This is dedicated to all the beggars that can be extremely annoying and/or wannabe hackers and scam artists.
|-Special catagory-| (n00bs that think they matter to me) I received this message on my profile from ].[.V.].[
Quote: I am sorry,but you are a weirdo.Santa and Master Queef doesn't mix without scaring young children. GET A LIFE!!!
To which I replied: Weirdo, eh? How is that supposed to be an insult? If anything it just says I'm more interesting than the norm. What's wrong with me dressing up for the holiday spirit of winter solstice? I see nothing wrong with it. Plus, at least I don't need a bunch of brackets in my username to make it original.
I love hate comments, they make me love my username even more knowing that some immature underage person who thinks that I actually give a damn about their opinion has taken an opposition to it.
Plus, I have a life, it's called college.
Hateful_nightmare (n00b) huythemaster1234(n00b)
[IVPC] sepheroth(n00b)
[MOD]LionHeart (wannabe hacker)
The_chosen_one_is_a_girl (n00b)
wolf_freedom (n00b) Wolf Tweak (n00b)
YoNdAiMe H4 (n00b)
The only people to pm me where I actually wanted to help them out, higher than all these people.
Unborn Demon
Master Queef · Sat Nov 25, 2006 @ 10:08pm · 0 Comments |