1. Your name spelled backwards. giVcM assileM htuR 2. Where were your parents born? uuuuh..... I dunno! I think my mom in Worsley, AB, though! Hey I know where my grandma was born! in Britain! 3. What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? a music video. Question! by System of a Down and Feel Good Inc. by Gorillaz (They both kinda finished at the same time...) 4. What's your favorite restaurant? ummmm.... Dairy Queen! 5. Last time you swam in a pool? When I was.. in grade 8 or 9.. 6. Have you ever been in a school play? nope..well, actually, for a School Christmas play where everyone in the school HAS to be in something (that was in elementry^^) 7. How many kids do you want? about.. oh.. 3! Sounds like a good number! 8. Type of music you dislike most? Opera! 9. Are you registered to vote? uhhh...noooo.. that's for old people... I'm kinda underage.... 10. Do you have a car? pfft! My family? Give me a car? Or us actually having an extra one that runs? Hah! I wish! 11. Have you ever ridden on a moped? Noooope! But Solberg has one apparantly! And he keeps hitting Dria's head with his locker razz But she's gone now, and he's FINALLY gone now too! he wassupposed to be leaving for a few years now! 12. Ever prank call anybody? yes, just last March biggrin 13. Ever get a parking ticket? uuuh... nooo.. that's not possible without a vehicle 14. Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? bungee jumping! I'm extremely afraid of heights but I love to do new thhings and take risks! And I'd also know there was a rope to keep me safe! Unless it breaks of course..... 16. Do you have a garden? No, why? 17. What's the size of your bed? Twin. And it's always made.. usually. Kah! I'm such a freak! 18. Do you really know all the words to your national anthem? Yes! And most of it in French too! 19. Bath or Shower, morning or night? Shower.. at night. Morning makes me feel even more tired and baths take too long 20. Best Movie You've seen in the Last 4 months? The answer to this used to be Doom!^^ (http://www.livejournal.com/users/sunset_rain/) But... I suppose it's Madagascar now... still wanna see Chronicles of Narnia....... 21. What's the next movie you want to see? uuuuuhhhh.... Advent Children! YAH! Or, Chronicles of Narnia 22. Chips or popcorn? Chips. 23. Have you ever broken any hearts? Yerps. 25. Are you a good cook? Yes... at least when I have all the ingredients I need biggrin sometime my house doesn't have much..... 26. Orange or Apple juice? apple! The yellow ones! 28. Favorite type of drink? milkshakes.. or soda..or water 29. Best thing in the world? ME! heh, not. I'd say, music. I'd die without it! 30. Have you ever broken a bone? Nopes 31. Have you ever won a trophy? Think so.... 32. What is your favorite board game? ummmm... Parchisi(sp) I like knocking peoples back to home!^^ or Monopoly! So I like losing! 33. What is your dream car? oooh! A nice yet affordable sports car. Maybe a Lamborghini... or.. I dunno... forget my list! *whimpers* But for more practical cars... umm.. maybe a sunfire? *shrugs* can't remember all the new brands out on the market 34. Ever order an article from an infomercial? Noooo..those things are stupid 35. Coke or Pepsi? Pepsi! Though at school,the only between them is Coke.... 36. Have you ever had to wear a uniform to work? Nopes 37. Last thing you bought from a pharmacy? Shampoo 40. Do you believe in love at first sight? Um. yah. suppose. 41. What features do you find most attractive in the opposite sex? um... probably the eyes... and maybe if they have a good personality.... 43. How many pairs of shoes do you own? uuum.... let's see.... 3 pairs of sandals, high heeled boots, rubbers, skater shoes, 2 pairs of runners So... 8.. including slippers...used to be 12!^^ got rid of my small ones. Counted my around home sandals and runners too.... 2 for 1 sale for sandals biggrin and I counted my slippers cuz I love them cuz they're warm and fuzzy! ^^ 44. Last song stuck in your head? Roxanne by... I dunno... had it during a quiz.... 45. Any pets? ummm... 2 boy cats and 1 dog... that're mine... so there's 2 dogs, about 15 cats... whole lotta cows.. gophers.... mice.... heh! most are just animals! ^^ like the cows, gophers and mice! 47. What is one thing you would like to learn to do? Speak certain languages... 48. What do you do when you are bored? play vid games... watch music vids, watch tv.. draw, listen to music, read, write, clean... that's when I'm reeeeally bored when I clean! 49. What is one thing you would want someone to appreciate about you? My optimism in life 50. What is one thing you are grateful for today? that I think dad realized it's his fault I missed shcool today^^ HAH! He usually says I'm hookie even when I'm very sick (my dad's 60.. he uses old words! and I'm only 16! almost 17! very big age difference^^)
Your Birthday: March 22, 1989 Your Age Now: 16, 17 in 2 1/2 months ^^ Your Location: Bruce/Ryley, Alberta My HOME, yes, Mother, HOME in Bruce School Grade: 11! School Name: Ryley High School Sex: Feeeemale!
