Currently under construction
Originally Lab 305 breedable concepts, I came up with a new original background for each. *Please note: the following tektek's are not 100% accurate, maybe not even 70% accurate. If you refer to them, use them as GUIDELINES, nothing more.*

Name: Apalla
Gender: Female
Age: 18 yrs old
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130lbs (mostly lean muscle)
Hair color: Dark brown with white-silvery tips
Eye color: Honey gold
Further description: Her original concept played on mixing the Minotaur's soul with one of Medusa's eyes as an "essence", but I tweaked that a bit. Apalla has mainly chocolate brown hair that is tied back into a fancy tucked-in bun, always with a golden hair accessory; When her hair is down, it shows off its light waviness, reaching to about mid-chest. The tips of her hair are white, a feature created by the "curse" she has been given. This curse reflects the Minotaur's soul. Other features are the cow's ears she has instead of human ones and the bull's horns. These ears are pierced and decorated with golden earrings, despite being non-human. Around the sides of her eyes are also silver scales that clash well against her golden eyes, though they are barely noticeable behind her heavy bangs. She usually wears a casual green-velvet cape, torn at the edges from her long journeys. Underneath the cape Apalla wears a brown leather corset and then usually layered, neutral-colored skirts. Her design is very medieval, with a touch of Greek here and there (though it's probably not noticeable orz). She wears stockings with garters underneath her skirts and then simple, worn out black flats.
Her color scheme is: earthy- browns, greens, greys.
Relationship: (OOCly) flirts openly, playfully but meaningfully with Shushida's OC, Malliouhana
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Name: Parisa
Gender: Female
Age: 500 yrs old (looks 16-19)
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 112lbs
Hair color: Platinum blonde
Eye color: Teal/a sharp green>blue
Further description: A mix between snake and bird, Parisa's overall look is that of a doll, the delicate features running from her porcelain skin to her big doe-like eyes. Her elven ears reflect her animal spirit-based nature/creation. She usually wears a tiered necklace, consisting of three to five bands that alternate between gold and beads of red-blue-yellow. Her design and choice of clothing reflect a mixture of Greek and Egyptian styles: Think airy, light, flowing but elegant and exotic. She has long, wavy but layered, platinum blonde hair that extends to the end of her rear/beginning of thighs, with wavy bangs across her forehead. Her casual outfit within the spirit world consists of two layers: the first is a scaly green bikini rimmed in gold. There is a gold band across the top of her bikini bottom and then the gold outlines the 'V' shape of her top and creates a band running beneath her bosom. Attached to the bottom's top lining is also an extra, longer chain of gold coins, similar to a belly dancer's accessories. Now if you had to imagine the gold lining on the top, it would resemble something like a sideways K. The second layer is made up of a sheer, prism colored gown, similar to a veiled vest. There are three small gold latches and buttons across the top, though those are usually hidden by the necklace(s) she wears. Her wings then top of the outfit as they fold around her shoulders, giving the impression that her gown is actually a strapless and that her feathers are merely an intricate lining across the top of her attire. She also wears gold bangles on her left wrist, usually only two but she has been seen wearing many at a time.
**Usually when her wings are folded around her, you can't see the straps underneath them, even though her entire collarbone and shoulders are fully exposed. Don't ask, but the straps bother me when they are drawn. ''orz
Parisa is capable of shapeshifting into a large emerald viper, decorated with a series of four wings near its "neck." Think of a flying Basilisk. The wings, though, provide no aerial navigation but act as merely an intimidation tactic against other spirits, the wings providing Parisa with a breadth of about 10 feet at its widest (the first two wings) and then 5 feet (the second wings). The magnitude of this size is in reference to a spirit's level of control of its powers and age. Even in this form, her layered necklace still remains, adjusting here to fit her neck perfectly.
Her color scheme is: pastels-light blues, light pinks, light light colors- and green.
Personality: Parisa loves to enjoy life and takes her time seeking the positive in every situation, even when there seems to be absolutely none. Many find her endearing because of her genuine considerate nature and pure hearted intentions. Even her enemies have found it hard to keep their dislike or hatred for her as she has proven merciful and compromising time and time again. She avoids fighting at all costs but will resort to it if there is absolutely no other way. Physically, she is a combination spirit capable of defeating any opponent beneath God-status but does not show such strength, nor attempt to. Her fighting specialties are her speed and pinpoint accuracy.
Relationship: Has affections for Nerio but keeps them to herself, afraid of risking their current relationship as friends for anything more.
Name: Nerio
Gender: Male
Age: 300 yrs old (looks 18-22)
Height: 5'11"
Eye color: White/silver with black sclera
Further description:A mix between white lion and fish, Nerio's overall look is a mixture of Asian and European styles, more specifically Chinese and avant-garde type designs. Furry, exquisite, intricate.
Nerio is capable of shapeshifting into a large white lion. His crown seems to melt into his mane, the gold and sapphires becoming like ribbons and beads, weaving into braids in parts of his magnificent white mane. The frail looking bracelets he usually wears readjusts themselves to fit his larger wrists now, though the blue fins still protrude from his furry forearms, above the bangles. He also still possesses the golden tail rings. Not quite as large as Parisa, Nerio stands at a magical 7 feet tall and 14 feet long, basically double the size of an average lion.
His color scheme is: wintery - blues, blacks, whites.
Personality: Nerio is very quiet and intellectual but also very cold; He seems to struggle with expressing his emotions as he tends to come across, more often than not, negatively and aggressively. This feature makes him seem incredibly proud and self-absorbed to others, pushing many spirits and kin away from him, when really all he wants is to be understood and accepted. That's what creates such a tight bond between Parisa and him: She meets him and teaches him new ways of expression while growing to fully understand and genuinely involve herself with him, even though he pushes her away repeatedly at first. Parisa teaches Nerio how to warm up to others instead of judging them before their time is due and for that, he feels as if he's in her debt. Now, like a tank, Nerio has a high level of endurance and stamina but during a battle, once he gets a blow in, you're out. Still, spiritual power wise, the lion-fish crossbreed remains under Parisa, much to his distaste. His fighting style is similar to a shark's and a lion's, careful in timing and delivery of the blow, no move is wasteful.
Relationship: Tries to be Parisa's "knight in shining armor", but most of the time, simply stands as her best friend because of the difference in strength and compassion.