The Legend Continues |
So you've come to know the tale? Well pull up a chair and read on.... The Tale has many parts, far too many to tell in one day... or one week. So follow along, for the story's just beginning. |
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Posted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 @ 11:30pm
The Dark Shadow Over the Land
It was dusk, the Knight clan were for the most part asleep. Only three of their ranks had their gaze fixed in the distance. The threat of the dark lord loomed over the woods. Shadow stood on the porch, scanning the depths of the woods. The location of the Inn left the family virtually unknown to the world, however if someone knew the location of the Inn as Lich did.... It was a variable trap. The enemy could approach its foundation almost undetected because of the density of the woods. Knowing Lich would strike soon, the family had to be on its guard at all times.
Rimm stood on a 2nd story balcony watching the only open area that was nearby the Inn. Lich wouldn't be foolish enough to approach through the open grove. However, if he brought some of his minions with him, they might be. From his location, he could easily see 2 sides of the inn and its surrounding woods. Rimm was a quick thinker, it was what Everlast admired about him. If something did approach from that way, he'd come up with a plan before anyone could move a muscle.
Everlast wasn't at the Inn at all, he was the third awake though. Everlast crouched perched in a tree in the last area left unwatched. He was up high enough to be unnoticed by any who would walk under him, but still low enough to spring to the ground in a hurry. He had a feeling tonight was the night.... it had been too long, Lich would strike soon.
Everlast's gut feeling was true to it's master. Lich was there, but not alone. They were a few feet off to the side... they were just outside his strike range. He couldn't reveal his position just yet... the element of suprise was working for him. From their direction they would enter Shadow's sight before they reached the Inn. he'd have to hope Shadow saw them and they're attention turned to him so he could attack them from behind.
Indeed Shadow did catch the motion of one of the henchmen that accompanied Lich and revealed himself into the moonlight. Shadow drew his sword and clanged it against the metal rail once, the signal to Rimm that the enemy was present. Rimm quickly dashed inside from the balcony waking up Ash and Den to defend the inside of the house as he came out on the porch at Shadow's side.
Lich stood tall, his sword measuring over five feet pointed down towards the soil that sat under his mass. With him were four of his footsoldiers and one of his more skilled Lieutenants. Their attention was on Shadow and Rimm, and seeing as they had just come from Everlast's direction.... they couldn't have trapped themselves more perfectly. Everlast crept down the tree touching the ground quietly. He was a good fifty feet behind them and checked to see if Lich had any backup that hadn't come with him. He couldn't see any and he'd have to chance they wern't there.
Before Lich knew what happened, an arrow streaked through the air piercing one of his henchmen through the chest. Ash was in a third story window, bow drawn and Lich's men isntantly scattered. They certainly hadn't expected anyone to be waiting for them, or so prepared for battle. One of Lich's henchmen tried to run back through the woods and found Everlast's sword slicing the air in its path to stop him dead in his tracks. As the body fell, Lich turned to see Everlast standing a good 20 feet behind him sword drawn and immediately turned back around to see Shadow coming at him.
Lich and Shadow locked blades as Rimm took down one of the remaining two henchmen and headed for the final. Lich's lieutenant headed towards Everlast as their blades clashed in the woods. He was good, but Everlast was much better... it only took a few blocks and shifts to take the head off of the lieutenant. As Lich and Shadow fought, Ash drew another arrow and fired an accurate shot that wounded Lich in the shoulder. Acting on instinct, Everlast gripped his sword tight and shot it through the air piercing straight through Lich's right thigh. In his wounded and confused state, all Lich could do was hear Shadow bid him a farewell as his sword struck the final blow.
Lich was dead, but more would come to follow. Lich was but the dark leader of a clan, another would take his place... and seek to avenge his fall here today. There would always be a Lich, there would always be a shadow striking in the dark, and thats why there would always have to be a protector of light... Everlast Knight.
Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 @ 07:33pm
Love and War
As the days passed and his family grew, Everlast was finally settling in. He wasnt thinking about his past as much as he was his future. He was still young and had much of his life ahead of him. There was a certain individual who was peeking his interest. The young woman he had first met at the celebration, Jupiter her name was. Love was the emotion his mind was settling on, Everlast definately felt something for the woman and he felt that she had feelings for him too.
