 You Are a LibraModality: CardinalElement: AirRuler: VenusSeason: Fall7th Sign of Zodiac Metal: CopperStone: Diamond, Quartz, MarbleColor: Pastel GreenAnatomy: Kidneys Keywords: just, sociable, refined, accommodating, kind, fair, diplomatic, likable, indecisive, respectful, artisticComparison with the Libra symbol, the Balance:A balance weighs and measures; and so do Libra natives. Librans seek equality, harmony, and balance. The scales are also a symbol of justice.Libra's symbol is the only symbol in the zodiac that is inanimate (it is not represented by an animal or person).Where is Libra in your chart? This is the area in life where you strive for balance and equilibrium. If this part of your life seems unbalanced, you seek to change that. It is in this sphere of your life that you strive to be fair and just.The glyph, or symbol, of Libra represents the setting sun. It also resembles an "equal" sign, though it more accurately reflects an "approximately equal to" symbol. Again, Libra's drive to compare and balance is represented in its glyph.Please VOTE
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 Naruto: She Trains Harder Than Me ! I Like Her, Shes Cute Sasuke: .....I Will Admit She Is Cute *Walks Away*Sakura: Shes Nice But Hmph *Crosses Arms* Shikamaru: She Makes Me Laugh.Chouji: *Eating A Bag Of Chips* I've Eaten Better CookingIno: I Dont Mind HerKankuro: She's A Cute OneGaara: Kankuro...Shut UpTemari: *Smiles And Gives Peace Sign* Best FriendLee: *Daydreaming About Sakura*Neji: o_OTen Ten: Shs Really CoolKakashi: *Reading Book* MmHmmAsuma: Good StudentKurenai: She's OkayGai: Great Youth !!!Name: RikoAge: 14Rank: ChuuninYour Father Walked Out On Your Mother When You Were 5. He Was A Outstanding Ninja Who Never Really Had Time For His Family. Now That Your Father Is Gone You Been Training Every Day So That You Will One Day Become Stronger Than Him. You Have A Small Crush On Gaara Who "Seems" Not To Notice Her.
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Your eye colors is: light blue.You are very lighthearted and easy to get along with. You enjoy making new friends and have a great sense of humor. You can also be a little shy, but once you get to know someone, you're a firecracker. You can be a little judgmental, though. You like other people to be happy and you're very caring and mature. You are amused very easily and that's what people are looking for in a friend. You don't mind adding anyone into your group and have a lot of friends. Your teachers love you and your parents are proud to have you as their kid. You are prone to jealousy easily, but you can't hold a grudge. Everybody likes you and you're easy to talk to.
That is so true about me.
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 Creativity- Your inner power is Creativity! Any of The Arts-music, dance, pure art, drama, creative writing-are your passion. You love the way you can control what happens to you and your life while you participate in any of The Arts, and you can push your emotions aside when you do so. You at times can feel very depressed and alone, and yet it only further fuels your love for your art. Life to you can often seem bitter and cruel, a world of darkness with only a few tiny flares of light, stretched out far in between one another. In a way youre confused with what you want in your life, and find it hard to trust people. Because of this people of the outside world see you as cold and uncaring, yet those who befriend you love you a lot, and know you are only very lonely and hurting. Boys are intrigued by your mysterious mask, and one day, one of them will reach passed your barriers and care for you the way you so desperately want to be cared for. Dont let the popular people get you down; you are a wonderful person, and without the creativity you bring the world, it would be a very boring place. Love yourself for who you are, for you are very special. Boy/Girl who will sweep you off your feet: A sweet, sensitive man/woman. The guy/girl who understands your need for being alone sometimes. Yet also someone who would do anything to protect you for being hurt, even if it means giving up their life. Your stone: Jade Your power: Dreaming/Imagination Your element: Dream A quote that applies to you: Dare to dream, dare to fly, dare to be the ever chosen one to touch the sky.
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 name:mitsunaage:13bf:gaara bff:temari,kankuro,sasuke,tentenpersonality: you are quiet and alone, but yet you find a way to smile. you try to be happy but you never really can.ninjas yum_naruto she tries to look happy most of the time but you can see it in her eyes that she isnt. wow that was sorta deep never expected it from me. sakura: i try to talk to her but i think she ignores me. sasuke: shes very strong she always smiles but you can tell shes not happy. she is beautiful. ino: shes pretty nice. choji: *to busy eating* shikamaru: she is cool i guess. neji: her destiny isnt good. tenten: she is fun to hang around with i always try to make her happy sometimes it works but she never really is happy. lee: i cant tell if she is full of youth AHHH! hinata: she doesnt really talk to me but everyone says she is nice. kiba: i dont really know her. shino: who? gaara:she understands me and i understand her shes the most beautiful girl in the world she makes me smile. but she tries to be happy but she never is i try to make her happy. she is the best. temari: im happy for gaara when hes around her he actually smiles. gaara is really the only person to make her happy i can tell. whenever shes around him they both smile and not a fake smile. kankuro: she is strong trust me i know i have a bruise to show it.senseis: kakashi: just like naruto said she smiles but they are fake...gaara is the only one to make her happy. gai: wow im not sure if shes full of youth either!!! kurenai: i wish she was in my group she is a very nice girl. asuma: she is a very nice and strong girl. baki: im happy for gaara whenever shes around he actually smiles.villians surprised rochimaru: forget sasuke i want her for my container!kabuto: im sick of this...MAKE UP YOUR FRIGGIN MIND! itachi: she is very powerful perhaps she should join us. sasori: i need a new puppet and i think i know who to make one out of... hmm shes pretty. kisame: SHE CALLED ME FISH HEAD WHY DOES EVERYONE CALL ME THAT?!?!? (diedara: you seriously dont see why they call you that?) kisame:what? (diedara:nvm) tobi: i like her she should join us diedara: she looks powerful. zetsu: who? akatsuki leader: she should join us.people who have a crush on her:sasuke, tobi
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isayGAWR · Sun Aug 05, 2007 @ 03:41am · 0 Comments |