Is it natural for a manic episode to extend as long as half a year? Assuming that one is already manic-depressive I mean.
I always considered myself a hypocrite because I always wanted to have friends. But when I got them, I didn't want them anymore. Only now do I realize that I never had what I originally wanted.
I've come to realize that there are two different kinds of people in this world. The first and most populous group are those who simply want to live. They want to enjoy life before it's over and one has no choice but to respect that. No matter how you look at it, it's these people who are the most rational. They know they will die and they've already accepted it. All they can simply hope for is to do something so that their name will be forever remembered. All I can do is respect that.
But then there are the others, the few. The ones who exist to try to understand and or be understood. These people do not want to die until their mission is complete and their existence is confirmed. These people seek a magic that they have yet to find.
Yet, while they wish to be understood, they only want to be examined by a similar. By another whom they find worthy to attempt to solve the puzzle that is their persona. They spend their time watching; waiting or seeking the person or people who can accept them and who find them worthy of being deciphered. Only in this challenge is a true bond forged.
But does one always meet their key?
Or is it all left up to chance?
At this point, does it even matter? Especially once the daydreams end?
Ulaise · Wed Apr 01, 2009 @ 04:02am · 3 Comments |