The pair's bond together strengthened and eventually blossomed into a relationship. As time grew so did their love, they were both protectors in their own right. Everlast of the innocent, and Jupi of the woods. For you see his love was intouch with nature, and nature with her.... he couldn't explain her connection to the forests of the world.... but it was no doubt present. Because of his love for her, he adopted the woods into his circle of protection. She had told Everlast that she felt pain when the woods were harmed, and that was something he could now allow to happen.
On the dawn of a new day, while the two were out walking amongst the woods, Everlast asked for Jupiters hand in marriage and she quickly accepted. The wedding was a beautiful one, with Shadow marrying the two while the rest of the family looked on in joy. They danced in celebration after the ceremony, much as they had when Everlast first heard music in the distance.
The peace of this land he had come to grow very fond of, but the wise know that peace can only last for a time. War is always on the horizon. A Dark Lord of signifigant power from Shadow's past had come for him and his family. Lich, as he was called, stood tall and powerful.... many had met their end at his sword. One of the few to escape his grasp was Shadow Knight and Lich had finally come to claim that life.
Everlast was one of the first to pick up his sword and defend those he loved. However this was war unlike that which Everlast was used to. There would be no great battle in an open field, no fight through the fog of night. No, This would be much more personal, one on one in a way. The Dark Lord Lich would strike and leave. Attempt to go for those Shadow loved to break his spirit before a straight on fight. They had to be ready at all times, ready to fight, ready to protect.... and the worst part was.... No one knew who Lich would strike, or when he would strike, only that he would. Only that he would...
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Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 11:27pm
The Inn In The Wood
Several days had passed since his encounter with the gathering in the middle of the forest. Over the span of his stay he had learned many things about the family that dwelt here. They were the Knight family and seemed more a clan then an actual family. They were led by the man he had spoken to during that celebration, Shadow Knight... whose past had as many rocky tears in it as Everlast did. Perhaps it was the reason he could connect with this group so easily. He had yet to truly speak with Shadow about both of their pasts but he could tell from the random comments he'd heard and the depths of his eyes that his past truly was cratered.
The Knight family called a decent sized Inn deep in the woods it's home. It was in this Inn that Everlast had found the comfort and kindness he didnt think he deserved. On the fourth floor was his room, adequately furnished for his stay. It housed the few dozen members of the clan, which were of an immense variety. There were your fair maiden types, those just living their lives, and even a few who he could tell had been warriors like he was. It was these few who he bonded with quickly and effortlessly. They understood eachother, and that was a rarity for their types.
Among these men by the names of Aux, Den, Rimm and of course, Shadow. He learned that the other three had also recently come across the clan and joined its cause... of which Everlast had still not discovered. The five of them grew close as more time went past. They quickly became the defenders of Aino which was the name of the Inn they called home. Everlast had decided to make this his home and the place to redeem his actions and make things right. These people would be his family, these people would be his life.
He now had a name he could be proud of, he had been ashamed of bearing the name Markasis, he didnt deserve to carry the name of the man he killed. Riminix he would be able to hold on to as he redeemed his life here at Aino. But for now, Everlast Knight suited him just fine. He was Everlast Riminix Knight the protector of light, that is what his family dubbed him, and that was a fate he could live with.
Posted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 @ 07:39pm
Music in the Distance
Everlast's dreams plagued him, it wad during the hours under the stars that they grew there worst. He had no home, no family, no one to care for, no one to protect. Everything he'd grown up wanting to do was taken from him. He was nothing but an empty shell now. The stars dimmed, and the sun grew from the soil of the east as he laid there, staring at the trees above him.
The sudden sound of music stirred him up. He was deep in the woods, where would such a sound come from? He gathered his things and tied Darthil's reins to the branch above him. Strapping his sword to his side he moved swiftly and silently towards the music. As he neared the sound he heard laughter and the beginnings of conversations. He crept to the treeline and noticed an open section of the woods, it was beautiful. The greenest grass, with a little brook running along the side. Gathered in this opening in the woods was a magnitude of people celebrating what looked like a wedding. Musicians played the tune that had lured him to the festivities and the attendee's were dancing and singing and filled with glee.
Before he realized what was going on, a hand reached through the trees and pulled him off balance into the opening. It was a young woman with the biggest smile on her face who had pulled him into the middle of the dance. Before he knew it, he was smack dab in the middle of a wedding reception surrounded by strangers. As the dance ended, the woman curtsied to him and addressed herself saying, "Good day stranger, my name's Jupi, and yours?"... He was still in shock at everything, it was all so sudden. Stuttering, he attempted to answer the woman's question, "Um....E...It's Everlast". She chuckled at his reaction, infact shed been chuckling and laughing this whole time. "Well welcome to our party Everlast... My Brother just got married, you already missed the wedding... it was such a beautiful ceremony."
