well ok so i havent been on for awhile well over the past few months some stuff has happened i got used for sex and i am pissed i feel in love and he used me....i cried myself to sleep for the past 3 months and then on new years eve i found out my ex but still my bestest friend in the world has cancer i am scared to death of whats gonna happen to him and i cry when i think aobut it i had family die of cancer i dont want ot loose a best friend to it...but there is a couple ppl i want u guys to know about one of them is my best friend in the world mirand and haley they have been here to support me and b there for me and i want to thank cj for putting up with all my stupidity though hes leaving high school cuz hes a senior
well then theres my firend thomas hes been the one i look forward talking to all the time to we were freidns in 7th grade then he went to the other school on the other side of town but when i met haley they lived right next to eachother then we came better friends well then he had to move to lake orion well i miss him dearly and i just want ppl to know that even though ive been through alot i love all my friends including the ones i dont takl to that much u still mean alot to me! and yes i am not the most happy person but i am here for you to talk to if you need to talk to anyone but yea this kid that used me said he loved me and we went on a mackinaw trip with my church and stuff and we had the most romantic time but then when we got closer to home he said he would never hurt me and he broke up with me for megan v and it broke me i ended up cutting and then my friends threatinig to kill me if i did it anymore so i stopped and yea..i know most of you could care less about it but please if anyone that has a prob like this and u dont know what to do and u feel that noone loves you and noone cares for u there is people out htere that do love u and care for you maybe if u are like me were just looking to hard and were letting the good ones slip right through our fingers.....all i want is a relationship like my friend haley and her bf cj they have the most love foor eachother i ahve ever seen they are there for eachother dont hurt eachother and jsut are right i want the feeling of love and protection when i am with that someone but maybe i am just looking to hard and letting all the good ones away and grabbing the bad ones well if any of you have any opinions on what to do tell me i would appreciate that thanks and i love all my friends from gaia myyearbook jesuscrowd school teenspt and anything else for being here for me if i need osmeone to talk to!!!! thanks again
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