BULLPOO(s**t) Holly wanted me to put poo |
This is bullshit. Life is bullshit. Everything's bullshit. FUUUUUUUCK! It's so stupid. I took one of my brother's JUICEBOXES, and my mom had a ******** bitchfit. I was supposed to go out tonight. I can't. I was supposed to go out Saturday night. I can't. I don't get any money for the next two weeks. I need to buy minutes for my phone. The b***h took away my PS2! And she did all this just because I took a juicebox, and told her to go away when she started yelling at me. It's ******** ridiculous. She gets pissed off over the stupidest things - my boyfriend would know a bit about this. Don't ask.
For Christ's sake, it was a goddamn JUICEBOX!! gonk
babyphat8503 · Fri Feb 25, 2005 @ 08:56pm · 1 Comments |
skipping school, finally on msn lol |
well, here I am, skipping the rest of the day, writing, trying to ignore Kevin and Alannah as they're most likely getting ready to ********. anyhoo.... ya, I'm fcuking bored. Tomorrow I have a consellors appointment, because my mom thinks I still have problems, and then on Friday I leave for the weekend....yay. lol um....not much else is going on in my life at the moment...therefore I have nothing else to write about. I'll write again when I have something better to say lol
xoxo peace out
babyphat8503 · Wed Feb 02, 2005 @ 08:04pm · 1 Comments |
Feh...I'm sitting in Viscom again, beig bored shitless....Thomas hasn't looked up anything stupid so far. And he doesn't believe that I lived in Vegas, either. Livi, if you comment, then please clarify that I was there 3nodding I'm excited for Friday, though...I'm going away for the weekend with a bunch of friends....no parents either whee lol Ryan is being a COMPLETE ********, as usual....He keeps saying he'll get chronic, but does he? No, not him. f*****t. Whatever - I can get my weed elsewhere. But um, ya....not much else has happened....I'm ungrounded, but I still havn't gotten my cell back. And I'm allowed on the home phone again, too. And I've also decided that I'm going to at least try to quit smoking. But class is about to get out, so I should probably leave it at that...more next time I'm online.
xoxo peace out *MUAH* love y'all
babyphat8503 · Mon Jan 31, 2005 @ 05:50pm · 0 Comments |
I'm in sooooooooooooo much s**t |
Long story short, I stayed out for two days with out going or calling home. As a result, I'm grounded, my cell got takn away, I'm not allowed on the home phone, or the internet...the only reason I'm on right now is because I'm at school. There were SOME perks though...I got free weed, and the first night I was so drunk I could barely walk. I also found out how to make my friend Jeff apologize, if need be....twist his n****e!! lol...He screamed real loud the first time I did that. I had to do it several times, too...he kept on pushing me into things. First the stove, then the couch, and after a while he just started pushing me on the floor...heh, both his nipples were purple by the next morning blaugh anyways...not too much else has gone on in my life...and I highly doubt anything will for the next little while, seeing as I'm confined to the house. But ya, I gotta go...
xoxo peace out
babyphat8503 · Mon Jan 17, 2005 @ 02:19am · 2 Comments |
First post....nothing too interesting |
My first post, I don't really have anything to say... sweatdrop I'm just sitting here, being bored in my computer class, being bothered every two minutes by the kid next to me. He's having fun looking up the stupidest things on google lol...now he's looking up "naked hot ******** xd Anyways....I'm probably going out tonight...yay! Go get completely hammered 3nodding Goddamn I'm bored...I'm done everything and there's nothing left to do in this class....bah. Well, whatever...I should prolly go anyway, seeing as...well, I don't know. I just need to find something else to do lol
xoxo peace out
babyphat8503 · Thu Jan 13, 2005 @ 06:02pm · 0 Comments |