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Hi I'm 18 have a girlfriend work and have a child on the way, my own house yada yada ya so on so forth.
SO ya
TOday is ok my woman is sick, sigh
depresses me a bit,
slept ok last night still tired I wanna go smoke a camel wide
MOOD= No mood
State of mind= none
Song stuck in head= Rammstein engel
Hunger cravings= Frazzolis breadsticks
Payday is day after tommorow biggrin

New phone
so we got the new 700WX to troubleshoot at work and customers were being stupid and didn't listen to me let alone the phone is more complicated while Ok the store rep was not listening to me the tech support rep oh that pisses me off more then anything when the store thinks they know more then the advanced tech support, doesn''t it piss you off to? domokun

OK so today is alright I suppose
Stupid costumers with no common sense I want to slap them ! GRRRR evil

Hi there how you all doing whats up?

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  • 09/10/06 to 09/03/06 (4)
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