It took a few minutes for Everlast to gain his composure. Through conversation with some of the family members he discovered they lived not to far away at a lovely little Inn they'd built in the middle of the forest. He still felt he needed banished from society for his sins, but he couldnt sleep under the trees forever. It was an Inn, perhaps he could just find a moderately comfortable bed to call his home. A gentleman by the name of Shadow Knight approached him at the wedding and introduced himself. "I am Shadow Knight, leader of the Knight family... I see you've already met my sister Jupiter. Where are you from stranger?" the man asked, obviously less trusting then his sister was.
"I am Everlast Realford Riminix M....." he paused a second stopping before uttering the name he had disowned. He continued the sound forming a new word in its place, "man of the East. I was a soldier in the great war that has been reaping the land of its beauty."
Shadow looked him over quickly, he could sense Everlast had been through hell and back and decided to offer him shelter should he need it, "Where do you live good sir? do you have a home?" he inquired.
Everlast's gaze pierced through the earth into a void, home..... Shaking it off he replied, "I have no home sir, not for awhile"
Jupi looked concerningly towards her much taller brother, "Can he stay with us brother? we have more than enough space"
Everlast shook his head slightly sighing, "You don't need to trouble yourself with me, I'm not deserving of such kindness"
"On the contrary, you look as if you haven't had enough kindness.... please enjoy the party and then I'll show you to our dwelling" Shadow bowed respectfully and went on to carry on conversation with his newly married brother.
Jupi smiled at him and waved "welcome to our little group, I'll see you later" she ran off towards a group of her sisters and chatted. Everlast turned to return to Darthil and bring him towards where the other horses were as he thought to himself. I don't deserve such kindness.... but perhaps these people are the chance I've been looking forward to to become the protector of light once again... just perhaps
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Posted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 @ 07:38pm
Banished By His Own Mind
For hours, the horse that carried Everlast sprinted south towards the only thing he had left. As he pondered, he wasn't even sure he could go back... everything he'd just done went against all the teachings of those he'd called his family. Even Riminix would be dissappointed in him. He had killed, and killed, and killed in the names of justice, anger and vengence. But in his five years in covert hiding, he'd killed countless "enemies".... who had done nothing wrong but want to protect their homes. He had killed innocents, he had destroyed families... and for what? his own personal vendetta. No, he couldn't face them, he just couldn't.
Everlast was forced to banish himself... the monks he'd known and come to call family would rather he died in his mission then to come back with the disgrace he held to himself. The protector of light had done the exact opposite, he had become the hunter in the dark. "No..." his mouth let out.... none were around, only himself and his horse Darthil, who he'd named after Riminix. Darthil slowed and came to a stop in response to Everlast pulling back on the reins. The man sat there in the middle of the plains, miles from anyone, on his horse. "No" he let out once more, his no's trailed off his lips and dissappeared instantly. He was almost whispering to himself the word over and over again. Suddenly he let out a burst from his lungs lunging the word "No" into the far reaches to hear. Tears gathered in his eyes again, there was no going back. He couldn't let himself go back.
After regaining himself, he tugged the reins to the west... he would leave this land entirely. No more war, no more would his past and present plague him. For now, his only option was to start a new, somewhere else, away from it all. Darthil rode swiftly west across the plains, for hours until the borders of the warring kingdoms had long since been passed. The plains grew past him, and the woods now filled his view. The lands to the west of the war were peaceful, and had no real governing body to speak of. Infact many of the villages that exsisted in the west didn't even know about the war that had been waging on beyond their borders these past twenty-five years. For the seventeen years of his life, that is all Everlast knew. True he lived in peace for most of it, but the war grew on his doorstep nonetheless.
After days, Everlast had rode deep within the woods of the west. He had finally found a decent place to settle down and rest for a few days. There was a decent covering of trees that would protect him from the weather.... this forest was deep and dense. Indeed he needed rest, he had rode for the better part of a day without stopping. Setting up camp, he allowed himself to slip into deep sleep. Everlast Relaford Riminix slept quietly that night. He was not a Markasis, he ahd given that name up after his vengence had be sought. For now, he had only three names, and in truth perhaps he didnt even deserve two of them. How could he call himself Relaford after killing the man who he recieved that name after. And after what he'd done.... would Riminix trully call him son. These were the thoughts that sent him to sleep. Indeed for now, he would simply be Everlast... until he though himself worthy of the others.
Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 05:10am
Tears of Fate
The Juntan forces were retreating... and Everlast couldn't believe what just happened. There was no battle, there was no one else... he was alone in a void of darkness, frozen in time. He couldn't believe what had just transpired. Had he really done what he thought he did? Perhaps there was another man with the same last name... but he didn't believe that... He couldn't. No deep in his heart, Everlast knew that his fears were the truth. He had come here to avenge the death of his father... and instead killed him himself.
The forces from Sall were beginning to assemble for their trip back to their homeland. The talk amongst the troops was the daring attack on the enemy general by Riminix Darthil. It seemed as if he just appeared back in Sall.... Everlast truly didnt remember the trip back. It may have take hours, it may have taken days... he was lost in time. He looked lifeless, like his soul had left him.
When they arrived back at the capital, Lord Kalum wanted to meet the soldier who had finally rid him of the thorn that had been in his side for 17 years.. Everlast was escorted into Lord Kalum's hall, Kalum sitting at the end of it on his throne. The lord stood up and began walking towards him and it was then that Everlast finally shook off the void. He knew where he was, why he was here, and now he was here to do what he came to do. Lord Kalum proceeding to tell Everlast the story, that Relaford Markasis had become a traitor and fled his land, defecting to the Juntan forces. He had served them as one of their best generals and their strategist ever since. Everlast however knew the truth, he was lucky to escape with his life. He had probably been serving the Juntan forces in an attempt to destroy the Sall kingdom and be able to search for his wife without fear of them being hunted. But Everlast, his own son, had ended that mission... and right now was going to atone for his sins, and sever the source of the evil.
The hate and fire raged in his eyes as he looked at Kalum, "Kalum...." the lord seemed annoyed by the lack of respect in him being addressed, but had little time to say anything about it, "I am Everlast Relaford Riminix Markasis.... son to Relaford Markasis, son to Melana Markasis, and avenger of both." a look of fear spread across Kalum's face as he began to stumble back. "I am the protector of light, it is at your hands that this fate has been spun, it is because of you that my father and mother are dead. And it is because of you, that I must kill again. I will never forgive myself, and I will never forgive you" His sword left his side and flew through the air, severing the head from Kalum's shoulders. As his foe's body slumped to the ground, he collapsed to his knees. His hands rushed to his face dropping his sword to the ground as tears streamed down his face.
The doors to the grand hall flew open behind him and from the sounds of the running footsteps, Everlast estimated there were four guards. His hand went for the hilt of his sword and he stood as he turned slicing through one of the four. His other arm snapped the neck of the second as he threw the seconds body into the third and stabbed the fourth through the chest. The third guard pushed the body off of him and tried to stand up before getting cut down himself.
Everlast fled the kingdom, much as his parents had 17 years earlier... he had done what he came here to do. And would need much time to try to repair the wounds left from his sins. The monestary was his home, its now all he had left... and it's where he headed.
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Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 @ 01:58am
On The Wings Of Revenge
Quiet and peaceful, the best words to describe that morning. A lone rider swiftly moved northward towards the borders of Sall. It was just before dawn when his horse carried him into the land of his enemy. He was only twelve, still a child to many.... but he had anger with him... and he was prepared to wait as long as needed to get his revenge. Many years had passed since his mother and father had fled.... things had probably changed, things definately changed. He would need to infilitrate his enemy to strike at the heart of it. A twelve year old boy was not going to get at the throat of the lord of one of the three great kingdoms.
His horse approached the main gates to the capital of Sall, he was granted entry and made his way further into the city. The young boy inquired around with interest in joining the ranks of Sall's army. If he could only get deep enough in Sall's defenses he'd have a chance at avenging his parents. Everlast was directed towards the officer in charge of Sall's defenses. He had come up with a believable story for his sudden appearance and wish to join the Sall army as well as a false identity... the name of his adoptive father, Riminix Darthil. He informed the officer that he had been a member of Junta's army against his will. On a scouting mission he managed to escape and fled to Sall. His story was well recieved and believed and he was granted a position in the offensive army.
He trained and aged, rising in valor and prestige. for five long years he was in the army of Sall. He fought bravely for a chance to get noticed and get close to Sall's Lord. He was seventeen and by now was a very skillful fighter. He was also becoming quite the strategist like his father was. However the others would never make the connection, for five years he had been Riminix Darthil and there was no reason to think any different.
