rubbing his forehead* "Right.....so.....what shall I call you if, according to my daydreams, you're going to train me."
???: "Just call me Ipponsugi, to your english language it translates to: A Lone Cedar Tree. *notices that Scott is lost and confused*........Just call me the Great Tree"
Scott: "What makes you so great?"
Great Tree:".......I'm a big, sentient, wise, old tree."
Scott: "I thought Great beings were widely known..."
Great Tree: "Maybe your right, then again only a great tree would take a nobody out of a world he doesn't like to teach him ninjutsu, but if you don't think I'm Great....."
Scott: "No, no, didn't mean to be a jackass. Sorry Great Tree."
(That name is too much for a tree)
Scott: *eyes go blank O_O* "Whoa, whoa, whoawhoawhoawhoa, what the hell happened to me?! I'm like, 8 years old! My pants don't fit!!"......Good or bad?
Great Tree: "Yeah, I thought of an idea on how to make you suitable for this realm of reality at your current age, but although you won't feel any pain while you recieve the transformation, you will almost immediately afterwards."
Scott: "Huh?" -.O
Great Tree: "Whaddya mean "Huh?". Clean out your ears moron!"
Scott: Did he just?!?!? "I heard you I meant what the hell do you mean old man?!"
Great Tree: "It means, since you were such a sloth in your universe, I have to MAKE you fit for combat and the right age to become a genin!"
Scott: "Oh, ok then......How?"
Great: *clears throat* "You will have to undergo somewhat of a "hibernation" within me for 3 and half years. During which time I will infuse all knowledge gathered by the forest from shinobi into your mind and memory cells in your body."
Scott: "Whoa...." Sounds excrutiatingly painful AND gross "How though, and why me? You could have easily picked somebody else obviously..."
Great Tree: "All ninja of Konoha train near trees. The trees watch them, and record their movements, how they feel andwhich chakra points they use. Believe it or not, trees feel pain, have wishes and gain experience like humans. I am giving you this opportunity because out of all the wishes to become a ninja in this realm from your realm, your mind screamed this wish the loudest. But, if you don't want to be a shinobi like you said you wanted, I will send you back."
Scott: *thinks about it for about 3 minutes* I could always return to the exact time I left if I ever want to go back "Nah, my universe is too boring, the only way I had fun was by daydreaming....anyway, you said something about a tree gaining experience? How can a tree feel experience if they can't fight?"
Great Tree: "The gale of a storm, cold harshness of Winter, powerful jutsu used on us, duh."
Scott: "Ah, so.....when do I begin?"
*A gaping hole opens in the Great Tree's Trunk to reveal more ominous and endless darkness*
Scott: "I'm going to guess this isn't a tested procedure....And what's with all the darkness when it comes to monumental change for someone?"
Great Tree: "Gah, 4 years of quiet after you're gone sounds better and better." *nudges Scott with branches*
Scott: "Any chance I can get a pillow?"
So then the tree's trunk sealed, closing off all sunlight for nearly 4 years. Do you have ANY idea how good it feels to sleep for 3 and a half years? So anyway, the thing I found weirdest about my dreams were that they were all about my memories in MY universe. I figured that since I was practically in my own dream world that things in my dream state were backwards. Then finally after a long sleep and a feeling that my arm was asleep, it was time for me to wake up.
Great Tree: "WAKE UP!!"
Scott: Zzzz....Zzzzzzzz....
Great Tree: *imitates air horn*
Scott: HOLY s**t THATS LOUD!!!
*flies out of tree trunk onto my stomach*
Scott: "Duuuuuuuuuuuuude......that was the best sleep EVER."
Great Tree: "I'm a little confused by you...."
Scott: *yawns* "How so?"
Great Tree: "You came into another universe, and acted like it was nothing. The only thing you freaked out over was a talking tree."
Scott: "Yeah well, I come from a world of television and video-games. After a while you either stop caring about reality and hope for a way out like a nerd (no offense reader), or manage to pull away and do something normal in the world."
Great Tree: "Why didn't you just be-"
Scott: "DON'T SAY NORMAL. Like me, the other people who lavish anime don't really like to conform. I don't like the thought of being a predicatable person. Get job, go to college, get house, get better job, retire, and die. With or... without a significant other. Here,.......well..... chakra is like a superpower that can make miracles happen."
Great Tree: "And anyone would love to have superpowers in your world?"
Scott: "Yeah.....you've obviously had a lot of time to think about me.... *notices I grew up a little more* "Hey look I'm a little older- HOLY s**t MY ARM!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY ARM?!!??" *anime face-->O_O
Great Tree: "I was waiting for you to notice. While you were sleeping, I looked into your mind to see everything you've ever seen and every idea and memory you've ever known."
Scott: "Cool....cool....NOW WHAT ABOUT MY ARM?!"
Great Tree: "WILL YOU JUST SHUT UP! I picked up some of your manners and habits just by looking in your mind and I found that when you're angry, you swear easily, and when you're calm, you act suprisingly at peace with yourself and everyone else."
Scott: ........must......not.....laugh..... *holds back laughter*
Great Tree: *-.- "Anyway.....I didn't really know how to infuse power and knowlege into you without making direct contact with your brain so, I used your nervous system and used the idea in your mind 2 shows you watched that I thought you might want to mimic the protagonist of. Fullmetal Alchemist and S-Cry-ed.
Great Tree: "Relax, it's somewhat of a humanoid-plant arm, its got five fingers, more chakra points than a normal arm, a good illusion of a normal arm and is ten times as durable as skin. At least it doesn't have leaves or flowers.(my right arm now looks like a big bulky arm made of bark)
Scott: "THIS IS AWESOME!!!! So that means....I have real chakra now?"
Great Tree: "Yes.....but now that you're conscious, you should start to feel extreme pain due to your body waking up and bonding with the new arm.....I'm sorry about this ahead of time...."
Scott: "Did you change anything else?!"*runs over to nearby pond to look at himself* "My hair....is blond.....with green spots?! MY SHINY GOLD HAIR IS RUNIED?!
>_< *winces and bends over in pain* "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW, gaaaaaaah....... any....chance of me....dying from this?"
Great Tree: " About 1/3 chance. If your body rejects the arm-"
Scott: "Don't tell me.....I'm pretty sure I get the picture...."*passes out in front of the pond*
Great Tree: "You better have a strong will to live now boy......"
Scott: "Gah....right when I wake up from a three and a year long nap, I get put to sleep again."*gets up off the ground slowly*
Great Tree: "Thank goodness you're alive."
Scott: "Whooooooooooooa, everything's so.....so....."
