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My life! This is my life, somewhat simple, but somewhat complex. I'll try to update once a week, usually Sunday or Monday.

3cmrgx3 III
Community Member
Friday May 11, 2007
Okay! I'm going to at least try to keep this up. I'll start on May 2, and I'll try to update at least once a week.

May 2: My birthday, I had a job interview, and was hired later that night!
May 3: Nothing exciting.
May 4: Nothing exciting.
May 5: 1st day at work, later saw Spiderman 3.
May 6: Nothing exciting.
May 7: Nothing exciting.
May 8: Nothing exciting.
May 9: Had second interview, and got hired, now work 2 jobs, unsure when start second.
May 10: Nothing exciting.

Okay, I promise I'll make these more interesting, this was just a quick recall.

oh, jobs!

1st: Luigis Pizza and Fun Center i give out prizes to little kidlets for their tickets.
2nd: Food runner, I prepare peoples orders for food.

Uhm, yeah. These will be more interesting. I will try to update on Sundays.

Good night!

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