[ZANPAKTOU] -Description- Sealed: Ordinary Zanpaktou with clouds on the Handle Shikai: The Sword goes blurry and you can just about see it. Bankai: One sword is the Sealed Zanpaktou and the other is the Shikai Form
-Command Phrase- Shikai: Yume Kutsuu (Dream Pain) Bankai: Risou Kibou Yume Kutsuu (Ideal Hoping Dream Pain) -Abilities- Shikai: Once I slash someone with the blurry sword and say "Saya Kutsuu"(Sheath your pain)it feels that the wound i slashed got slashed in the same place. Bankai: Including the one ability above , i get both swords and then run toward the enemy and twirl around and cut them with my two swords. The Zanpaktou slashes the wound along with the blurred sword, I say "Gensou Ryuu"(Illusion Dragon) and a dragon surrounds the opponent and then the enemy get slashed in the wounds gets slashed 3 times.
Darso2 · Sat Feb 17, 2007 @ 06:59pm · 0 Comments |