Over the years of the war that would never end.... progress had been made. The kingdom of Harla had been overthrown by both Sall and Junta, both kingdoms claiming close to half. The Alliance of the South had wained, some factions just giving up the fight... and others being defeated in battle. It had not given up the fight, but it could hardly contend with either of the other two. Word of a large force from Junta was heard moving across their plains... Sall decided to meet them on the battlefield and attempt to strike a painful blow to their enemy.
The battle waged on, Sall's forces had come around behind the troops from Junta and struck swiftly.... Sall it seemed had the obvious advantage. One of Junta's most popular generals was with their forces and Everlast saw him as the perfect opportunity to exact his revenge. If he killed one of Junta's most famed generals... he would surely be able to get close to Lord Kalum. Sword in hand, Everlast cut down any soldiers in his path, aiming straight for the general on the horse. He was middle-aged and looked like he'd seen many battles. Everlast was unsure of who he was, but that didn't matter... all he saw was the chance to get close to his enemy. The general turned just as Everlast leapt into the air knocking the general off his horse. The fear grew in the generals eyes as Everlast's blade sliced across his chest, his final exhale escaping from his lungs. Everlast cut down two of the generals guards around him and hopped up on the horse.
A Juntan sergeant's cry still echoes through Everlast's heart... "They've killed the general! They've killed General Markasis! Fall Back!" An eternity seemed to flash by, darkness seemed to overtake him..... What had he done.
Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 10:48pm
The Early Days
Everlast Relaford Markasis came into the world in a distant monestary... far from his parents land. It was late in the night when he was delivered and there were no complications. The monks of the monestary were well versed in the world of medicine and both Melana and Everlast pulled through with no problems. It had been over 2 weeks since Melana and Relaford's departure from Sall. She knew it could take months, even years for them to run into eachother again if he was still alive, but she couldn't give up hope on seeing him again.
Melana raised Everlast with the aide of the monks and stayed at the monestary as their welcomed guests. Timed waned and passed, first weeks... then months.... then years. Everlast was now a child, capable of interaction with others, and his mother.... continually hoped to see her beloved again. It was when Everlast began to inquire as to who his father was that Melana's heart truly began to crumble. Why hadn't she stopped to find out where he was... why did she keep riding... why did she listen?, these were the thoughts that plagued her sleepless nights.
The monks began teaching Everlast their vast knowledge... even in his youth, he was a good pupil and a quick learner. They taught him about medicine and art and literature and the annals of history. Having nothing else to cling to, Everlast devoted his every waking moment to his studies at the monestary. He grew particularly close to one of the monks whose name was Riminix Darthil. Riminix was the youngest monk who lived there and the one who taught Everlast philosophy.
Everlast was sprouting and quickly becoming a young teenager. He had been studied with the monks for all his life and was now ten years of age. He considered Riminix Darthil his adoptive father just as Riminix considered Everlast his son. It was in this year however that his mother, Melana, fell ill. No manner of medicine was working, she was simply fading away.... almost as if her soul had been disconnected from her. It was Melana's heart that was ill... she had comed to terms with her husband and given up hope on his survival.... she had simply lost the will to live. In her last hours, Melana decided to do what she was reluctant to do these past ten years, she told Everlast about his real father. She explained everything to him, leaving no detail untouched. For when she was gone... none would be left to tell him and he would never know the truth. Melana passed, with Everlasts hand in hers. Everlast didnt move for quite some time, not until Riminix's hand patted his shoulder. The funeral was solemn, and she found her place in the soil under a big oak tree just outside the monestary.
Everlast lost his bright personality for quite some time... and in turn began to grow darker. Of the monks, all had obstained from violence their entire lives... except for Riminix. In his past, Riminix had been a soldier of one of the smaller factions that made up the Alliance of the South. When the war escalated, he fled and joined the peaceful monks. He had delighted Everlast with his war stories for years, and now in secret he began to train Everlast in skills of combat the strategies of war.
Everlast was growing into quite the young warrior, but he and Riminix did a good job at keeping it behind the backs of the other monks. He continued his studies, having only the monks in his life now, but perfecting his skills in combat to exact his revenge on those responsible for the death of his father, and indirectly his mother.