Great Tree: "Noticable? Your mind and spirit has become one with all of Nature. You could say you've become the fastest person to achieve what you call Nirvana in your realm , and trustt me when I say only 1 person in Konoha ever achieved the same feat"
Scott: "Wow.....Who?"
Great Tree: "Not important right now, anyway you now know only 3 jutsu of mokutan style ninjutsu: Grass needles, Leaf shuriken and Bark Armor. Over time your mind will uncover more jutsu through training with me and maybe on your own."
Scott: "I got it."
*I start thinking about the hand signs*
Scott: "Holy crap, they're there! I actually know jutsu!"
*I looked into my mind like how I did at the park and made the proper hand signs and stared at a rock in the ground near the pond*
Scott: (Wood Release: Grass Needles)
A patch of grass near me quickly became as sharp as blades then shot straight up. The needle-like grass stab into the ground as I just stood there in awe.
Great Tree: How could he......already......be able to use his chakra system? I havn't told him how to do anything yet.....He still has to learn how to aim and focus his chakra though *Scott's prancing around in the background*
Scott: "Now for a defensive jutsu."*I look into my mind again* (Wood Realese: Bark Armor)
I placed my right arm on my chest and bark begins to assimilate my torso into wooden, yet flexible samurai armor.
Scott: *taps the armor* "Meh, it's a little brittle, but I will ALWAYS BE WEARING THIS!!! THIS IS SO COOL!!!"
Great Tree: "No....way....how can you be doing this? "
Scott: "Reson one I rule, reason two, In my universe I pictured my own set of wood jutsu in my mind a lot. I guess my mind has already adapted how to do 'em because I've run a simulation in my mind countless times and reason three, my favorite stlye I've ever seen is definitely mokuton even if I've only seen the First Hokage's Wood Release: Creation of Dense Woodland. Anyway, can I become a genin in Konoha now?"
Great Tree: "Um......yes, but you CANNOT tell anyone or show anyone that arm. If people start asking questions-"
Scott: "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Arm equals weird, jutsu equals one of a kind ninja."
Great Tree: "Right, but onto another serious matter, you have to register as a Konoha citizen which means you need a new name."
Scott: "WAIT! I am not going to be called Sukotto just because it's the Japanese translation! The name just....doesn't sound right for this reality, I'm a new person now."
Great Tree: "Then what will it be? Shrub??"
Scott:"........You're the shrub and I'm not a plant."
Great Tree: "I'M A TREE YOU IDIOT!! You are now about 20% plant FYI."
Scott: "So.....that means.....I have animal cells AND plant cells now?"
Great Tree: "Correct, now what are you going to call youself?"
Scott: "Hmmmmm....... how about Brambles?"
Great Tree: "Brambles? Why Bara?"
Scott: "Short name, and to the point about what I can use. Besides, it's not a flower and is pointy.
Great Tree: It's a weed "Very well, from now on you are no longer Scott. Your name in this realm shall be Bara. How did he learn mokuton style? This means he has the kekkai genkai...
After I was re-named. The Great Tree taught me the basics about Konoha, how it's run and stuff. He also told me that I have to go to the ninja academy. He taught me 3 new jutsu and gave me some seeds, shuriken, and kunai to put in my pouch. So then I bid him good bye and got there and registered right at the gate and nobody was supicious. To be honest, I felt at home here. I kept wondering where Naruto and the other genin were, but I realized that I would't know what I'd say to them when and if I ran into them. I realized that just about anything I do would have a butterfly effect on the anime. Oh yes, that means theres going to be some changes around here.......Sasuke.
Nontheless after 1 month I graduated and got my awesome headband (since I trained every waking hour of every day). Everyone at the academy kept asking me about my arm and why it's always covered with a cloak, so I'd tell them it was extra protection for my good arm. By the way, since I wasn't a ninja during the 1 month period, I didn't have a place to live and I gotta say, sleeping on trees is peaceful. I learned how to make an explosive tag and how to create summoning scrolls for weapons(which I probably won't use for awhile) body replacement jutsu, normal clone technique, and body flicker technique. But now is a critical time for me now that I've passed the academy, I'm being assigned to a jonin by the still living 3rd hokage. I'm going to be in the same group as 3 of the now 10 genin. I gotta say, I'm starting to get a little nervous...
3rd (hokage): "The council and I have come to an agreement. It seems all available teams that we could put you on are all evened out in threes with one jonin. Although the rules say that the hokage is supposed to pick a jonin I am willing to let you decide under the condition that you tell me where you came from and what's under that cloak."
Bara: "How about I just float around and go on missions with random other genin that aren'y on other missions and not show you what's under my cloak?"
3rd: "Float around? Hmmmmm....it sounds like a good idea...."
Council lady: "That's absurd! We cannot allow special rules to this....this.... outsider!"
Councilman: "If we do that with one person surely others will-"
3rd: "It's understandable that you're concerned about this, but why not experiment?" *smiling*
Councilman: "But Lord Hokage!"
3rd: That's enough, but for now may I please see your arm?" *sounding a little impatient*
Bara: *deep sigh and serious face* "Under 2 conditions."
3rd: "Which are?"
Bara: "1st, I would like to tell you privately."
3rd: "Very well *turns to council people* If you will please?"
Council lady: "We'll be back later to discuss the boy's jonin trainer."
3rd: "So?"
Bara: "So.....what? *sly eyes* tell the ANBU above me and behind the curtain to vacate please."
3rd: *eyes spring open in suprise* "But they're using-"
Bara: "The camoflauge technique, I know. I kinda spotted 'em when you and the old farts were talking.....man they're harsh."
3rd: "But you shouldn't be able to have seen them, they're hidden behind objects!"
ANBU1: *steps out from behind curtain and ANBU2 come down from the ceiling tiles*
ANBU1: "I'm sorry Lord Hokage...."
ANBU2: "As am I sir."
3rd: "It's fine......let me have a minute with this boy....."
Both: "SIR!"
*They both disappear in a poof of smoke*
Bara: *yells* "yeah, thats what ya get when you breathe outloud! Nirvana baby!!!"
3rd: "Now.....how do you know so much? Nirvana......yeah right
Bara: "Hey! What bout my second demand?"
3rd: "Oh yes, please continue."
Bara: "This is only between me and you. NO ONE else."
3rd:*hesitates and takes a drag of his pipe* ".......Very well."
*I unravel the cloak wrapped around my arm and hand several times*
3rd: *shocked* "Your arm it's.....it's...."
Bara: "Not human? Plant-like? A freaking log sticking out your shoulder? I'm sorry the correct answer is all of the above."
