Here are some japanese words and their english meaning, enjoy ^-^
Gomen- sorry
Gomen nasai- I`m very sorry
Aringatoo- thankyou
Domo aringatoo- thankyou very much
Inu- dog
Neko- cat
Baka- idiot/jerk/moron
Katana- japanese styled samurai sword
Shoujo- girl
Bishoujo- pretty girl
Shounen- boy
Bishounen- pretty boy
Watashi Wa- I am
Nani?- what?
Yume- dream
Oswari- sit (doggy style)
Owari- end
Zettai- never
Sakabatou- reverse blade sword
Houshi- buddist priest
Ai- love
Aisheteru- I love you
Hai- yes
Iie- no
Sakabasu- freckles
Minna- everyone
Hanyou- half demon
Youkai- full demon
Oi- hey
Kappa- water demon
Anata- you
Sayonara- goodbye
oni- devil
Ningen- human
Fuku- school uniform
Kawaii- cute
Sora- sky
Otaku- hardcore anime fan
Hitokiri Battousai- legendary manslayer
Onegai- please
Ikura des ka? How much is it?
Japanese English
aka red
orenji orange
ki (iro) yellow
midori green
aoi blue
murasaki purple
momoiro pink
1. o hayou gozaimasu 1. good morning
2. kon-nichiwa 2. good afternoon
3. konban wa 3. good evening
4. oyasuminasai 4. good night
5. wakarimasen 5. I do not understand
6. Anata no namae wa nan to iimasu ka? 6. What is your name
7. o-ai dekite ureshii desu 7. nice to meet you
8. o-genki desu ka 8. how are you?
9. ja mata 9. so long (lit. then again)
10. Toire wa doko desu ka? 10. Where is the bathroom?
11. So desu ka 11. Is that so?
12. Do itashimashite 12. You are welcome
13. O-negai shimasu 13. I beg of you (please give me)
14. Sumimasen 14. I'm sorry; also used for excuse me
15. Kekko desu 15. That's fine or I'm fine
16. Meri Kurisumasu 16. Merry Christmas
17. Toshi wa o-ikutsu desu ka 17. How old are you?
18. Iku na 18. Don't go
19. Naku na 19. Don't cry
20. Hanasu na 20. Don't speak
21. O-namae wa? 21. What is your name?
22. Mata aimasho 22. Let's meet again
23. Do ka shimashita ka 23. Is something wrong?
24. O-ki ni irimashita ka 24. Do you like it?
25. ano 25. pardon me..., well..., 'er', 'uh'
26. O-kinodoku desu 26. I'm sorry to hear that
27. Do shimashita ka 27. What's the matter?
28. O-matase shimashita 28. I'm sorry to keep you waiting
29. O-daiji ni 29. Take care
30. Mata, dozo 30. Please come again
31. Suteki desu, ne 31. It's just great or that's fine
32. ja matashta 32. see you tomorrow
33. Nihongo ga hanashimasu ka? 33. Do you speak Japanese?
34. Watashi no tokolo de 34. at my place
35. Nanio shimasu ka? 35. What are you doing?
36. watashimo 36. me too
37. ii otenki desu ne? 37. Nice weather isn’t it?
38. yana otenki desu ne? 38. Bad weather isn’t it?
Japanese Word English Translation 1. Eigo 1. English
2. watashi 2. I
3. watashi tachi 3. we
4. anata 4. you (singular)
5. karera 5. they
6. yoi 6. good
7. kanai 7. wife
8. shujin 8. husband
9. musume 9. daughter
10. musuko 10. son
11. okaasan 11. mother
12. otousan 12. father
13. tomodachi 13. friend
14. Sayonara 14. Goodbye
15. Sensei 15. Teacher
16. hon 16. book
17. eiga 17. movie
18. seito 18. student
19. isha 19. medical doctor
20. kirei 20. pretty, neat, nice
21.doko 21. where
22. dare 22. who
23. nani 23. what
24. itsu 24. when
25. kekko 25. fine, good, excellent
26. koko 26. here
27. soko 27. there
28. no shita ni 28. under, beneath
29. no ue ni 29. over, above
30. suru 30. to do (the verb)
31. shiru 31. to know (the verb)
32. hoshii 32. desired, desirable
33. kau 33. to buy (the verb)
34. aiji (na) 34. important
35. dekiru 35. to be able to do
36. tanoshii 36. pleasant, happy, enjoyable
37. negau 37. desire, wish for
38. utsukushii 38. beautiful
39. dame 39. no good
40. tomodachi 40. friend
41. shin'nen 41. New Year
42. omisoka 42. New Year's Eve
43. Hirugohan 43. lunch
Japanese Name Suffix Suffix Usage and Meaning
-san Term of respect that is used when referring to a person older than yourself, or with whom you are not very familiar
-chan Term used to indicate affection or endearment (used among friends)
-sama Term used to indicate formal respect. Often used when addressing ones teachers.
-kun Term used towards male friends or acquaintances who are younger or the same age as you
-ko Used as a permanent suffix on a female name, or can be used to make a shortened 'nickname' form of a name for someone who you are romantically involved with. (ex: in Sailormoon, Mamoru is heard calling Usagi 'Usako')
Japanese Word or Phrase Meaning in English
arigato gozaimasu thank you
baka idiot or fool
bara rose
bishojo pretty or beautiful girl
chibi little
densetsu legend
fuku clothing-in this case, sailor suits
gekko moonlight
ginzuishou Imperium silver crystal
gomen nasai I'm sorry
hai yes or ok
henshin transform
iie no
kanji ideograms used to write Japanese
kawaii cute
kokoro heart, spirit, or mind
konban wa good evening
konnichi wa good afternoon
manga Japanese comic
minna everyone
moshi moshi hello (when answering the phone)
mugen infinity
nani what?
neko cat
odango atama dumpling head (Usagi's nickname)
ohayo gozaimasu good morning
ofuda anti-evil scroll (to banish evil spirits)
oyasumi nasai good night (used before bed)
seiya starry night
seiyuu voice actor/actress
sempai senior or superior
senshi warrior or soldier
shine die (shouted threat by enemies)
shojo young girl
shonen young boy
Usagi rabbit
yoma monster
yume dream
sakura cherry blossom
aita ouch
dame da! that's no good!
Japanese Word or Phrase Meaning in English
kino no asa yesterday morning
kesa this morning
ashita no asa tomorrow morning
maiasa every morning
kino no ban last evening
komban this evening
ashita no ban tomorrow evening
maiban every evening
kino no yoru last night
konya tonight
ashita no yoru myoban tomorrow night
maiyo every night
kino yesterday
kyo, konnichi today
ashita, myonichi tomorrow
mainichi, ichinichi goto ni every day
senshu last week
konshu this week
raishu next week
maishu, isshukan goto ni every week
sengetsu last month
kongetsu this month
raigetsu next month
maitsuki every month
kyonen last year
kotoshi this year
rainen next year
maitoshi every year
maijikan every hour
ototoi day before yesterday
ototoshi year before last
asatte day after tomorrow
goto ni at intervals of
ima now
kore kara from now on
sore kara after that
Nanji desu ka? What time is it?
Nanji ni? At what time?
Japanese Word or Phrase Meaning in English
haru spring
natsu summer
aki autumn
fuyu winter
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