I Know two Moiras, they both make me happy, they both make me feel good about myself, one I have not known for very long, the other, for maybe a year or longer so here is goes-
Angel Pumping Gas-
This Moira just plain turns me on, I really enjoy talking to her, she's hot, she's cool, and I just like everything about her. She has to be one of the hottest people I've ever met,,,she has to be the nicest one I've ever met,,,she's pretty much the best thing ever.Lucky her,, she lives in the city that I've always wanted to live in,,,
Love you Moira
Moira Gheller- This Moira I know in real life, she is really nice, we went out for a little while but we broke up because she,,I just found out,,,Is moving to New Zealand and she won't be back until her senior year, and by then I might have already moved back to the states,,,,My dad's job added a new state for him to work at and i may be going there within the next two or so years,,that state is-
Missouri Any ways
Love you Moira, Wish you weren't leaving
And this concludes my Double Moira thing, I love them both, But one is moving and I will never see her again. And the other Iwant to see but I can't...parents... But If one of you, or both of you are reading this,,,then now you know how i'm feeling
Til the end Moira, I'll always be, Dylan Zachery Floyd
Mutant-ated · Sun Oct 02, 2005 @ 05:29am · 1 Comments |