Onto the nothingness...
Well, I've had a rather shitty weekend. Hoorah! And being the rather callous and pessimistic self, and becoming more so all the time, I've decided to say: ******** everything. Hooray. I have four friends in real life. Right now one of them is on the verge of hating me. Another one is in Euroguay until half-way through december, the other one I haven't seen or really talked to for a few weeks, and the last friend I've seen more often, so that's nice. It's not so much that only four people like me, it's that I really only like four people. Everyone else I either put up with, or let them know I don't like them. And I don't classify people as "aquiantance" "friend" "good friend" "best friend" and all that other crap. You're either a friend, or you're there. I don't like the arguments I've seen start because somebody says "Well you're really only one of my 'good friends'." And then the other person bitches that they considered them a "best friend" and they feel disrespected by the other person. Suck it up loser. People might not like you as much as you like them, or vise versa. Get over yourself.
I'm pissed off because I'm in highschool. This is my grade 12 year, and I know I'm supposed to be there this year, but just about everything they're going to teach me, is ******** useless. And I've been told that by my teachers before. So I have a question for the schools: If the crap you're going to teach me is useless for my everyday life, and I'm also never really going to use it again in my life, WHY THE ******** AM I WASTING MY GOD DAMN TIME IN ******** SCHOOL?! I could be out during the day working. Or in university. Getting a head start on s**t that actually matters. Not spending my entire ******** day in a classroom with a bunch of dumbass kids who can't get over themselves and their own selfcentered world to realize that they're not the s**t. That just about anybody who's older than 17 years of age would think they're ******** morons. Teach me about loans, teach me how to shop, teach me how to buy cars and pay morgages. And teach me who to read and write. I don't need to know how covalent bonding works, because I don't give two shits. I'm made up of atoms, I don't need to know how or why. I work, now leave me alone. I can learn the same stuff about nature and pollution through a minute and a half long commercial, as I can from a 3 week unit on ecology/biology. If I'm really curious about the physics of certain things, I'll look it up on Wikipedia damn it. Knowing about your countries history is important when it comes to social discussion. But sorry to say it, but all in all, the people who founded this country are dead. And most of the beliefs and morals they used to make it function are dead as well. Things were far more different than they are now, some of the stuff that's being held onto so dearly, needs to die along with the people who thought it up. Stop relying on the desision somebody made 100 years ago, and get some damn courage to do things yourself. I'm not a politition, so I don't need to know any of that stuff. It was important back then, but it's not, or at least it shouldn't be now. I don't really care if you're in high school, and you're still growing up. I grew up in grade 10 damn it. I decided people were stupid, and at the moment, I was acting like everyone else my age, and I didn't like it. Everyone in high school who thinks "I'm young, I can do whatever I want." needs a smack in the face. You're young, so you shut the ******** up and listen, or grow the ******** up and face the facts. Your parents are paying for almost everything you own. The only reason you have a house over your head is because you're not paying for it. The only reason you get food is because your parents pay for it. And the only reason you get to go out and party, is because your parents don't feel like keeping an eye on you. You don't get to do this forever. And by a certain point, your parents aren't going to take your s**t any longer. You're going to be out on your a**, with a shitty job, and in debt for a long time. Grow up early, and start taking some damn responsibilities. Otherwise, shut the ******** up. Because your high school problems don't mean s**t all. Congratulations, you broke up with your boyfriend after a week. How about shutting the ******** up unless you have something to say that matters. Any relationship that lasts a week isn't a relationship. It's two monkies holding hands. I've gotta be in high school for another half a semester, around the same dumbass kids I've been around for the past two years. After this school year I'll have spent three years around them. And then because of my idiocy in my first two years of high school, I'll have to return for another half semester. ...******** bullshit. My school is full of a bunch of drug addicts, preppy morons, idiots who think that they're bigger than you if you fight them, and everyone else who annoys me. If half the stuff I'm going to be taught is never going to be used again, why not just give me a half semester crash course on the stuff I am going to use, and then let me ******** leave. I got to experience full time work during the summer, and I'll tell you, it was a whole lot ******** better than being at school, and making pennies. At least I was doing something productive. I could save half the money I made, and use it for something productive or efficient later on in life. But no. I have to be in school for the entire day, and then work two or three shifts for 3 hours every week.
Welcome to the callous and pissed off world of me. Anyone who reads this can enjoy. I've got more, but I have to go now. Maybe I'll add it next time I'm pissed off.
2Brolly4 · Mon Nov 13, 2006 @ 07:27am · 0 Comments |
This can go with School Hell |
Onto the nothingness...
Well, this is what happened to me on friday morning.
