I watch her as she wades through the flours in the medow each day...and as she sits on the river bank each night. Her smile...no greater beauty than its golden aura...I can feel the warmth of her presants...her smile elegently shines down on all things bringing life into all. Her hair long and flowing like nothing I have ever seen. As dark as the shadows in which I reside yet as peaceful and delicate as she. Will this girl I so long to be with ever notice me? Each day I come to watch over her she sings such a beautiful song. It captured my heart when I first heard it. I have given up my life of being an assassin to look over this beautiful girl. But my teachings have forbiden me from emerging from the shadows to great her as I so long to do. I can only hope she is able to find me on her own someday.
Today I got careless...she heard me aproching from above a tree and she nearly spoted me. But now she knows I am here. What use is it to continue to hide? Yet still I do not emerge from the shadows. I fear I am not ready to face her yet. But now...her song has ended for some time. Instead of singing...she searches. She Searches for me. I am afread the only way she will begin her song once more is if I am to appear before her.
Today is the day. Today I will go before her and inquier her to sing for me her beautiful song. Her voice...like an Angel's it is so beautiful. I cannot resist. Not a moment longer can I bear to not hear her voice. I shall go before her tonight before she is to return home.
*emerges slowly from the shadows in front of the girl and slowly gazes upon her beautiful Angelic body*...
"It's you...you are the one from that day so long ago are you not? Why have you hiden yourself from me for so long? What is it that strikes fear into your heart so much that you would hide from me?"
"...I......did not want to frighten you...that is why I hid myself away in the shadows"
"Non-sense...you do not frighten me...I have known you were there for far greater a time then you had let me. Ever since you began watching over me...I knew you were there."
"Why....did'nt you call out to me?"
"Because I wanted you to come out on your own. Because I wanted to know if you had the courage to face me without my asking you too."
"I dont understand..."
"Neither do I."
"Would you like....for me to sing for you again?"
"Yes....I.....that is why I came....I have longed to hear your song again for so long. But why did you stop?"
"Because....I knew that if I did....sooner or later you would come to me...to hear my song again. I'm glad that you did..."
*the girl slowly walked over to me and embraced me as if she had known me all her life and I had been gone for a very long time and I had finaly returned to her. At that very moment she began to sing. But it was a diferent song. A song I had sang long ago when I was very young...before I went to train and become a Ninja. It was the very song I used to sing....to a girl I once knew. As she sang the song my heart sank...yet just as quickly it began to rise. Tears came streaming down my face...soaking the mask I had been wearing for far to long. She stoped and looked up at me and noticing the tears soaking my mask she removed it to reveal my face. There was nothing but a smile there...and she smiled too. She came closer and kissed me. Then she began to sing that same song again...and when she finished it...she said*
"Welcome back...I've missed you..."
"I....missed you too....Chii-chan."
"You DO remember...." She said as tears began to run down her eyes "Oh Hideki!"
*As the tears ran down her face she embraced me once again. I put my arms around her and rest my chin on her head uttering three small words*
"I love you..."
*I had finaly remembered who this girl was. This girl...before I went off to become a Ninja....we had been in love for so long. But I was such a fool. I left to persue my own dreams...not even thinking of what she wanted. I broke her heart back then. But she stayed strong...she knew....that I would come back. That I would remember what we had. And I would realize would we would have when I came back. This time...I made a promse to her.*
"I promise....this time I will not leave you. I fully realize what I left behind when I went to become what I am now. I will not do that again. It is far greater what I can have with you then anything else in this or any other world. I promise you...from this day forward...I will always be at your side..."
"You dont have to stay by my side always...just promise me you will always come back if you must ever leave again. Dont stay away...I know I want you here with me always but that is not possible. There are things you must still do...but promise me this: When you are done with the things you have left to do...you will come back."
"...I swear it....I will come back for you..."
*With these words being said it was time for me to leave. I leaped back into the shadows and watched her walk home. This time her smile was even greater then before. And I know why. My quest is not yet finished. But when it is I have sworn to come back for her. And I will do so. Nothing will stop me from coming back to her this time. Untill that day...I will always sing that song when I am alone...*
~The way of the Ninja is no longer for me. I will chose my own path now. I will do what I want. And I wont let anyone stop me.~
Sexyroth · Sun Jul 23, 2006 @ 08:53pm · 1 Comments |