3rd: "But.....how did you....."
So I then explained to him that I came from another universe and how I was transformed by the Great Tree. Of course he was so astonished that I didn't tell him how I know so much and where the Great Tree is. The whole story took a good 2 hours to tell. I thought that would be enough
3rd: "Amazing.....other universes.....dimensional bridges through trees....."
Bara: "Well actually before I left I was reading a book about how my and your universe could actually be part of a megaverse."(true fact)
3rd: *Sits there stunned and stares at me for a loooooooooooong time before he takes a long drag of his pipe and closes his eyes to think*
Bara: yeah thats right, this is all actually a bad trip "So......don't I need paperwork and I.D. or something?"
3rd: ".........." *sits there solemnly as he hands me a contract*
Bara: "Great....I love to read fine print...."*I skim over most of the contract and sign my name at he bottom* Why the hell should a 12 year old have to sign a legal document??
Bara: "Later gramps." *jumps out window*
3rd: "Wait! I-"
But I was already gone and runnin like hell with a big dust trail kickin up behind me while wrapping the cloak back around my arm . Right as I was running out the gates, I actually saw them....Team 7....I didn't look at them, but went directly passed them. I knew they were staring at me, so I didn't look back.
*slow motion* *anime face with no eyes*
Bara: Naru.....to?
Naruto: Who the......?!
Sasuke: *glimpses my headband* What?? Another genin?!?
Naruto: "Hey watch where you're going, you coulda run us over!!!"
Sasuke: *sarcastically* "I wonder who that was."
Sakura: "I've never seen him before....Did you see his headband?"
Naruto: "Huh? REALLY??!"
Sasuke: "What are you getting so worked up about now?"
Naruto:*big grin* "He must be smarter than you to have passed the ninja academy already Sasuke"
Sakura: *hits Naruto on the head* "You idiot! No one could graduate faster than Sasuke, it's impossible!"
Kakashi: "We should report to the Hokage soon, come along you 3."
So I dashed home.....er, to the Great Tree.
Bara: "I saw them.....wow.....up until now I never fully realized that I actually am in thier world....they must have just gotten back from their 1st mission with Zabuza and Haku....."
Great Tree: "A lot has happened in 1 month even I will admit..."
Bara: "You're a tree, not much did happen before me."
Great Tree: "......Ignoring that, I must say progress for you seems to be moving too fast. I still wonder how someone like you, a zero from your world, no physical strength to begin with, no experience from actual fighting-"
Bara: "I get it." *- . -
Great Tree: "Be able to do what you've accomplished...."
Bara: "FYI: It's one thing to have a dream worth dreaming, it's another thing if it's actually possible to achieve it."
Great Tree: "Ah, good point. By the way, what's your dream now?"
Bara: "Well....I'm not sure......trying to be hokage is to much for me, Naruto can have that...."
Great Tree: "Then what has been your motivation to be training as hard as you have up until now???"
Bara: "Well...I guess to be known by everyone, to get to be as strong as possible. To be stronger than anyone in my world sounds nice..."
Great Tree: "Nothing really in particular then??"
Bara: *snaps*" I got it! To master a whole new line of Mokutan style that the 1st Hokage never used, to be the greatest Mokutan style ninja ever!."
Great tree:" I may not have a face, but I feel proud to have brought you here now. Thank you for reassuring me that I picked the right apprentice."
Bara: *slightly blush* "Uh....sure, but I think I should be the one thinking you. You fulfilled my my greatest dream of getting here."
That night I had a new dream while I slept. I dreampt about all the episodes with Lee, Naruto, and Sasuke traning. I envy them sooooo much no matter how strong I become, I doubt I'll ever be as strong as them.... Then, yet again, I was awoken by daybreak.
Bara: *big yawn* "Time for stretches, which I'm still not used to, then I'll train until the day's over. Ooooooooooooooooh, my stomach......"*stomach gurgles for 5 seconds*
Great Tree: "Bad berries?"
Bara: "The berries? The BERRIES?! I havn't eaten any real food for a whole freakin month!!!"
Great Tree: "I told you to go kill an animal 2 weeks ago you idiot!!"
Great Tree: "The preliminaries are 1 month away and you havn't got any protein in you?!"
Bara: *lays on the ground with a sick face looking weak* "God I miss steak....and burgers....and....."*thought bubble pops* "RAMEN!!!
*stomach growls again* But I gots no money...."
Great Tree: "The only way you can get money is by going on missions. Besides, you hardly ever go into the village, the hokage must-"
Bara: "Still be freaked out? Have the ANBU looking for me?Hate me???"
Great Tree: "Um.....I was gonna say, "be worried about you", but geez, what'd you say to him?"
Bara: "When I told you that I told him that I was from another world, I kinda showed him my arm...."
Great Tree: "That would explain- YOU DUMBSHIT!"
Bara: "Here we go...."
Great Tree: "You're not supposed to tell or show anyone that arm! EVER!"
Bara: "First of all, you never said I couldn't. Two, what harm could it possibly be?"
Great Tree: "Well!-*pauses for about 5 seconds*......I hate when you do that...."
Bara: "Besides, I made sure everyone else was out of the room before I showed him, even the ANBU."
Great Tree: "You detected the ANBU?!"
Bara: "Ya, so? I'm pretty sure it had somthing to do with the whole "I have nirvana thing"
Great Tree: "Hehehe, not quite. You see, when I gave you that arm, I didn't neccessarily give you the mental state of nivana, you actually developed a kekkai genkai thats finally starting to work."
Bara: "You mean the whole reason you gave me this arm was to-"
Great Tree: "Make you into a druidistic shinobi like the 1st Hokage."
Bara: "That explains the jutsu, but how did I hear them?"
Great Tree: "Maybe, just maybe....you aquired nature sense.....since you are part plant now and all."
Bara: "Nature sense??? What the hell are you talking about?!"
Great Tree: "It's like this, all plants can communicate with each other, anywhere anytime which is how I contacted you."
Bara: "Dude, I was in my room, IN THE BASEMENT."
Great Tree: "You have bushes on the side of your house right?"
Bara: "Oh yeah....so I can communicate with plants?"
Great Tree: "And apparently, you're able to see what they see, like hacking into a computer. I don't know what else you're capable of since you're part human so-"
Bara: *falls on the ground and passes out*
Great Tree: "Wow, he wasn't kidding when he said he feels weak....."
I woke up from the nap about 1 hour later and the sun was high in the air.
