Ohkay, where to start? wellz ..... i would not get anywhere in life without FRIENDS. Lately some friends haven't been acting like real friends, but i love them anywayz, what i love in MOST of my friends, is that their there for me when i need them and when i dont (which is neva) I LOVE MY MATES TO SMITHEREENES, and although i may not show it sometimes, i value them a million times higher than my own life. i would like to make special recognition to: AMANDA MCGRATH shes smart, funny, pretty, loyal and an evil ninja ruler of the world!! what more could you ask of a friend???? if i was without my friends i would be devastated! lets think- i would have nobody to call or gossip with, no body to hang out with and lets not forget the public humiliation of being left all nigelated. Sometimes we have fights, other times we don't sometimes they hate me, sometimes i hate them. But life isn't ment to be spent worrying about bad things, its meant to be spent scheming and plotting about all the bad things you could do to other people.
NEXT UP: FAMILY. i have THE most annoying family ever but no matter what i say i still love them. when i'm 16 yipee for me, i'm goin to get my nose pierced, hopefully my mates will be there to comfort me when i cry because a sharp metal object had just been painfully shoved through my nose cartlidge (ouch- but still wanna get it done)Even if my parents don't want me too, i want to and at the end of the day it will be MY descision and it will be up to me and a little help from peer pressure to make. lol.Without my family i would have no (horrid ickky) education, have no money, probably be living in a trashcan and most importantly nobody to LOVE me for who i am.
Dont worry this may sound stupid, but i would like to mention STRANGERS. o course kiddies ALWAYS talk to strangers in your community as in example: fellow stundents . without strangers nobody would have friends- everyone you know know started off qs a stranger at some point in your life.I know this because strangers are cool and should always be talked to.
AND HOW COULD I FORGET - THE CUTE OR YUMMY CATEGORY. the cutes- puppys, rabbits, flowers, polkadot underwear. shoes with bows. the yummys- boys i think are cute, not cute cute but cute like cute ya know cute yerr, wateva lol. and that basically sums up the most important things in my life, money and material possesions dont matter as long as i have these. lol.(do puppys you own count as material posetions?? HEY YOU- BRING MY PUPPY BACK IT'S NOT COUNTED) heart domokun