We met in sixth grade at a track meet.
I was too shy to introduce myself.
Our counselor introduced us.
I remember where we sat in the bleachers.
Fourth row from the top, all the way over by the last set of stairs.
Why we sat there, and not with our teams, I wasn't sure.
You had a crush on my gym teacher...I thought you were weird.
Our teams...yeah they hated it (since we were against each other)
Did we care? Frak no!
Did we hang out at Odegard Park our first play date?
Yeah. Amazing feeling like a 6 year old again...only without the dumb tiny desks.
Seventh grade:
We never really talked. We were still friends, but middle school was scaring us a bit too much.
We took a short break from each other(six hours, wow)
We couldn't stay mad at each other (by the way, I am supreme over lord of the squirrel world)
We laughed like little girls...until I twitched and accidentally hit your head (still sorry for that)
Our friendship has always been rocky...you lived 45 minutes south of me, and our schools were rivals.
I did softball in 8th grade, you didn't.
You did softball in 9th grade, I didn't.
That didn't meen crap though. We still went and supported each other.
Our school's still hated each other, but we cheered on both teams.
Nineth grade rolled around,
Dustin and I started getting a little tensed from one another.
He broke my heart, you vowed to break his face...you didn't...
Another d-bag broke your heart, sweetie I kept pissing him off via facebook.
We got our boyfriends to give us another chance each.
We laughed together, vowed to get married together (not too sure how that'd work)
We also vowed to be friends forever.
Tenth grade, never really talked. We chatted here and there, but school was still getting the best of us. We didn't really hang out, though you still came to my sixteenth party. By the way, thanks for the candle and lotion. Loved it.
Eleventh grade, we talked a bit more, but I was also sick a lot more.
I found out I had to get my tonsils out the day my papa would've turned 80 years old.
I found out I had to get them out the day before I turned 17 years old.
My 17th birthday sucked but when I called you that night, I was still loopy as F*ck and singing about dolphins, hippos (and how Dustin ate mine).
You were shocked I was able to talk.
Our biggest fall out was last Tuesday (or was it wednesday?) and I won't go into the details of it on gaia. But you know I was always there for you and always will be. Whether or not you'll be there for me is up to you. But you know I'm always here.
Right from the beginning we were friends.
We clicked.
We understood one another.
I don't know where we went wrong...or how we managed to drift apart.
One day we were best friends, now we're not.
I miss you. I'm sorry. I'm here.
<3 always, Chelsea Laine
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