YOUR LOOKS: Hair Color: strawberry blond Eye: 3 rings of diff shades of green (inside French green, middle emerald and outside sorta forest green) if they change, blue/grey like my dad's Height: 5'8" Hah! I'm taller than Dria! 5 inches! YAH! (Dria=DriaKitty)
Do you care about the way you look? Yes. Cause I kinda don't go to school without brushing my hair, changing my clothes or brushing my teeth and what not! Do you like your hair? Yes! Love the color and it's nice and straight and easy to manage! Do you get tan? nooo... only burn..... wait.. I FINALLY got one this summer after a huge and painful burn...but it very light..but it was a tan! And Dria got burned along with me that day biggrin Do you have big ears? nope.. they're quite small... same with my lobes.... Do you have contacts or glasses? both.. contacts for school and going somewhere. Though I CAN see perfexctly fine without either! just a wee bit blurry! Do you have braces? Nopes Do you rank your speed dial in order of your favorite friends: uh, speed dial?My phone doesn't have speed dial! And if it did, it'd be ranked by whoever came to mind first! Who do you e-mail the most? ummm...prolly friends... don't know who though. Maybe Dria Who knows ALL your secrets? no one Who did you get this survey from? heh! I stole it from Dria! razz And then I stole it from my own page in Live Journal! url is above Do your friends 'know' you? umm.. mostly... not everything. Still stuff they make assumptions about Are there traits in you that are universally liked? heh? How many people do you tell everything to? no one. There's just some things... How many people tell you everything? no one. I'm outta the loop on almost everything
THIS OR THAT: Deaf or Blind: Blind. Don't think I could live without music. And I could hear people whispering about me or someone else! Heightened senses, man! razz And I usually walk around in the dark at night. The light burns the eyes when you just turn it on! Truth or Dare: uhh. dare.... Night or Day: Day... have to live in the day! Ocean or Pool: Ocean! Pool's suck! Chlorine! gak! Smoker or Nonsmoker: Nonsmoker! Why is this even a question?!? Croutons or Bacon bits: Croutons! mmmmmm! especially the different flavors!
EITHER/OR: Coffee or hot chocolate? coooooffeee! lurves the stuff! New or old? old. the best things are the old things. Friends... toys (cause they dun make em like they used to) memories.... Sweater or sweatshirt? sweater! Pencil or pen? Pen T-shirt or tank top? t-shirt Stripes or solid? Solid Wool or cotton? Cotton.. Rose or Lily? Lily Private school or public school? Public. Private are soooooo boring! No socailness! How are you supposed to have some fun with guys! They're really quite interesting Chocolate milk or plain milk? Chocolate! YOOO! Chocaholic! Spring or Fall? Spring! It's warm and means Winter has ended ^^ History or Science? Science... though it was the better of the 2.... but I'm actually interested in CERTAIN histories
IN THE PAST 2 WEEKS, HAVE YOU: Cried? Nopers.. don't cry much Bought something? uuuum.. no..... Not known the answer in class? newp. even when I didn't do my Bio hw, I still faked it and and answered the question the teacher asked me too quite well! Been mean? yes! today! I double dissed Dria! 2 disses in one! I'm SUCH an a**! ^^ Been sarcastic? Yes, one of my favorite pass times! Gone for a walk? ummmmm....yah Gone out for dinner? um..New Years! Went to one of my cousin's houses that fall in the category of 'Awesome" Met someone new? um, yes! she's in my friend list! ellectricxromance Said "I love you"? nope Taken a test? nope, first week back at school. Though I do have Bio Test on Mon... Talked to an ex? nope..he's never on! Though he's quite a lovable guy ^^ Missed an ex? kinda... he was lovable ^^ Written in a journal? eee... aren't I doing that right now?