I got punched in the face today. mad
One of my friends was going to get into a fight with somebody because he stole this guys' girlfriend. We all knew that if he went alone he was going to get jumped by about 6 guys, so myself and a few other guys went with him. Just before the fight happened they had called up another few guys for some reason. The guys they called up were only interested in getting a big fight going for absolutly no reason. After my friend and the other guy fought each other, we all started to leave, and a few people went ahead of us. Since the numbers had thinned out a little one of the guys who was only interested in hitting somebody, ran up to me while I had my back turned and I think he punched me in the back of the head. He then reached infront and punched me in the nose, the cheek, and the eye, then ran away.
Needless to say, ********! scream
2Brolly4 · Sun May 14, 2006 @ 07:40pm · 0 Comments |
Well in the past three or four weeks a few pretty big things have happened at my shcool, and then there's always a few more that have been going on for a LONG time. But for now, I'll tell you about one of the recent events, and the largest after that play.
Onto the nothingness...
Well about two or three weeks ago I got a into a little confrontation with somebody at my school. Now before I go on and tell you about what happened at school, I'll tell you what happened a week before that.
My friends and I went to go see Hostel (bad movie, don't watch it). I wasn't enjoying it because I don't like watching somebody puke, and have their blood splattered all over the place, and get tortured then killed. That's just not my idea of a good movie. So I walked out of the movie, and while I was waiting for it to finish the fire alarm went off. So my friends came out to meet me, and while we were talking some guy from school came up to one of my friends and said "I hear you've been talking s**t about me?!" My friend simply said "Whatever go away." because he doesn't like this guy and he doesn't want to have anything to do with him. But no, dropping the situation is just much to simple, so he says again "Have you been talking s**t about me?!" So my friend rolls his eyes and just says "Yeah, whatever, now ******** off." Again, that would be much to simple. So the guy says "Well if you've been talking s**t about me, lets go outside." my friend says "What?" so the guy says again "Let's go. Come on, let's go outside." Now, I'm not the kind of person who will just sit idley by while his friends are being threatened like that, so I stepped between the two of them and asked the guy "What are you going to do?" and he says "I'm going to kick his a**, that's what." and I simpley told him "No you're not. You're going to turn around and leave." But that was to simple because he said "Get out of my way or I'll go through you too." And he rose a fist. I'm not an easy person to intimidate, and there are few people I wouldn't be lippy to when they're mad. This kid, does not fit into those special few. I took a step back and told him to try it. He tried to push me back a few times, but failed misserably, and then I pushed him back and rose my index and middle finger up to his face. He told me to get my fingers out of his face, and tried slapping them away, but because I'm in fencing, I have the speed and the reflexes that a simple wrist movement made him hit nothing but air. I did that a few times, while the whole time he's getting madder and madder. Eventually my friends told me to forget about it, that he wasn't worth it, so I agreed and turned around. When I did that he supposedly tried to hit me in the back of my head, and one of my friends put his fists infront of his face and said "Don't even try it."
So, let's just forward a week now. For the week after that this kid would act all cocky as if he had kicked my a** and had no problem doing it either, so eventually I got tired of it and decided to put him in his place. Parts of my school have nice jagged stucko walls, and when he passed by and started doing the same stupid s**t as always, I just said "Alright, you know what, come kick my a**. In fact, slam my head against the wall. I'll even set you up for it." I put my head against the wall and put my hand up showing him the motion to crush my head between the wall. He tried to act big, and laughed at me, and started calling me a p***y, when he wouldn't cush my head. How that works out I don't know.
So after that I went and sat down with my friends, and he started walking up and down the caffeteria hallway a few times with a friend, then he went and sat down with his friends and was clearly talking about me. Him and his friends would always look over at me, so eventually I decided to give them a little wave. When I did that he came over and asked me if I wanted to go outside. I told him I was fine where I was, and if he wanted to fight he would have to do it in the caffeteria. He kept saying no and told me to come outside, and I kept telling him to just ******** hit me. I told him if he wanted to fight that badly, then he could hit me right where we were. Eventually I got sick of him telling me to go outside, so I went right up to his face and yelled "******** HIT ME!!!!" At that the entire caffeteria stopped talking and looked at us, and several people came to watch. He kept calling me a p***y, and said something like "What are you on about?" I'm not really sure, I didn't care enough to listen. I yelled at him again to hit me. Actually I did that a few times. After about the second time the entire caffeteria was either gathered around, or watching us, and several people from the hallways were trying to get a look too. He tried to seem tough and walked over to his friends who were gathered around, so I yelled at him "WHERE THE ******** ARE YOU GOING?!?! GET YOUR a** BACK HERE AND KICK MY a**!!!"
