New story time!!
My eyes flickered from side to side, my head remaining motionless. People sit quietly all around me. Well, not quite quietly; some are passing notes or writing. Enemies. For a moment I consider calmly raising my hand and asking to use the bathroom, but that might give them a chance to figure out my course of action. I'll have to do something unexpected and fast, so fast that they don't have time to think. Leaping up from my desk and knocking books everywhere, I dash through the rows and away from these people. There is no time to stop and open the door, so I crash through it an knock it to the ground. I'm on the second floor; what if I get cornered on the stairs? That can't happen. I won't let it! A bloodcurdling screech from behind me sends chills up my spine. They've found me. Leaping up to the railing with the grace of a cat, I shoot off through the air, spreading magnificent feathered wings... but too late. Griffon claws sink into my back, drawing a scream from my lips. Dangit! I knew something wasn't right with that kid! He was stalking me this whole time! With terror I realized that the ground was coming too close, and way too fast. Too fast...Too Fast... TOO FAST! Too late. A sickening crunch and a wave of nausea told me that I'd made impact, and the two hundred or so pounds of snarling, tearing griffon on my spine didn't help. It raised one wicked, curved claw for the death blow...
C? For an A-B average student, that was pretty bad. The grade was enough to startle me from my daydreams. Good thing this was only a progress report and not a report card, or I would get that "disapproving look," one of the most loathed attacks to self-esteem.
"C's aren't so bad," a rich, deep voice assured me. I turned and looked at the beautiful face of a teenage boy. Lightly tanned skin, deep black hair, fair features... he was perfect. He even had red eyes, a very rare characteristic that I happen to love... Which is probably why he doesn't really exist. In reality i was still looking at my grade, but mentally i was turned to face his lovely features. James ran his wide, warm hands through my hair just like I liked, with enough pressure to be felt, but not enough to pull knots.
"Heh," I laughed sarcastically. "Then will you be the one to take this to Mom and explain to her about the homework I missed?"
"You only missed the assignment because you were daydreaming about us." James refers to himself and all my other imaginings as us because he's one of them.
"Yah, i know. Real life is just to boring." James looked like he had something he wanted to say, but he didn't say it even though i knew what it was. "Look, I don't need to go through the hassle of making friends. I have you guys!"
"Someday you won't have us. What then? Where will you get your social skills to live in a imperfect world?"
"Oh go away." For a moment he disappeared, but i was lonely so i brought him back singing a different tune.
((to be continued if i randomly feel like it or remember))
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