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well this is were I feel like talkin bout myself. So yea my names Jemal but most people at school call me Jake. I'm pretty fun perverted sometimes.....scratch that all the time. I live to skateboard my friend recently gave me his foundation cuz my deathwish broke in half. I'm almost 15yrs can't wait till may 16th. The love of my lifes name is Savannah(pooky_the_bear1). If u ******** with her I will find you. Me in her have something better then emo love it's called juggalo love and she's my juggalette. I've been down wit the carnival for going on 5yrs starting June 9th. If you don't like the carnival you can suck my nuts I laugh at you yuppie ********. Oh one more important thing I take my friends very seriously and I advize you not the ******** with them r your getting an axe to the forehead. If your wondering no I'm not a virgin lost my v card may 16th 2007. I've had sex so much times it's hard to count I wod say like 9 or 10.....thousand times<-----of course that's an exageration I would say 29 times tops

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