Gaia Name:Kuhkatsi
Name:Kurisaku Hyuchiha
Former Country:Konoha
Village:Hidden in the Sound
Clan:Hyuchiha -Hyuga/Uchiha-
Org:Akabu -Akatsuki/Anbu-
Partner:Wondering Ninja
Rank:N/A -Criminal-
Traits:Can use Level 4 Byakigan and Syncjutsu
Chakra types:
Syncjutsu-A much more powerful genjutsu and is more deadly.
Weapons:Uses a katana only at certain times.
Biography:Grew up as a normal kid but then was sick of ninja games and was tired of being bossed around and was getting to strong so he was suppose to be killed 3 times and soon he got sick of it and killed over 30 people in his village.Now is banned from 4 Villages and 6 Countries.
Birthday:October 17th 1989
Personality:Rarely talks and never likes to be ordered to do something.
Appearance:The picture above^_^