Smooth Move, Ex-lax's Journal. |
I like songs for various reasons, so I post the lyrics here. There's one poem I especially favor, even if it is rather depressing. And, recently added, a bit of a synopsis on my month in China. |
Chocolate Ex-lax
Community Member
Posted: Wed Aug 08, 2007 @ 11:21pm
I Have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
~*~ ~*~ I did hormone testing for a month. And just got my results back today. For the first half of my monthly cycle, my estrogen levels are too high. Which, in turn, prevents my progesterone levels from rising when they should. So, that means, I'm not ovulating every month and will probably have difficulty having children when I'm ready to. I also have a high testosterone level.
All in all, my doctor thinks I have polycystic ovarian syndrome, as stated in the title. *shrug* I don't mind having it, I'm just glad to know something is wrong with me, and it's not all in my head. She wants to put me on metformin, a drug usually given to diabetic patients, because it appears to work well for other women with PCOS. However, my mother's a bit wary and wants me to wait until I go to the gyno's to verify the data, at the end of the month. Eahh. With that pill, I'm expected to drink at least a gallon of fluids a day, preferably two. x__x I'm used to only about one-two quarts at most.
Update: Gyno says that I don't need to take Metformin, so long as I'm on the pill. Unless, I were to suffer a form of gestational diabetes caused by the pill. But since I don't, I'm good to go. However, if I do ever decide to have children, I probably will be placed on it. x___x ~*~女の心秋の空~*~