Bara: *while lying down I raise my arm to the sun* "Mmmmm.....it feels good to have clorophyll....but if I ever grow flowers on this, I swear I'll EAT them."*stomach growls again, this time louder*
Great Tree: "Go into town and find a way to get food already before I figure out what else I have to teach or lecture you on."
Bara: "Fine.....hahaha, don't go anywhere."*I turn around and dash away through the trees before he starts to yell at me from afar*
Kotetsu: "Back again?"
Bara: "Neeeeeed....fooooooood."
Izumo: "What you havn't eaten in 3 days?"
Bara: "No meat.....1 month.....want ramen....".
Kotetsu: "You havn't eaten ANY protein for a month?!"
Bara: I think if I wasn't part plant, I woulda died by now. Guess I don't need as much.....
Kotetsu: "Hey, what's your name again?!"
Bara: *I yelled as a I continued walking* "Bara! The next best ninja ever!"
Kotetsu: "Heh, well good luck finding a place to eat!"
Bara: *groans* "Where's that ramen shop? I wanna try miso ramen.....*drools*
*stomach growls* Why didn't I ask them for some pocket change? Better yet, Where is that ramen shop? Let me think, I'm pretty sure it's on the main road from the gates to the hokage building so maybe it's down.....here?*checks next street* Here? *checks next street* Here?!"
This went on for a good 2 hours of the afternoon.
Bara: "Oh man.....I think I'm gonna.....collapse......need protein so......damn bad."
*sits down in front of a random shop*
Bara:*stomach roars* "WILL YOU SHUT UP, YOUR NOT HELPING!!!"*hits stomach* Oh man............bad idea.*falls over onto my side* "Maybe I should've......at least eaten breakfast....."*I close my eyes for a brief moment*
Bara:I should just wallow back to the damn tree......
???: "Hey, what are you doing laying on the ground?"
Bara: "No money.....no good food for a month.....need ramen....."
???: "Huh?? You're broke and want want ramen?"
Bara:" Pretty much...." NO s**t
???: "Well I got 2 coupons, so I guess I could skip my second helping if you want to have it for me."
Bara: "Coupons to where? I looked everywhere for the ramen shop, but I'm kinda new around here..."
???: "Hey, you look familiar..."
Bara: He sounds too familiar.....oh s**t *opens eyes and sits up*
Bara: *eyes go blank O_O* ".........Y-y-you're Naruto Uzumaki right??" Calm down Scott, don't let him know that you know too much about him...
Naruto: "Hmm? How do you know me??? Wait! you're that guy who almost ran me over at the gates!"
Bara: *shakes it off* "Oh yeah, sorry bout that."
Naruto: "Anyway, how do you know me? I've never seen you around..."
Bara: "Aren't you-" wait, think it out before you say it... "The guy who has the nine tailed fox in him? D'OH!
Naruto: "..........."*smile fades and he looks at the ground*
Naruto: ?!? "Huh?! You really think it's-"
Bara: "Dude! You're a freakin' hero! *narrowed eyes* Plus I'm sure you can access it's power by now you lucky-"
Naruto: *huge grin* "You actually think I'm a hero?"
Bara: "Well duh, why wouldn't you be?"
Naruto: *smile fades* "Well, you see everyone else thinks I'm a.....monster....just because it's inside me..."
Bara: "Well, if it's any consulation, I think you're just a normal person with a burden. It's not right anyone should look down on you."
Naruto: "Yeah! That's why I'm going to be the next hokage! So people will respect me!"
Bara: "Nice goal to be shootin for..."*stomach roars*
Naruto: "Hehehe....I'm guessin you're hungry?"
Bara: *looks down and does an anime sigh* "And broke....."
Naruto: "Hey, I got 2 coupons for 2 ramens here. You want a bowl of ramen?"
Bara: "Here?? Where's "here"?
Naruto: "The Ichiraku Ramen Shop or course! Heehee, it's my favorite food ever!" *big grin comes back*
Bara: "I've never had it before...." *drools as we sit down at the counter*
Kishimoto: "Coming up!"
Ayame: "I'm on it!"
Naruto: "You've never had ramen before?! How did you survive???"
Bara: "Let me just say this: Never EVER try to live off forest food, and NEVER eat the green berries." I hope he doesn't eat that freakin huge fruit later
Naruto and Bara: "Blech, I hate green food."
Naruto and Bara: "Hehehehe."
Naruto: "At least you can eat real food now right?"
*Ayame puts a steaming hot bowl of ramen in front of me*
Bara: *cries* "Ye-he-he-hesss"
Naruto and Bara: "Itadakamasu!"
Bara: *slow-motion first bite* "........."
Naruto: "Well?"
Bara: *smiles while crying then face flops into bowl*
Naruto: "WHOA! You ok?"*shakes Bara*
Ayame: "Is he going to be ok?"
Bara: *says into bowl* "YES. HE. WILL."*pulls head out of totally empty bowl with a very content looking face*
Bara: "That.....was by far.....the greatest thing.....I have ever tasted."
Naruto:*giggles with a huge grin* "Told ya. By the way, I never got your name."
Bara: *says while burping* "Ba-a-a-a-a-a-ra. Scusie."
Naruto: *falls on ground laughing*
Bara: "You gonna eat your ramen?"
Naruto: *gets up and wipes a tear away* "Yeah, that was hilarious though."
Bara: almost forgot I'm twelve again '-.-
Naruto: "Where are you from Bara?"
Bara: "Uh.....outta town...." thinks about a lie
Naruto: "Really? Where outta town?"
Bara:*pauses* "A....house a little ways outside the village. About five miles give or take."
Naruto: *looks curious while he starts scarfing his ramen* "Why outside the village?"
Bara: "Because if Konoha is ever under attack, I don't want any trouble with the enemy....."
Naruto: *talks through noodles* "You live alone?"
Bara: "Somewhat."
Naruto: *notices my headband before his face disappers behind the bowl* "But wait, you're the newest genin who passed the academy in only six months right? Then who's your jonin leader?"
Bara: "Yes and I don't really have one, I'm supposed to be going on missions with random squads."
Naruto: "Nani?! *makes agitated eyes after forcing his bowl down* That sounds annoying, what made old man hokage decide that?"
Bara: "Well, all the other teams are full. Every other jonin has to do missions which leaves me to wait."
Naruto: "Awww....it woulda been nice to have an advantage over other teams if you part of mine...."
Bara: "Well, tomorrow I gotta talk to the hokage about which team I'm going on for the chuunin exams."
Naruto: *yells practically into my ear* "NANI?! You're barely a genin and you're already going to try to become a chuunin?!"
Bara:*whispers* "Come 'ere."
