*~(((HaGaNe nO KoKorO)))~* ThE lIgHt bEyOnD Ur eYeS iS JuSt dArKnEsS.. LoL xDDD :D ShUiZu nAeTo jOuRnAiL!! ¬¬ dont get bored <3
ummmmm.... :D donuts!!! xDDD ... ok forget that.. ^^ this is my journail!! i dont know exactly what im doing but.. yeah im hea!!! lol... so, i think the reason ur here is becouse u dont have anything 2 do r, ur bored xDDDD anyway.. waist ur time here
OwO today was a busy day... =W= i didn't go to school YAAAYY!! why?? well... xDDD i convenced my mom that im "sick" <DDDD!!! then i been in the computer all the day.. @w@ n im feeling tired... in gaia, i was decorating and remodelating my porfile!!! ^^ and im satisfaced with my job... really like my porfile xDDD OwO... i made my signature of edo... AHHH EDOOOO!! *O* isnt it the most kawaii of all??? cof cof.. ains, im making a Doujinshi of edowin!!! ¬w¬ im so baaddd jojojojojo.. >w< in the doujin i made edo sufer MUAJAJAJAJAJAJA!!! u.u ok, sometimes is not really funny make suffer my poor edo... ¬w¬ or mayb yes xDDDD... anyway!!! Today i finished reading XXXholic manga Tome 3!!! O.o get scared when the girl killed the man and latley get mad... but is so cool!!! I like very much the Mysterious and goth feeling Clamp girls put in the manga!!! recomended so much 4 the ppl who liked the deep and mysterious toughts xDDD... ummm what else??? oh yeah... today i began Kingdom Hearts 2... once again... i think passed it like 3 times... this will be the fourth one.. *O* but i cant stop this.. i really LOOVE that game!!! Sora is so kawaii and Riku is so Hot!!! also i like Axel n Roxas!!! i think i heart the Blonde Bishonens!!! ^^ ummm... today i scanned one of my fanarts... u.u but ugh... mayb latley ill put it... @x@ now im tired....