I've been having a lot of dreams lately... they've been kind of silly but in a few days, they've always come true. That is WEIRD!!! Before I post the new ones... I'm going to post the old ones to prove my point. eek
First Dream:
The scene was at my house. I was walking a bunch of pugs for some stubborn, mean old people when I looked down the yard and saw a tiger get let out of its cage. I got scared and decided I wanted to go back inside - so I did! As I was running back, I look back and I see the tiger coming after me closer and closer. I get inside and stand behind my french door to see what'll happen or if I lost it. The tiger completely mauled some random black dude (I say this 'cause it could be important). I backed up and it turned around towards me, ready to charge. But someone was crouching in front of me - probably to save me. I knew he looked pale (although that was probably the lighting) with short black hair.
A few days later, I got upset with my mother and she came and basically attacked me in the middle of the Dunkin Donuts parking lot. The two friends (at the time) that were with me came to help me. I'm guessing Raven (who's actually black and a bunch of other stuff) got mauled but Dan (who is Uruguayan) came to help me. He was the one with the light skin and short black hair. surprised
That was only the beginning of it all... there's more...
Second Dream:
In the second dream, it took place in Dan's room. This was around the time where I had broken up with him and I felt really stupid. I was playing World of Warcraft and I was somewhere in the Barrens on my Blood Elf. All of a sudden, I got a call on my cell phone from Dan. I couldn't figure out what he said but I felt better after that phone call. Then the dream ended.
A few days later, sitting in my basement playing WoW, I get a call from Dan. I was in the exact same location on the exact same character doing the exact same thing in WoW as I did in the dream... When I picked up the phone, he was explaining how we could still just be friends and stuff and I felt better after the phone call.
Third Dream:
Now this took place in a bakery shop on Main Street. Supreme Bakery I think it's called, but the setting was backwards. The tables were to the left and the counter to the right instead of the opposite. I was dating Raven at the time. I was with a guy who was buying me whatever pastries I wanted and it felt like I was in a relationship with him. He was tall wearing a white suit, was white, and had blonde hair. I looked back and I see at the corner table - Raven sitting alone in the dark corner, looking kind of sad. I turned back to the guy I was with and told him something. (I can't remember what, I had dreamed this a few months ago)
A few days later, I actually ended up breaking up with Raven. I hadn't gone out with Dan yet though. Two or so weeks later, I ended up going out with Dan and Raven got all depressed and angry.
Those were basically the future telling dreams. I had another dream afterwards but it was more like someone trying to tell me about someone I knew in the past. And I don't mean this life past. Maybe a past life? Or a spirit trying to tell me it's there? I have a bunch of notes in a note pad about it and it's hard to post it all now. I'll explain the other two dreams in the next post since they go hand in hand.
[center:5a7e6f8788][i:5a7e6f8788] ------------------------- Ogni piacer piu grato, mi fia con te diviso Del ciel clemente un riso la vita a noi sara. ------------------------- [/i:5a7e6f8788][/center:5a7e6f8788]
Etude Chopin · Mon Oct 12, 2009 @ 01:16pm · 0 Comments |