Naruto: *Brings his ear closer to my mouth*
Bara: *really big head* "DON'T YELL IN MY EAAAAR!!!!"
Naruto: *falls out of chair and rubs head* Geez, I don't think even Sakura would do that...
Bara:*calms down* "Anyway, maybe I can try to persuade the hokage to put me on your team. Which team is it again?"
Naruto: "Team 7!"
We both said thanks to Ayame and Kishimoto and walked out of the Ramen shop. It was getting pretty late, the sun was about an hour away from setting.
Bara: "Well, thanks for the grub."
Naruto: "Where ya goin now?"
Bara:*shrugs* "To train till I drop."
Naruto: "You train at night too??"
Bara: "Why not? Training's good anytime."
Naruto: "Why don't you come by my training area today so we can train together?"
Bara: *gets exited* "That sounds good!" duuuuuuude, trainin with Naruto Uzumaki! Freakin sweet!
So he lead me there through the trees. Even though it was gettin a little bit darker it wasn't to hard to see an orange jumpsuit, that thing is visible from space I swear...
Naruto: "Well, here we are!"
Bara: "Wow, it's got targets and everything...."
Naruto: "Hey, I got a question for you. How could you pass the academy in only six months if you don't have a sensei or targets even!?"
Bara: "I...." uh oh, can't say, "oh my sensei's a tree"
Naruto: "And why do you wear that cloak around your arm?"
Bara: *looks away and makes panicy eyes* crap crap crap crap crap
Naruto: "Hmm?*looks curious and walks over to me* You ok?"
Bara: "Yeah....I just can't tell you about my sensei or my arm right now..."
Naruto:*thinks of a flashback where a random little kid comes up to him and asks why he's different* ".................... *smiles and puts his hand on my shoulder* It's ok."
Bara: "Thanks....*turns around and looks determined* Now lets just train."
Naruto: "First one to drop loses."
Bara: "Ready..." *pulls out kunai*
Naruto: "Set..." *pulls out shurikens*
Both: "GO!!!"
So we trained all night showing off whenever we could. I hit the targets with shuriken and kunai at least twice as well as Naruto. Then he ran up a tree and stood horizantally laughing while I just stood there yelling, "You have GOT to teach me that!!". At about midnight we both collapsed almost simutaneously (even though I hit the ground first I didn't tell him). We gazed at the moon and stars for what seemed like forever. It sounds cheezy but, as I looked up at the unpolluted night sky I thought as I slipped into sleep, "The sky is so much clearer here....I'm so happy my first friend here is.....Naruto...".
<Naruto> So I trained with this Bara guy all night, we even made a competition out of it! He's fun to train with, he's not as great as me, but he's probably about as strong as Sasuke. At least at taijutsu, I know I could beat him easy. Hey! I should challenge him tonight! By the way, it's morning now and since he's still asleep....
Naruto: *poke poke* "Bara? You awake??"
*snoring continues*
Naruto: "HEY BARA!!!!"
Bara: *opens one eye slighty*
Naruto: "You wanna go get some breakfast?"
Bara:*while rolling over and yawning I say:* "Sleep.....good.....food......."*snores*
Naruto: "Ok, when I come back you better be ready for a fight then!"
Bara: "God......you're loud....."*puts hands over ears*
Naruto: "Hehehehe, see you then!"
Then of course, his curiosity got the best of him....
Naruto: I wonder whats under that cloak.....*examines cloak*
Bara: "Zzzzz......Zzzzzz.......ZzzzzzzzzzZzZ......."*rolls over onto back*
Naruto: *makes serious face* *has flashback* Bara: Yeah....I just can't tell you about my sensei or my arm right now...
Naruto: I know I shouldn't but....what if it's a weapon? *imagines a bigass gun under my cloak*
Naruto: "Well....I'm going to go get breakfast now....be ready..." Cause in the fight, I'll "accidentally" hit the cloak with shurikens!
Bara:*says lazily while waving arm in the air* "Don't wait u~p...."
<Bara> So he turned around and dashed through the trees to go get breakfast, while I slept. What? It was 7am! I knew he was looking at my cloak judging by the akward silence. About 3 hours later I woke up, (believe it or not) and started stretching to get ready for a match with Naruto... Meanwhile, Naruto was off bein the average....annoying.
Naruto: "Sakura!"
Sakura: *keeps walking* Gah....Naruto again! I should just keep walking.
Naruto: "Sakura!!!"
Sakura: *stops and sighs* Might as well see what he wants... *turns around*
Naruto: "Saku-OOMPH!"
Sakura: "NARUTO YOU IDIOT!" *hits him on the head*
Naruto: *big bump forms* "Sakura! I'm goin to fight the new guy!"
Sakura: *calms down* "Huh? New guy? *flashbacks to when Bara ran past her at the gate* Oh! the newest genin. What about him?"
Naruto: *catches breath* "His name's Bara and I'm gonna fight him!"
Sakura:*yells* "Fight the newest genin?! What's wrong with-"
Naruto: "It's ok, he said we could after we trained all last night!"
Sakura: "Oh, well.... is he....strong?"
Naruto: "Not as strong as me, but....he is strong."
Sakura: "And why's you wanna tell me about it?"
Naruto: "Cause I was wonderin if you'd watch me!*big smile* We'll be over on the academy grounds since nobodies there today."
Sakura: "What about Sasuke?"
Naruto: *frowns* "He'd just criticize me, but I guess if he-"
Sakura: "I'll go see if he wants to." *dashes away*
Naruto: "Gaaaaaah! It's not like you need permission!!!"
But she was already half-way to his house by the time he yelled.
Sakura: "Sasuke!"
Sasuke walked out all casual and cool-like as always.
Sasuke: ".....What?"
Sakura: "Naruto's gonna fight Bara!"
Sasuke: "Hmm?"
Sakura: "Oh! He's the guy who ran past us on our way back into the village."
Sasuke: "Oh, him, and Naruto's just gonna try and beat him already?"
Sakura: "Yeah, he asked if we'd watch him."
Sasuke: "You're sure he mentioned me?"
Sakura: "Uh...yeah!"
Sasuke: "Hm, might as well..."
*they dash off toward the academy*
Meanwhile Naruto and I were already about to start.
Naruto: "You ready?!"
Bara: *makes bored face and talks through a yawn* "You're up and training this early everyday?"
Naruto: "Yup! I thought you said, 'Training's good anytime.' "
Bara: "Yeah....when I'm awake....usually around twel-"
*kunai flies at me*
Naruto: "Awake now?"
Bara: O_O
Naruto: "Let's go then!"