When the time came, Everlast packed his things and said a fond farewell to Riminix and the other monks. Riminix gifted him the sword he'd kept hidden in his quarters, a broad and arched sword with a lions head etched into the hilt on both ends. Deciding to adopt the name of his closest friend and father, Everlast named himself Everlast Relaford Riminix Markasis. Everlast climbed onto a beautiful white horse, one he'd raised at the monestary for several years and began his journey to Sall.
For his real father, for his mother.... for everyone who recieved injustice and pain by the hands of others, Everlast Relaford Riminix Markasis... the protector of light.... rode off towards the horizon.
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Posted: Sat Aug 26, 2006 @ 07:48pm
The Story Begins....
What is a Legend? A Legend can be defined as a fictious story of old meant to entertain those who hear its words. This my friends is not a legend, nor is it a tale.... no. Although such words add flavor to it, this is a story, which has its share of flavor already... Some may argue its validity... some may argue its accuracy.... However, I am here not to tell legends or tales.... but my story... whether you choose to believe it... is up to you.
This story begins as many do, in a land... unknown to many today. The land was divided by many, warring kingdoms and colonies fueded over the land that was theirs, and the land of their enemies. One such kingdom was Sall, one of the most powerful kingdoms involved in the war. Lord Kalum ruled over the land and strived to make Sall come out on top of the war. Sall had its competition, however many of the other lands could not compete one on one with Sall. Because of their inferiority, smaller factions began to form an alliance, dividing the land in four. Sall with one fourth of it stood toe to toe with the other two monsterous kingdoms, Harla and Junta. The Alliance of the South was made up of the lesser in power, many factions allying in hopes of defeating the three bigger kingdoms. All four held their territory, and few borders changed.... It would seem as if the war would go on forever, and indeed.... it could have.
There was a man in the kingdom of Sall by the name of Relaford Markasis. He had a wife named Melana, she was fair and beautiful and had won Markasis' heart years early. Melana was pregnant with their first child who was due in the coming weeks. Markasis was Lord Kalum's strategist and was feared by many, including the elites of Harla and Junta. His strategies turned the tides of many battles in favor of Sall and his land was slowly gaining an edge over the other three. Despite his youthful age, only in his mid-twentys, Markasis directed troops in battle like he'd seen the patterns of war for decades. He began to grow great support amongst the people of Sall. Lord Kalum was beginning to fear his popularity, Markasis was posing a threat to his lordship over the land.
One night, when most of the land were asleep, a few made their way toward Markasis' quarters, armed guards sent by their lord to assasinate the strategist of Sall. In the darkness, they crept. Stirred awake by the sound of one of their armored calves clanging softly outside the door, Markasis arose grabbing for his sword. Hearing their prey moving, the guards busted open the door lunging for him. Lit dimly by the light of a candle carried by one of the guards, the first of 3 saw only Relaford's face coming at him through the shadows. The guards' chest became the new sheath for Markasis' sword. Melana awoke screaming when she heard the comotion. Before the first guard's body fell, Relaford Markasis' sword slid northeast across the torso of the second... the candle falling and extinguishing on the floor. In the pitch black, all Melana heard was a third body hitting the floor. The fourth went towards her before she heard her loves voice saying "it's ok, gather your things, we must leave now."
Two horses rode quickly away from Sall's capital, one carrying Relaford Markasis, the other his wife. Archers on the wall were prepared for him however, and before he could realize it, there were 2 arrows stuck in Markasis' back. Not wanting his wife to suffer the same fate, he ignored the arrows hoping she wouldn't notice them in the dark and simply said "keep riding". Melana rode and eventually noticed her husband wasn't with her, he wasn't anywhere. She kept riding, tears forming in her eyes... hoping he was alright. Her husband was a brave knight of Sall, and nothing could stop him... she kept repeating to herself. She only hoped and prayed she was right.
By daybreak she had long passed the borders of Sall, she now was in the Alliance of the South's territory... They would not recognize her.... Relaford however they would. But, of all the lands... the Alliance of the South was the only one that wouldn't kill him on sight.... it was the best place for them to rendezvous. She came across a monestary in the middle of the plains. She figured it was the best place to rest and wait for her love.
Time passed, and Relaford Markasis was no where to be found. He could be anywhere, or he could be dead... she simply didn't know, but she didn't want to give up hope. The time came for her child to be born, the monks at the monestary helped in the delivery. A baby boy was born, Melana named him Everlast.... the name her husband had wanted if it was a boy. Deciding to give him a middle name after his father.... Everlast Relaford Markasis was born.
It was in this day.... that his story begins.... much as many do... in a land unknown to many today.