A warrior Named Shannon |
this is about my charater Shannon (my real name by the way) and her friends Nick and Tori. This are my real friends. Im basing this on my life, my imagination Narto, Inuyasha, and little parts from other shows as well. |
Community Member
Posted: Thu Jul 27, 2006 @ 04:30am
Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 @ 10:43pm
When we last left off Shannon found out she was a warrior and so were her friends. In order to kill shelby, Shannon or should I say Suki must find her friends and the other remaning warriors as well.
As the sun rose high into the sky Suki could now see her surroundings better. She was on a field that spread of miles across the land and about a mile away was a lake of clear blue water that was filled with fish. Suki got up from were she laid and started to walk through this feild of green. "Ah, what a perfect day to walk. Not even a cloud in the sky." said Suki. Then she started to feel a little home sick the further she walked from the well the harder it got from her stopping the tears from falling. After walking about two miles she saw a town. It was small but it would do. It looked nothing like home, The people didnt look like regular people even Suki didnt look the same as she once did. Now she had pointy ears like a elf, a long self purple and blue somthing she thought it was some sort of ninga dress that reminded her of sakura's dress from Naruto. Blueish sandals also looked like they were from the show Naruto, she had gills, a silver gem in the middle of her forhead and her hair was a light brown that looked orange and was in two pigtail like buns. Even her eyes were differnt they were a blood thirty crimson red instead of the light sky blue color they once were. Then Suki kneeled on the soft grass and burst into tears not caring who or what saw her. Then a strange but oddly hansome boy came up to Suki on horse-back. He looked 15 or 16 years old.Suki is around his age at 15. "Why are you cry stranger?" asked the boy after geting down from his horse and kneeling beside Suki. " I dont belong here, im not a warrior, I belong on earth not in Moontan. I wanna go home! ANd i dont care if you call me a cry baby!" screamed Suki without looking up." I dont think your a cry baby, but did you say you were from earth?" asked the boy. "yes I did." she said wiping away her tears. " Well, that makes two of us then um... whats your name?" asked the boy. "My names Sha..."said suki. Then before she said shannon Moontan words came back to her. "what ever you dont dont use your real name from now on it will be Suki." said moontan. Then picking up her headm suki said, " my names Suki" " " you look like a friend of mine from earth"said the boy. " Gary! Is that you?" screamed Suki wide eyed. "Shannon?" asked Gary. "Gary Im so glad I found you, I was so scared" Suki said. "Shannon, is that on of the five missing gems?" asked Gary. "yes they are but how did you know..." said shannon. Then gary stode up and she say the dark gem in his belt. "Shannon my power is darkness and I can transform into a raven or a wolf. and my name here is Prince Kuroi or dark." said Prince Kuroi. "wow your a price, thats so cool. But I guess you dont have time to help me find the others do you? said Suki. Of corse I do Suki come on lets go to my palace of lunch, shall we? ask Prince Kuroi. "But only have one horse." said Suki. "then we shall walk" said Prince Kuroi. "ok. lets go" said Suki happily. So Suki and Prince Kuroi walked along the streets of the town talking about how happy they were to finnely find each other what supplies they will need for there quest to find the others. When they finnley got to the palase Suki looked at it in envy and in awe. Suki and Prince Kuroi Had a huge feast waiting for them. There was so mush Both of the friends desided to bring half of the food with them cause it would last them for at least a week of two. That night the two desided to sneak out of the pasace before the gaurds and the knight woke up. Kuroi and Suki toke the food other supplies clothing and feed for the four horses and the one pack mule. So Suki and her friend Prince Kuroi set of North aross the open plans in the dead of night searching for there lost friends.
Will Suki and Kuroi ever find there friends?
to be continued...
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Community Member
Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 @ 07:48pm
When we last left off Shannon found herself alone in the grass with no one in sight. Was she home, or somewhere else? She then realized her house wasn’t there either so she must be somewhere else. But were? Then she saw a bright purple light coming from the moon. It was so bright she had to cover her eyes.
"Welcome young warrior" said a voice from above. "Who... Who are you and where are you?" Shannon said boldly tried hard not to show any fear. Then a person appeared before her. Not just a person but it looked like a angel with glowing white wings, a blue jewel on her forehead, silver hair and silver-blue clothing. " I am the moon goddess, Moontan and I have watched you for along time little warrior." said Moontan. " Listen I have no clue who you are and how you watched me but you must be mistaking me for someone else cause I’m no warrior! Shouted Shannon. " Ah, but you are I saw how you showed no fear with the scorpion and with Me." said Moontan. " Well I guess you are telling me the truth but answer something for me, Were am I?" asked Shannon. " You are in Moontan,” said Moontan. " Wait a sec. your name and this world is called Moontan! Yelled Shannon. " Yes, that is true these people worship me but not all of them some people are trying to get rid of me they are jealous that I’m worship and they are not and that I have my own world named after me. This is why I need your help.” said Moontan boldly. "But I told you I am not a warrior I’m just a 15 year old kid trying to find her missing friends and to get out of here!" Shannon pleaded. " I’m sorry but there is no way to leave, only the evil witch Shelby and her soldiers my leave only when she is dead may you return home, also you may not be a warrior at your world but you are here. No one is how they really are here, this is why you and your friends were split up, they went to were they live." said Moontan. “So everyone from my world is here only they not who they are in my world?" Shannon asked. " WATER MIRRIOR!" Shouted Moontan. All of a sudden water came out of her hands and formed and round circle and froze so you can see yourself just like a mirror. "You see that gem on your forehead?" Moontan asked. "Ya." said Shannon. That means you can be yourself unlike the rest who are in character. Also since it is silver you have all the elements and my transform into any elemental animal unlike me. I only have water and can transform into a dolphin or shark. Your Friend Tori is known here as Taki it means fire and that is her element and her animals are the fox and the mouse. Nick is known here as Kaze or wind and his animals are the eagle or hummingbird. There are four more element you have to find if you want to kill Shelby,” said Moontan. " What are they?" asked Shannon. " They are light, darkness, metal and earth but remember Shelby also has every element.” said Moontan. Then Moontan started to fade away because her time was running short. "Wait, were you going what if I need more help!" screamed Shannon. "Don’t worry I will appear every full moon but what ever you do don’t use your real name from now on it will be Suki or love... and then she disappeared. Then Shannon, newly named Suki began to walk into the unknown regions of this world and the surprises ahead.