*We both charge at each other*
Naruto throws the first punch right as Sakura and Sasuke perch themselves on the school's roof.
I then jump back to dodge, but he throws a shuriken and it grazes my cloak. Then I counter attack by trying to punch him in the face but he jumps straight into the air. Shadow Clone Jutsu!
Bara: "Crap!" *five fists come flying at me*
Naruto: "Take this!"
Bara: *I say quickly* "I thought there'd be no jutsu! Oh well...." Bark Armor!
Everybody looks shocked.
Bara: *I block 2 of the punches and punch out one of them while the last two double punch my armor to try to break it, but fail*
Naruto: "Not bad newbie!" *charges at me again with other clone aiming for the same spot on my armor*
Bara: "No you DON'T!" *roundhouse kicks one clone into the other and the real Naruto flinches back*
Naruto: "Hehehe" *poof*
Bara: ?!? *The real Naruto hits me square in the face and I go flying back*
Bara: "Damn.... To be honest, I've never been hit, or gotten in a fight for that matter....this is pretty interesting...*throws shuriken as I hit the ground*
Sakura: "Go Naruto!"
Sasuke: ".........."
Bara: *gets up only to find five more Narutos charging at him*
Naruto: "I'm gonna win this!"
Bara: *smirks* Grass Needles! *about five hundred grass blades shoot out of the ground to hit all the Naruto clones*
Naruto: "Gaaaaaaaah!" *four Naruto's go poof, while Naruto recooperates and looks at the several pieces of grass sticking out of his clothes*
Bara: "Don't worry, I wouldn't let them puncture you.....deeply." *retains smile*
Naruto: *serious smile* "Heh...You're not the one who should be worrying....." Tajuu Kage Bushin no Jutsu! *50 Naruto's appear and surround me*
Bara: Well, this is what I wanted in my universe!
Suddenly the Naruto's don't slow down, but they all have somewhat of an after-image.
Bara: *punches at the first Naruto after-image*
Bara: "Hehehe...." So this is what the Tree was tellin me about when he mentioned kekkai genkai...
Bara: Leaf Shuriken! *jumps straight up as hundreds of leaves from trees blazed through the crowd of Naruto's below*
The sound of poofing seemed endless as the cloud of smoke bolstered higher and wider.
Bara: C'mon....I know you're comin outta there.... *starts falling*
Naruto: *silence*
Bara:*I land on the ground on my guard*
Right as the clouds clear, I see a slightly battle-scarred Naruto wielding a kunai, panting.
Naruto: "Only....ranged attacks?"
Sasuke and Sakura just stand there, sakura in awe and Sasuke with his eyebrow raised.
Bara: *my eyes widen* OH s**t!
Naruto: Kage Bushin no Jutsu! *Only about twenty Naruto's appear.*
Bara: *makes fake crying face* "I feel insulted..."
Naruto: *twenty battle cries*
Bara: Gah, I really don't wanna show ALL my moves in just this fight!
Naruto: *All twenty of the clones throw shuriken*
This has to be one of the dumbest things I ever do......
Bara: "Pff, no problem" *blocks the one's that can hit me in the face and part of my stomach*
*thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk thunk*
Sakura gasps and Sasuke looks bored of course, I could tell he was a little pleased though.
Bara:*charges at Naruto with a punch with my torn-up, partially cloak-covered fist* Grass Needles!
Naruto: *As all the clones but him are blown away, the original stands there, charging at the seemingly inhuman fist and at the last second gets serious. He blocks the blow and hits me right in the stomach, piercing my armor*
Bara: *gasps and notices my own arm while flying backward*
Everyone just stands there, stunned after Naruto hit me. Even Naruto is at a loss of words when I finally get up.
Bara: *pant*........*gasp* "I guess....you win this time....." * I look up at Sakura and Sasuke as they stare at me, judging whether or not I'm strong or not*
Naruto: "You're....pretty tough.....for a newbie...."
Bara: *falls down on back and smiles*
Sakura: "It's over..."
Sasuke: ".....hmph..."
Sakura: That Bara's got some powerful ninjutsu, but he couldn't stand up to Naruto's stamina.
Naruto: *sits down* "Man Bara....you didn't have to hold back...."
Bara: "Yeah well....I'll show you what I really got.....in the chunin exams"
There was a short silence in the air that seemed to last hours.
Sakura: "Way to go Naruto!"
Sasuke: "......" So Naruto's stronger than the newest genin.....big deal... "What's the deal with your arm Bara?"
Bara: *ignores Sasuke* "Well, I think I'm just gonna sleep here for awhile to recover."
Naruto: "What?! You just woke up!!"
Bara: "Yeah, and look what happened when I did."
Naruto: *walks over to me and puts 4 ramen tickets on my chest*
Bara: "I guess I have something to look forward to when I wake up now. Thanks man." *smiles before closing eyes*
Naruto: *big grin* "Wouldn't want you starving yourself again with forest food."
Bara and Naruto: "blech..."
Naruto: *laughes* "Make sure to go on missions to get money, I can't feed you forever."
Bara: Yeah.....*right before Naruto and the others go I say* "Hey Sasuke, maybe we'll get a chance to fight in the chunin exams."
Sasuke: *shrugs* "Just don't waste my time."
As I start falling back asleep, I hear Naruto bragging to Sakura. I finally wake up about three hours later.
Bara: Ahhh. NOW I'm awake. Hey, it's been two whole days since I saw the tree, he's probably happy and content since I'm gone.....Better go bother- I mean, check up on him.
So I get half-way through the forest and...
*shurikens come at my face out of nowhere*
Bara: "CRAP!" *jumps to the ground*
*extreme silence*
Bara: "Weird....even shinobi make some sound while moving...."
*shurikens come from all directions*
Bara:*dodges* "Show yourself!"
*Ten odd looking people surround me*
Bara: Aw maaaaan, too many....What should I do-
*They all charge at me without making a sound*
Bara:*jumps straight up*
*five stay down and throw shuriken while the other five jump up to punch me*
Bara:*smirks* "Clumsy strategy you got there guys." *punches one into another, kicks two more away, grabs the last one in the air to make him take all the shuriken blows*
Bara: "A clone?? NO! You're all clones!" *upon further inspection I realize they all are made of wood*
*eight clones poof away while one steps forward and speaks*
???: "I see you've learned somethings from the training..."
Bara: "Great Tree?!!?"
Clone: "Yes, I've made a wood clone to-"
Bara: "These clones are waaaaaaay better than the shadow clones! They can sustain damage!!"
Clone: "Right, but it takes a lot more chakra to make them, so fewer are made."
Bara: "Why the hell did you attack me?!!"