Very shortly after that the vice principal came into the caff. and she asked the guy and myself to go to the office. I looked at her and said hello, and calmly grabbed my stuff and went to the office. I figured I'd let her know that the entire time I actually was extremly calm, and had comeplete control over my emotions and what was happening. I've had very bad experiences with teachers that act as if I'm about to pull a gun out of thin air and kill every last student and teacher in the place; and if I don't get them there, I'll follow them home. I wanted to avoid that at all costs. So I told her what happened, she offered me a glass of water because I had been yelling so loudly.
Because no blows were actually thrown, neither of us really got into trouble. Although because there was the possibility, and because we created such a huge spectacle in the caffeteria, we got an in-school suspension for the rest of the day (which was two periods). They did take us into the same room, and we both had our respectable say about the entire situation, from the week before at the movies, the week between, and the situation itself. After we had our say I got up and walked over to him, and I think he thought I was going to hit him, because it looked like he put a bit of a guard up. But I didn't hit him, I extented my hand and asked him if we could put it all behind us, and forget about the big event, and anything that may have happened after. We shook, and neither of us has spoken, or started anything with glares or anything since, and I'm happy about that.
Despite what people at my school think, I believe in pacifism more than violence. And while I may not like this kid, I do respect him for not trying to start anything again, and for not giving me any looks.
This is a rather long entry. Enjoy! biggrin
2Brolly4 · Sat Mar 25, 2006 @ 08:55am · 1 Comments |
My school kicks the s**t out of hell |
Onto the nothingness...
This is only one reason why my school is going to hell. I'll probably post more later.
My school is going to hell.
Every year we have a musical, and last week there was a preview for it during 3rd period. When they were about 3/4 of the way through, somebody had snuck backstage and onto the stage during a scene change. A few minutes into the scene the guy went nuts and started throwing tables and chairs around, and was flipping the sets over. One of the teachers jumped onto stage right away and tried jumping on him, but was thrown off. Another TA, who used to be a bouncer, and works out in my school's weight room all the time jumped on him, was thrown off, looked a little shocked, and jumped back on. When they finally got him on the ground about 6 other teachers jumped on top of him and were holding him down, then the guy yelled out "I should've brought a gun."
He was on a few chemical drugs. There've been a lot of rumors going around as to what, but I don't think anybody actually knows. I've heard meth, PCP, coke, acid, heroin. I already know heroin and acid aren't true. Heroin wouldn't send you into that kind of state, and he only told the cops he was on acid because he thought he could get an insanity charge. From what I've come to understand though he was on cocaine and meth.
This happened on thursday, he wasn't put in jail. Either he got his bail paid or cops in Winnipeg are ******** retarded. He returned to school during the show on saturday and started banging on the doors trying to get inside.
And the funny thing about that is, it's only one of the various reasons my school is going to hell...fast!
2Brolly4 · Thu Mar 23, 2006 @ 03:59am · 2 Comments |
Where the Hell Have You Been?! |
Onto the nothingness:
Well as you may or may not know, I havn't been on Gaia for about a week and a half or something like that, give or take. The reason for this is simple, we've been putting hard wood flooring in and last week my dad started on the computer room. Before he could do that though, we had to take everything out of the computer room, including the computer. I know right now you're all probably thinking "Hosheet, no 'effin' way!!!" but it's true. So yeah, my computer's been unplugged for a while, and that's why I havn't been here.
And that's my story, if you didn't like that's to damn bad because I don't care.
2Brolly4 · Sat Feb 11, 2006 @ 06:22am · 4 Comments |
Well this is just a list of all the possessions I've received over the time of Christmas and my birthday. I hope you enjoy knowing what I have. xd And with that, I say:
Onto the nothingness:
DDR Extreme 2 with the dance pad Player's Handbook, Monster Manual, Dungeon Master's Guide Version 3.5 Unleashed Finding Neverland Peter Pan Slipknot 2 disc Live A Perfect Circle: Mer De Noms Futurama Season 1 God of War Gift cards to HMV and Blockbuster money A gift certificate(sp?) to a mall and theater A pair of King Kong slippers and a shirt that reads "Everyday I think people can't get any stupider. Everyday I'm proven horribly wrong."
Oh, and I'm getting a punching bag on the 3rd for my birthday. My mom was going to buy it today, but Canadian Tire was selling punching bag gloves, a skipping rope, and the bag for the same price as Walmart was selling the bag alone. But Canadian Tire was out of punching bags, and my mom wasn't sure if she should get me just the bag. So she told me this, and asked if I minded waiting, and I told her I could by all means wait.
