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The Archive of past words I will just write what I want or what is on my mind.

Troll Fairy
Community Member
Alone for the Night! Ha ha
I am alone at the moment in the flat for the whole night for the first time in over a year.

I can be as loud as I want to be and as crazy as I wish!

Ha ha ha ha ha

I can finally be myself which = hyper hyper hyper time blaugh

Bounce off the walls crazy mazy baby razz

I normally have to be super dull and talk about boring adult issues everyday and at night I have to make sure not to make to much noise incase I wake up my little sister who is nearly 3 years old.

Though, I am here alone right now so ******** all of that crap talk2hand

On another note: I have to go to a wedding tomorrow so that is why my mum and sister are not here because they have to go in the car with the bride.

On another note: I do not like weddings gonk

Yawn.......Think about it! I could be playing a MMO game instead of going to a wedding! Just think of how much I could level up my char in that time span sad

Am I being sarcasic there or not? emotion_awesome

The dark metal of the night is erupting forth
Burning it all away
Come forth dear demons and rise
You will take flight into the distant blue skies

Take hope for the world will not be undone
For inside you lies the sleeping one
Beating ever closer to life
Soon your time will come

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