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Posted: Sat Aug 19, 2006 @ 02:42am
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 @ 08:49pm
wow....i haven't journaled in ages. a lot has happened. i went on vacation to cape cod with meeleena-chan, which was fun. we played ddr in several arcades.....until our feet fell off. we also did a bunch of other fun stuff. we went to the edward gorey house and walked in this forest for a bit, and we were like, looohll, it's a tree! and i don't know why that was funny, but then we were just like, loool @ trees! so it was fun. and one of the guys who was working at the house looked kinda like jhonen vasquez. yay. then...uh....on friday i went to the java jive at the high school, and.....duncan asked me out. kind of. see, my friend val was all like, "are you guys going out?" cause we were sitting next to each other and he had his arm around me. and i was all, "i don't know. are we going out, duncan?" and he's like, "i don't know. do you want to go out?" and i'm like, "yeah!" so now we're going out. and on saturday, we went to samuel's together to see some bands made of kids from his school play. it was loud and extremely crowded, but still fun. today, there was church... and our c.o.a. service. i was so nervous...i kept messing up when i was playing the piano. duncan said no one noticed though. oh well. then there was the hunger banquet, which was fun. i was really hungry, but i couldn't eat anything because we're all fasting for hunger awareness, or something like that. but i'm really hungry. only i don't want to eat. but i'm really hungry. *sigh* duncan and i ended up hanging out some, and steph was like, "are you two going out?" and he was like, "yeah." and she was all, "oh. that explains a lot." the end.
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Posted: Sun Mar 12, 2006 @ 12:33am
Posted: Mon Mar 06, 2006 @ 07:35pm
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Posted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 @ 06:54pm
Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 @ 03:31pm
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Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2006 @ 02:11am
Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 @ 11:40pm
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Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 @ 11:37pm