Now, you may want to know what a Juggalo is. A juggalo is a fan of the Insane Clown Posse, and other Band afliliated with ICP. We Juggalos are looked down apon mainly because of the fact that most Juggalos are scrubs, or outcasts. This is one reason why I am a fan of ICP. I admit that i am an outcast and I am proud of it. By being a Juggalo is almost like being in a huge family, no matter where you go, if you see a juggalo, you are automatically best friends...Almost as if you've known them all your life. The thing you need to know about Juggalos is that we are everywhere, especially Gaia. There is no civilized place you can go and not find a Juggalo, its crazy. If you too are a Juggalo, check out the Official ICP Guild on Gaia. Here is the Link:
The Dark Carnival