HAVE YOU EVER: Been in a quiet room and screamed so there would be noise: no.. I'm never in a quiet room... Left The Country? yes.. went to the States. Washington, to be exact Taken Any Illegal Substances? Nopers. Not THAT stupid! Gone out in your pajamas? Yes! I love my pgs so much I wish I could wear them all the time! Set Yourself Or A Body Part On Fire? no! HAH! imagine that would hurt, though! Started dancing when there was no music? yes! I have my own little dance even! Most my friends have even witnessed my happy/bored dance! Pretended you were an opera singer? hehe, nooo! Kept a secret from everyone? LOTSA times! privateness! Or too keep from being kicked outta my home.....my parents don't know I'm Wiccan... Actually thrown shoes onto a phone wire? and why would I do that? Crashed into a wall in public? yes! it happens! Once during school I ran into the pole in the office! Ever Cried At A "CHICK FLICK"? No! But I LOVE laughing at the stupid corny parts! Speaking of which, Cinderella Story and Herbie: Fully Loaded were pretty corny! Had A Crush On A Teacher? umm... well, I've thought a couple were cute, but I never actually had a crush on one. Mr. Ray and Mr. Panas were hot! ^^ Dria only knows Panas, the student teacher! OOH! He might be teacher at our school next September! (is currently having an actual job somewhere else till June. Vice-P gonna try and get him back here^^) Done Something Stupid To Impress Your Crush? no. I'm quite shy in that department ^^ Laughed so hard you cried? yes Found a cartoon character attractive? yesss! OMG! You know who's hot?!? Sesshomaru! oh! and Tsuikotsu(sp) in his "good" form with his hair down! like the last episode I saw! When he was about to kill the little kids althought they're more anime than cartoon, but,meh. They're not real... At anytime owned a "New Kids On The Block" tape? no.... and I would, why? Called or seen a psychic? HAH! no! I am my own psychic! MWAHAHA! Gotten In A Car Accident? yes, actualy. mum hit black ice...I was only bruised ^^ Fallen down the stairs? yahhh.. it hurt.. and I was little! and I did just before last week of school before XMas holidays! I HUUUURT! Seen The Eiffel Tower? nope.. at least notin real life... only in pics Went bungee jumping? nopers, but wanna Broken the law? I dunno.... Ran from the cops? no, had no reason.. wait.. I've been out after curfew and have hidden when cars went by biggrin Stolen something? yes, of course. Little kids like to get theur grubby little hands on things Made yourself throw up? only when I was sick and had a VERY bad headache Went skinny dipping? no! Eaten an entire bag of Oreos: mmmm! Oreos! Watched "Punky Brewster": uh... Huh? Stayed home on a Saturday night just because? Tha's quite a normality for me (single farm girl)
FAVORITES: Shampoo: ummm. I have no idea really... prolly that apple stuff which I forgot the name of... Conditioner: Got2be! It's peachy! Perfume/Body Splash/Cologne: no idea Color: Green! Bands/Singers: um.. few include Linkin Park, My Chemical Romance, Social Code, Rammstein, Rob Zombie, System of A Down, Greenday, Offspring, Our Lady Peace, etc (LOTS more) Commercial: The Molson Canadian beer ones! Candy: Tootsie roll! Or chocolate bars! Like Crunchie! MMMMMMMM! TV Show: Inuyasha, Witch Hunter Robin, One Piece, King of Queens, family Guy, South Park, Chilly Beach, 2 and a Half Men, That 70's Show, Simpsons, Stargate, Charmed, Smallville, etc (LOTS of this too Movie: ummm... Ice Age, Gorgeous(no idea why), Naked Weapon(don't know why either since it's practically for guys!!), Shrek, Eight Crazy Nights, Eurotrip, Stewie Griffin: The Untold Story, Van Helsing, etc. Mostly comedy English/History/Math: English Radio station: The Bear (Edmonton's best rock! 100.3 ROAR! The Bear!)
