I am in band class.....Randomness My BFF on here is DarkAzul
I am in Band Class.......0_o Bleh I hate this class...I do not get to twirl sad my flag lol you guys were probably like WTF...I miss my music....I need my mp3 player...My Ex is in here...he is really strange....I love justin I miss him he has gym class right now....*sigh* I need to make some friends on here...I have a myspace it is my life besides this now lol it is www.myspace.com/The_Morbid_Tulip you guys should check it out some time n_n I hope some one besides me like Fruits Basket on here I really need to make some friends who like the same manga as me....Speaking of Furuba you guys should check it out some time it is a WONDERFUL manga and a great DVD series......I do not know what else to right....murgle......I am bored...I hope someone on here finds me and takes interest