Will Shannon find her friends? Was Moontan telling the truth? How will she survive?
to be continued...
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 @ 07:14pm
When we last left off Shannon invited her friends over to go hiking in the woods but when they got to a well a scorpion came out and draged them down into the well.
"LET GO OF ME YOU GAINT PEA-BRAINED SCORPION" screamed Shannon. Then the scorpion said "Im not a pea-brain you mindless human" "Oh My Gosh, it talked" cried Nick. "Who u callin a mindless human you..." screamed Shannon angerily but was cut off by Tori who said " dont bother fightinging with it Shannon, we need a sword or two to kill this thing, words dont hurt it but weapons will *evil grin*" "your right, I so cant wait to kill this thing" said Shannon evily. Then Nick screamed "Look guys, up ahead!"
Up ahead there was a bright light. Shannon, Tori and Night stared in awe and curiousity woundering what was on the other side, why it was bright if when tori looked at her watch it said 11:00pm. As they got closer and closer to the bright shining light the friends became scared, frightened of to come of them. Whack, Whack, Whack! The scorpion whacked them all on the head so the three friends passed out into a dark sleep.
When they woke up and looked around it was now dark seeing were they came out from. It was a well. Then Shannon noticed. Nick and Tori wernt with her! Where could they be she woundered. Eaten? capsured? What happened? She stared sadly at the moon wishing they were there with her, wishing she new were they were? Then there was a bight purple light shining from the moon. What is thats light? she wondered, having to cover her eyes cause it was bright.
What happened to Shannon's friends? Where did that light come from? Where is the scorpion? What is this strange and crazy world and how will She ever get home?
To be continued...
Community Member
Community Member
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 @ 10:20pm
Dear Shannon, Me, your father and brother have to take a trip to Japan for a week for Danny to get used to his new home. We wish we could take you but We didn’t want you to be put in danger. Love, Mom
It was just any other Saturday at my house staring at the big, ocean-blue sky without a cloud in the sky. "I’m so bored and no one is home or outside, and mom, dad and Danny all aren’t home. *sighs* what is a girl to do?!" "I'll guess I'll call Tori and Nick.” said Shannon. Ring Ring Ring. "Hello?"asked Tori."Hi Tori, its Shannon" she said "Hi Shannon whats up?"asked tori. "Nothin, lets call Nick, we can do three way, K?" Shannon said. SUre!" Tori said happily. Ring Ring Ring... "Hello?" Nick asked. "Hey, its Shannon" she said. "And Tori" Tori said butting in." Hey guys what’s up?" he asked. "Nothin" tori and I said together. "Hey you guys wanna come over, my parents won’t be home for a week but they said it was ok before they let." Shannon asked. SURE! Nick and Tori screamed together.
When They got to Shannon house we went hiking so they brought alot of stuff with them. The woods go on forever so after an hour in there we found a well where they stopped to have lunch. Shannon I didn’t know you had a well in your backyard. Nick said. Neither did I! She said loudly. HUH? Tori and Nick asked. "Well I’m really not allowed to go in the woods. Shannon confessed
So the three friends spread out the picnic blanket and sat down to eat. Nick was sitting near the well when he heard a strange noise coming from the inside. "Hey something’s coming from the inside." Nick said sacredly. "What?" asked Shannon. *Tori & Shannon look inside* ya your right! Tori said. It kinda looks like a giant bug to me. Ewww I hate bugs! Shannon screamed. " Well if you hate them so much then I think we should head back to the house and watch some TV." Nick said. "Good idea" said tori turning around. Then Shannon Felt something like a big claw grabbing her waist. AHHHHH TORI, NICK HEEEEELLLLP! screamed Shannon. *They turn around* OMG we have to help her screamed tori *tugs on my arm*" don’t worry we'll save you from the big bug!" *tugs on the sec. arm. * They tugged and tugged but this scorpion thing just wouldn’t let go! Then it grabbed Tori and Nick. It went back into the well from were it came dragging along and helpless Shannon and friends.
What will happen to Shannon and her crew will they excape, will they be eaten alive? find out next time To be continued...