Community Member
Posted: Sun Oct 23, 2005 @ 04:41pm
Its been so long! Ive been "grounded" for about a month now... Stupid Chris *kills* he just needs to get a job so that he isnt around me a lot anymore... Well, anyways I passed all me finals, and I was suppose to get drunk yesterday, but im still grounded so it didnt turn out as planned... *stupid grounding* So now im over at my dads, and I spent my whole paycheck on Nightmare before christmas stuff, and Jpop...*sigh*
My sister, being the sweetest one I have (because the others arent old enough to buy me stuff yet ^_^) Got me Kare first love, and if you people like happy hustle high and Hot Gimmick then this would be a great read for you! ^_^ Its so adorable...
*squeallllll* I just got the L'arc 'en Ciel, live in US DVD... OH Hyde your are sooo hawt! Testu is a sexy beast too... ^_^ heart Cheri, you have to watch this with me because there is this one part where Hyde talks to the crowd....priceless! *swoon*
Well, till next time
Manda ninja
Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 @ 06:47pm
Okay, I got a new job a week ago, and so far so good...
It at Dairy Queen, so my mom knows the manager^_^ I love it when people know people, it makes life a little bit easier.
I cant wait for the new HHH, Hot Gimmick, and D N Angel to come out, within the next few months I might add (Sep., Oct., Nov., Dec.)
well untill next time
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Sep 15, 2005 @ 03:47am
Saturday (a few weekends ago)
Well since cheri talked mostly about herself that night, and didnt actually know what was going on... I will fill in the empty space. ^_^ ENJOY!! mad
While cheri was getting plastered, I was taking my time because i didnt wanna puke all over the place. It was my first time so i was like"drink, in fornt of people...thats crazy talk!" But after i drank all but one of the whole mikes pack( i like that was five) and most of the pucker...I was feeling pretty happy. Cheri was still in the room at that time, and before she got s**t faced, she told me when i was feeling it I should shake my head from side to side, so I did, and fell on the floor 3 times doing it. I landed on cheri a lot, because she was mostly sprawled out on the floor. Sam was there to pick me back up, and my sister too (love ya jessy). When Cheri finally had to puke, everyone had left me in the room by myself, pucker in hand. Sometime later Brian came in, looked at me, and took the pucker away from me sad but i got it back because after i was yelling for sam (but couldnt get her to answer) I wrote her name on my hand capital letters and everything, and started waving it around.... She came in and I said "you heard my hand calling!!!" but she said that she was here to get me out of the room so brian could sleep. So I went out and went into the bathroom to see how Cheri was doing...Yelling at her the whole time for drinking so much (fell down a few times in there, with Cheri yelling get off and jessy telling me to go sit down). I found my way to the kitchen because i heard music and Sams voice. Sat down and saw the pucker sitting out. I grabed it and took a shot glass to it. ( i know Cheri...WEAK!) Then Mario was like lets have a race, he poured some CM for himslef and i chugged the pucker down and we did that a few more times, until the pucker was gone. I still had some mikes left over and sam said that we should count bananas, okay that sounds like fun. She counted to ten, and i drank as much as I could...It tasted like fruit punch to me so it was fairly easy for me to empty it. Then i just had to go tell jessy and cheri about what i just did! Groping the wall until i got into the bathroom, i told jessy loudly that i counted bananas..she just look at me and said thats nice, now go sit down. Brian told me awhile ago that Cowboy Bebop the movie would be on at eleven, so i fell on the couch and i was like I LOVE VINCENT!!! People telling me to be quiet, me have to take a piss every five seconds, and cheri having to get pushed into the tub so i could take a piss...just didnt seem right to have her passed out body right in front of the toilet while i was going. Afet awhile, Mario and Chris came in with Sam and Mario was smashed... I kept on asking him what his name was, but he was passed out so chris told me it was Maria, so every five seconds i would shout, "Marias out cold you guys!!!!" When cheri came in, Jessy took my glasses away so i could sleep but the movie was still on, that got me mad, but since i couldnt see, i fell on cheri and spilt her kool-aid. (so i was told) And then i woke up the next morning, my head felt heavy and light at the same time and I wanted to go home so i could go back to sleep before i had to go to the big dinner with the whole family (note: dont ever do that unless you wanna get caught by the parents...I almost did, i just blamed it on a cold...^_^) TEH END!?!?!??! heart