2Brolly4 · Fri Dec 30, 2005 @ 09:46am · 1 Comments |
Oh my god, it's a journal entry about myself! =O |
Well it took something of something to tell all of you about my breakdowns that happened a while ago, and now again, I'll release a little of what I keep hidden from people.
Now onto the nothingness:
Well all through the day I've been feeling a little restless. During my first class today (health) I can usually pay attention, or I sit there and do absolutly nothing for the entire class, but today I was restless. I couldn't sit still, and I REALLY didn't want to be there. I had several urges to simply walk right out of the class. Now I was diagnosed with ADD in grade 7, but I stopped taking my pills in about the middle of grade 8 for several reasons (Most of which I don't remember xp ). I can't say that after I stopped taking them I payed complete attention in school, but I was better off without them. Although recently in my grade 10 and 11 years, I have been able to pay more attention when I want to, and I can sit still for hours on end if I need to. Although something about today was disturbing me, and I'm still not sure what it was. Anyways, after health I had history, a boring class, but none the less, I can still listen if I have to or sit still, even sleep. Not today. The class was pretty good for the most part, but when there was about fifteen minutes left in the class, I got a little restless again (not as bad as in health) and I felt like simply leaving the classroom. After lunch came english, now that class was fine, but after english comes keyboarding. That class is very slow, and by the way things were going today, I knew I would've been extremly restless and probably would've simply walked out of the class. So, I skipped it. Yes I know, I'm a dumbass for skipping. I weighed my actions before following through with them, and that's what I did.
There's my school day, restless and different. And I didn't like it.
Now to skip the most part of my evening because it's irrelavant. At around 11:00 tonight, I began thinking of things. Thinking of friends, family, enemies, myself, and my life. And in came the emmotions; happiness, dissapointment, depression, anger, fear, confusion, and probably some more I can't quite pinpoint. I feel happy because I have friends and family to support me. Although the times I need support the most, I never accept it.
I'm dissapointed because I feel I havn't done much with my life. I've never had a job, and I've only recently decided what I want to do in life. Which is to study philosophy, and perhaps become a philosophy teacher. And also to study english, and become an english teacher. The problem with this is that I'm in the regular english while I should've gone into honours, and my schedual is still full of grade 10 courses because I ******** myself over bigtime last year. Now I have my doubts that "Failure" will look very good on a university or college application.
I feel depressed, angry, fearful, and confused all at the same time, and all for pretty much the same reason. And these reasons, probably the things I need to get out most out of everything, I can't bring myself to write.
Sorry to leave you on a cliffhanger with this one, but I think I've said much more than I originally intended on writing, so I'll leave you now with this little bit of what I try to hide. I suppose all of this may just be from a lack of sleep as well. For the past few years I've only been getting 2-6 hours of sleep a night.
Goodbye now.
2Brolly4 · Tue Dec 06, 2005 @ 07:06am · 1 Comments |
Brolly's useless smiley naming thingy
biggrin - The happy smiley
redface - The embarrases smiley
crying - The extremly sad smiley
stare - Thinks he's better than you but really isn't smiley
xd - Something hilarious has just happened smiley
3nodding - Cute nodding smiley
blaugh - To happy not to have a boner smiley
gonk - The hosheet smiley
scream - Pissed off smiley
stressed - Over the top pissed off smiley
sweatdrop - The loser smiley
heart - The lovable smiley
domokun - DOMOKUN!!!!!!!1!!!!!!111
xp - The "Oh crap! I really shouldn't have done that." smiley
whee - The "hee hee" smiley
wink - The perverted smiley
sad - The sad smiley
surprised - The suprised smiley
eek - The shocked smiley
confused - The "WTF!?!?!!" smiley
cool - The too cool for you smiley. (School is a close second)
lol - The ******** up laughing smiley
mad - The psychotic killer smiley
razz - The forgotten smiley
cry - The emo smiley
evil - The "for fools" smiley
twisted - -See above-
rolleyes - The "You're a dumbass" smiley
exclaim - The useless smiley
question - -See above-
idea - -See above-
arrow - -See above-
neutral - "Your stupidity is amazing" smiley
mrgreen - The Hulk smiley
ninja - The stealthy smiley
4laugh - To cute for it's own good smiley
rofl - To happy not to be on something smiley
pirate - The Pirate Bubblegum Bart's smiley
talk2hand - Knows it's better than you smiley
And last but not least:
smile - The creepy a** raper smiley
And so concludes, Brolly's useless smiley naming thingy.
2Brolly4 · Sat Nov 19, 2005 @ 09:42pm · 1 Comments |