My best friend has fallen into darkness... All my attempts of bringing my friend back to light were unsuccessful... No matter how much I try to talk about the future consequences of what she is doing... it won't work... and I can't just stand here and see my friend ruining her life forever, at an irreversible way... sad And nobody else seems to care about it... whenever I talk to someone close to her to help me with this fight, all I get is "it's her life... why should I care?" sigh... When I told her she is ruining her life, she was like... "Why am I ruining my life? I have never felt better in my whole life.." I don't know what to do anymore. Now I am officially unwanted and ignored for good... well that is it...
Chibi_Raspberry · Fri Apr 20, 2007 @ 05:31am · 0 Comments |