A New Day, And Anti-Anxiety Med Helps The Way
Wow I was pretty pissed off yesterday, I have cooled down a bit today. They have involved a third person in their harassment lol. But it's not bothering me as bad. The first post I had posted originally in my profile and decided to make it a journal entry so if i reads kind of funny thats why. Now Miss Pancake has deleted all of the profile entries regarding the issue and states that people are posting on her page and then putting her on ignore, how ironic, that is what she did to me. lol All i can really do is sit and laugh now, I have sent my reports in and copied and pasted the entries before they had a chance to delete them. All one can hope is that they get taught a lesson by someone, hopefully Gaia. I'm 42 years old and its not my position nor do I have the patience to have a mindless battle of the wits with 11 year old children that cannot grasp the meaning of leave me alone, please don't post on my profile anymore, and those words alone for some reason seem to make you the villain and they all start jumping on your case with foul mouths and nasty gestures, it makes me want to be a teen again myself so i can backhand them or put a bar of soap in their mouths. Now thats bad I'm a non violent person. Sorry lord. Well hopefully I will have some other topics to rant about next time. Feel free to tell me to let it go, or act my age and not let it bother me or whatever, if I don't like it I will just respond here in my journal where I'm free to rant or maybe find empathy or somebody who understands my position or state of mind. lol
ah well hopefully this mess will finally be resolved between me and OMGlordRAWRinuyasha--- and Miss Pancake, and no it was not a threesome, they have started things with me by posting on NatziSweetzi's account claiming that I don't know how to spell Nazi. I posted him back and told him I do know how to spell Nazi, however I did not want Nazi associated with my name directly, therefore i put a t in it and it rhymed with sweetzi. Then he continued to insinuate that i did not know how to spell etc.. So I posted on his page to please not post on my page any more blah blah blah. Then one of his friends Miss Pancake decides to get into the fun and posts on my profile about how i should leave her daddy alone, etc. and puts my account on ignore and i don't even know her. So I now have 3 different report numbers from reporting these immature children that keep harassing. The first one claims to be only 11 years old and is very proud of his age lol, you must be 13 to have an account here on gaia. If you want some interesting reading not, lol, go to their profiles along with natzisweetzi's where it all began and here at sullengirlblues where i hope it all ends. This is the kind of thing i should probably be putting in a Journal. Maybe I will have to think about that but for now I will just make public juvenile delinquents of them. lol Oh I don't have to make that of them they have made them of themselves. IF OMGlordRAWRinuyasha---- OR MISS PANCAKES COMES BY MY PROFILE, GET A CLUE, NO MORE PLEASE ABOUT IT. LEAVE ME ALONE, I tell ya I really try to be a sweet person, but i'm a sweet person living in a monster raging to get out and tear something up, now isnt that scarry hmm,maybe a bit high strung. I don't go over and take a s**t in your woods don't come over here and do your business in mine cause i will put it in a bag, light it on fire and leave it on your porch for you. I just can't stand people can't understand JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, what is so darn hard about that. Maybe I will have to make an account that has NAZI in it like nazibitch or I could get real bad the mood I'm in. So I had better stop because i have not read the TOS with regard to Journals. Wow well I should have that off of my chest LOL. Feel free to comment. Its ok, im a bit crazy at times lol, i can handle the truth lol.