Clone: "To see if you've dealed with more than one attacker. On an actual mission you need to be able to react if you and you're teamates are outnumbered. That's why I don't want you to come back until you've done a mission. You need real world experience."
Bara: Depending on what you think real is "How am I going to get a mission? I don't have a jonin leader or teamates."
Clone: "Have you even asked for a mission yet?"
Bara: *beady eyes* "Ummmm......"
Clone: "You're obviously ready to be without me for more than two days."
Bara: "Yeah, I guess you're right....I'd just rather learn from you since you're the only one who can teach me any jutsu."
Clone: *smiles* "I suppose I'll teach you more jutsu if you finish the mission."
Bara:*groans* "But what if it's a crappy mission?"
Clone: "Stop complaining!"
Bara: *sigh* "Well I guess I'll see ya later than...."
Clone: "Hold on." *walks over to me and hits me on the head*
Bara:*big bump forms* "WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?!!!"
Clone: "For acting like a smartass!!!"
Bara:*rubs head* "Gaaaaaah.....later old man."
But I was already laughing my way through the trees back to Konoha.
By the time I reached the Hokages office the sun was about to set and the whole village seemed to be settling down.
*knock knock*
3rd: "Come in."
Bara: "Wazzup Hokage?"
3rd: "Hmm? *looks up* Oh it's you Bara...What did you come here for?"
Bara: "I need a team for a mis-"
3rd: "I saw the fight between you and Naruto."
Bara: Damn, forgot about that crystal ball thing "Does that thing get cable?"
3rd: *ignores joke* "How did you use-"
Bara: "Helloooo mission please???"
3rd: *clears throat* "Erm, mission?"
Bara: "Yeah, I figured if going to be a shinobi for this village, even though I don't have a team I should pull my wait for everyone."
3rd: *smiles* "Hmmm."
Bara: "What's hmmm?"
3rd: "I'm just glad to see that you want to help our village."
Bara: "Aaaaaaand....."
3rd: "Hmm?"
Bara: "I've been broke for about a month now."
3rd: "How have you survived?"
Bara: "Don't ever live off the woods and do not EVER eat unripened berries."
3rd: "Hahahaha. *takes a drag on his pipe* Talk to me in the morning, I'll have to discuss the matter overnight with the council and find a D-rank mission for you."
Bara: "You'd stay up just for me??? Geez....If it'd bother you that much you dun have to-"
3rd: "Nonsense. If you're willing to help the village, then I'm willing to help you."
Bara: "Wow, thanks...I don't know what to say..."
3rd: "You could tell me how you recieved the mokuton style jutsu."*looks serious*
Bara:*blinks twice* "Well duh, my sensei taught me."
3rd: "Who is your sensei."
Bara: "Maaaaaaaan....He told me I can't tell anyone though, I wasn't even supposed to show my arm to you."
3rd: "So why did you?"
Bara: "Well, because I trust you."
3rd: "Then why can't you tell me about your sensei?"
Bara: *walks over to open window and makes shaded eyes* ".......He's not human....."
3rd: What is with this boy? Perhaps his sensei is the one who brought him here and gave him that arm.... "Very well, let's leave it as it is then."
Bara: *smirks* "I see you're not as suprised as last time."
3rd: "Go on, I have work to do."
Bara: *jumps out window* "Thanks Hokage!"
3rd: "He's going to make things interseting around here...." *takes a long drag*
So I went back through the forest at dusk, unattacked this time.
Bara: "I'm back!"
Great Tree: *annoyed* "You better have a mission to be here...."
Bara: ".......I think you need a hobby dude."
Bara: "It means YOU'RE A GRUMPY OLD TREE!"
Bara: "I got the Hokage to put a mission together for me tonight since it was short notice. Which means HE'S taking time for MEEEEE."
*lightning between eye and trunk then I turn around*
Bara: "My only problem is, is that you sent me into a village not being able to tell anyone about my ARM or ORIGIN!!!"
Great Tree: "Well....I uh....*sighes* I'm sorry about the conditions you're under."
Bara: *annoyed sigh* "I'm goin to bed."
Great Tree: "Very well, I'll wake you at dawn."
So I slept for about eight hours before being disturbed by quite a loud sound.
*loud explosion somewhere nearby*
Bara: *falls out of tree* "OH s**t! *lands on head* I maybe hard-headed, but if I get brain damage!-"
Great Tree: "What was that.*goes totally silent* Ahhhh....Why don't you go check it out Bara?"
Bara: "Ok, but does Ibuprofen exist in this universe?"
Great Tree: "...Just go check it out."
Bara:*rubs head* "Fine...he doesn't seem as pissy as usually is *dashes toward the source of the explosion*
I go about two-hundred yards before.....
Bara: *eyes widen* "Oh god.....I hate deja vu....."*hops on unsteady branch*
Lee: "I did it Guy-sensei! I completed the hidden-"
*branch snaps*
Bara: "GAAAAAAAAAAH! OOMPH!!! *rubs head....again* is my head that dense?
Gai: "Who is it?!"
Bara: "I'm alright...I mean, just me."
Gai: "Hmm?" *notices headband* Another-
Bara: "We interupt you're likely thought of "another genin?" for this: Yes, I'm a late graduate Gai-sensei."
Gai: "You know of me?" I knew I was known by everyone *smiles*
Bara: "Yeah...somewhat...."
Lee: "What is your name and why do you have a cloak wrapped around your arm like that?"
Bara: "Name's Bara, the cloak is for extra protection, cause I like to block with one arm, hit with the other."
Lee: "I'd rather just hit with either at any given time."
Bara: "Meh. So what are you doing out here.....what's your name?"
Lee: "My name is Rock Lee and I am going to prove to the world that I can be a great ninja knowing taijutsu alone!"
Bara: "Very noble, I'm not very good at taijtsu though, I'd rather use ninjutsu."
Lee: "Why don't you show me what you've got?!" *punches at my face*
Bara: "WHOA!" *barely dodges* damn he's fast! "Nononononono, I can't spar right now I was just-"
Gai: "Spying on our training session?!"
Bara: "......Wha?"
Guy: "You were trying to spy on the secret technique I was teaching Lee!"
Bara: (This "gai" needs help) "No, it's just kinda hard to sleep when an EXPLOSION knocks you out of bed!" Crap, said to much again! Oh well, I gotta go get my first mission from the Hokage, later Lee!"
Gai: ?!?! "I'm here too! And how do I know you're not a spy?!!!"
