ok just to clearify, most of the people at the college think that I'm dating a 16yr old and I'm not! my boyfriend is Drake_Amaya for those that didn't know! I'm only friends with the 16yr old. I go over to his house after classes to play with the Wii....that and I have an hour and 40 minutes till my next class starts. gezz.
In other news My master (the one that owns my soul) Has a new boyfriend. Congrats. He's a really nice guy too.
My mom's been pissing me off a lot lately. If things don't go her way or she doesn't get what she wants, she's a tottal b***H No really she is. I have to clean or else it doesn't get done, and she complains that it isn't perfect. No Duh it's not perfect. I HATE CLEANING so that's why. Then she complains that I don't talk to her. Well If she didn't call 400 times a day then maybe I'd talk to her. that and if she wasn't so freaking boring. Then she complains about he non love life. well maybe if she lowed her standereds and tried a little she would have one. So yea I'm one cranky Neko today.
Stay tuned fokes.
Amaya69 · Fri Dec 01, 2006 @ 06:10pm · 0 Comments |