MORE QUESTIONS: What are you listening to right now? Nothing Else Matters by Metalica What time is it? 12:51 am What do you sleep in? pjs, tees... sweatpants.. whatever I find comfy really Do you shave? yes. What kind of shoes do you wear? my black skater shoes! yay! and when I feel like it when it's nice, sometimes sandals. sometimes even my black high heeled high boots! Who is the last person you called? Dria.. I was extremely bored waiting for Inuyasha... which i missed both airings... cry What is your favorite type of music? any genre of rock, certain techno/dance and some Jpop/rock What is your favorite song at this very moment? um. prolly Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen What is the worst song you have ever heard? somethung by Cher or Celine Dion razz Do you play an instrument? used to
OTHER STUFF: How long is your hair? umm... maybe an inch or 2 below my shoulder blades... which is, here, let's measure... wow.. about 56 cm and... 22 inches Are you easy to get along with? most of the time Are you helpful or lazy? both, depends on the situation Do you write in blue or black ink? blue, mostly Do you circle the dots on your "i"s? nope... just make a little quick tick
RIGHT NOW WHAT ARE YOU: Wearing? my jeans and grey school t-shirt(school sells clothes) I think look gewd in these! ^^ Thinking of? uhh.... wish I could've seen more than the last 5 min of Inuyasha... Feeling? tired.. and bored
LAST THING YOU: Bought? a cd Did? answered the above question Drank? water... coffee left me a little dehydrated ^^ Watched on tv? heh! Michael Jackson Number Ones on MuchMore. what ever happened to him that made him do plastic surgery? And be a weirdo like he is now?
More EITHER / OR: High achiever or easy-going? either. depends on situation Gloves or mittens? mittens! loves them! They so warm and i like clapping with em on! Cassette or cd? cds! I don't have cassettes... And you don't have to fast forward or rewind if you wanna hear just a few songs! Matches or a lighter? matches! like the smell after the flame is blown out! same with candles! Ricki Lake or Oprah Winfrey? ummm.. since at the moment I have a brain fart on who Ricki Lake is, even though I know, Oprah
Do you have a weird nickname? Yes! George! Don't ask me why! My uncle is just weird! "Heyyyy George!!!!" Do you shop at stores like Hot Topic? ummm... no? Do you make your own clothes? I did.. in Home Ec! biggrin I made pj pants, a hoodie, a quillow and a little baggie! Thw quillow is the best! Nice and warm and pretty and long! Do you paint your nails black? yah! I like making 'em red and black checkered the most .. takes a while, though
FASHION: Do you wear a watch? If I had one.. I would.... How many coats and jackets do you own? um.. prolly 3 or 4..one good, one for around home, a jean jacket and.. and wool sweater/jacket thing Favorite pants/skirt color? just normal blue. and in jeans! Skirts suck! they're like the equivalent of dresses! Most expensive item of clothing in your closet? umm... prolly my winter jacket Describe your style in one word: comfortable
Kaeledra · Fri Jan 13, 2006 @ 07:59am · 0 Comments |
So, this is my first journal. Woo! biggrin
About my title. I have these little guys called LIGMs, short for Little Invisible Green Men. They pop in sometimes. Usually when I'm in the mood to amuse myself or others... But they're MEAN! Oh, I have Leprechauns, too, but they hardly come in. I like the concept of Irishness! Hey, it's in my blood^^ Now.. where did I put that Irish Whiskey bottle... question Heh! Not! I don't drink^^
Well, look, I have nothing more to say for the first/intro post. That's abnormal...
Kaeledra · Fri Jan 13, 2006 @ 06:41am · 0 Comments |