But I was already racing towards the gates to Konoha before he held me up anymore. I realized I can't keep saying where I live or anything like that around people I know. I then nearly crapped my pants when I remembered who was on his team....Neji. I gotta COMPLETELY stay away from Hyuugas now courtesy of my arm.
I arrived at the Hokage's window right as he entered his room.
Bara: "G'morning Hokage, can I have my first mission now?"
3rd: "My my, a kid up at dawn for a mission. You're very dedicated, now, your mission is to clean up the chuunin exam arena of all the wreckage from the previous exam."
Bara: "I get to go into thee chuunin exam arena? That's awesome!" Even though Naruto got to take down Haku and Zabuza, this isn't too boring
3rd: *hands Bara a clearence pass* "Make sure to show this to the ANBU in a black cloak at the entrance, if he thinks you're a spy he's allowed to kill you."
Bara: *gulps* ".....Die? Even if he sees my head band??" *shivers* Why die?
3rd: "Oh, and good luck removing traps that successful spies planted." *lights up his pipe and sits down*
Bara: "Aw maaaaaaan, there's no way this isn't that ANBU guy's job. Why not him?"
3rd: "For every trap you bring back and object of wreckage you clean-up, you get $20."
Bara: *already at window* "Wish me luck, thanks again!" *dashes out window* "Moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey!" Geezus I need new clothes!
3rd: *chuckles and takes a drag of his pipe*
I got to the arena's entrance, but couldn't find the ANBU guy so I looked around knowing I probably shouldn't call out for him/her. After twenty minutes of searching I gave up and waltzed into the main ground.
Bara: "Wow....I sure hope I can eventually fight here..." *looks around to notice that someone was practicing among the wreckage of rubble and trees*
???: "Who are you and why are you here!?"
Bara: "I was sent by the Hokage to clean up this place, what's your excuse?" Well, it's obviously a girl judging by her voice tone... "And what's that thing on your head?"
???: "The hokage says I'm allowed to prcatice here, I even asked him myself. This is is Gao." *picks the green rabbit off her masked head and shows Bara*
Bara: "Why Gao?"
Gao: "Gao gao!"
Bara: "Oh...." I shoul've figured "What's your name and uh....what's with the classic ninja get-up?" (she's wearing a classic black ninja suit with only her blue eyes visible, she was about my age)
???: "I'm not telling you! You wanna fight about it?!"
Bara: "Well, it would be nice to spar against somebody every once in a while, why not?"
???: "Uh...you're serious? You really wanna fight me?"
Bara: "Well yeah, you offered me a fight so why not?"
???: "I actually don't like to fight...I was just kidding"
Bara: "You're a ninja who can't fight?"
???: "I...I can if want to..."*trails off as she put Gao on her head*
Bara: So that's why she's training here... "Meh, whatever...hey if you don't wanna fight would you mind help me clean up this place?"
???: "Sure, I can do that!" *cheers up and removes the black mask revealing her to have long blond hair*
Bara: Didn't see that coming...*slightly blushes*
We cleaned the whole battle ground and even threw out all the trash in the spectator seats which took us about 6 hours, which suprisingly there wasn't much garbage and we only found 2 dud explosive tags. The whole time the ANBU never showed which worried me a little.
???: "Yay, we did it!"
Gao: "Gao gao!"
Bara: *wipes sweat off forehead* "So...much...labor...*looks over at the girl* But I guess it was worth it right?"
???: "Yeah! mission accomplished- Oh no, what time is it?!" *she looked at the sun as it shined late-noon*
Bara: "I think I'll have lunch after I turn all this stuff into the Hokage, do you want to-"
???: "Sorry, gotta go, bye!" *sprints passed me, out the gate*
Bara: ".....Who was she? I don't remember her from this world....well then again, I wasn't shown the entire community in the show I guess..." *notices Gao on the ground* "Oh no....did you fall off when she sprinted home?
Gao: "Gao gao...." *shows a red mark on his paw*
Bara: "Hmm....Hey, you can heal on my head while I turn in this stuff ok? Don't fall off though." *places Gao on my head*
Gao: "Gao Gao!" *smiles*
Bara: "Hang on!" *dashes out of the arena and to the Hokage's*
Little did I know that I was being watched the whole time while with the girl. I finally got to his office with a stuffed bag full of crap.
Bara: "I'd say there's at least $700 worth of-"
3rd: "Garbage...I said wreckage, not garbage...For what you have I'll give you...$200 since I'm sure you need the money as soon as possible."
Bara: I've never made that much in my life O_O "Aww.....oh well, can't complain now that I got food money." *takes wad of cash*
3rd: "By the way, what's that on your head?"
Bara: "Huh? Oh, this is Gao the....whatever it is...a friend of mine forgot about it on accident. I'm gonna return it later."
3rd: "It looks like a rabbit....very cute." *pets gao then takes out a scroll with my name on it and stamps a D on it* "Your first mission is complete, I'll look into why the ANBU wasn't at his post later...for now, you can rest and wait for me to put together a team for you so you can go on more missions."
Bara: "Take your time Hokage, I'm in no rush." *walks out onto the balcony and sits on the railing* "Thanks again!" *falls off the railing on purpose*
Gao: "Gao gao gao!" *waves to the hokage*
3rd: "Be prepared! *smiles and lights his pipe* A green rabbit that says gao....Have I seen it somewhere before?"
Minutes later I was on a bench at the park near the ninja academy wrapping Gao's injured foot with a bandage.
Bara: "There....we....go." *ties off the bandage*
Gao: "Gao! Gao gao!"
Bara: "You're welcome...now how am I gonna find your master? Do you know where she lives?"
Gao: "Gao!" *starts hopping into the streets*
Bara: I'm following a green rabbit that says gao....this is why anime is better than my world *smiles while following Gao* It's still a little weird though...
Gao led me to a bakery to a part of town I'd never seen in the show, then again I'd seen a map of Konoha before. It was a lot bigger than my hometown.
Sorry if it's a little sloppy still, copying and pasting italics from wordpad or microsoft word doesn't work apparently. If anyone could tell me how to link it to my journal I'd update the story more. Thanks for reading again! razz
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[img:b92278acf8]http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll310/ThePinkPanther83/Caution.jpg[/img:b92278acf8]]Bara----> [img:b92278acf8]http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa248/KaMiLLoTs/Games/lutadesenhowf3.gif[/img:b92278acf8]
[img:b92278acf8]http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll310/ThePinkPanther83/Caution.jpg[/img:b92278acf8]]Bara----> [img:b92278acf8]http://i197.photobucket.com/albums/aa248/KaMiLLoTs/Games/lutadesenhowf3.gif[/img:b92278acf8]