it is another just for cash
general hammond · Sat Oct 21, 2006 @ 06:53pm · 0 Comments |
it is just for cash
general hammond · Sat Oct 21, 2006 @ 06:52pm · 0 Comments |
“Hello everyone, I am captain Jeremiah Johnson. The first officer Karl Wegler should soon be joining us. I am here to give you a formal rundown of this ship, but as I am sure you have all used your implants to download the ship’s plans. I hope that you all know where you are working and where your quarters are. Really I am here in case there are any questions.” “Is it true that you are planning to take the ship away from earth never to return?” “Wow, don’t start with an easy one.” I said sarcastically but I knew that question was coming; I had heard it at everyone of these damn meetings. “No, we are going to return to earth. The plan is to return after this next mission. We are going to be gone for a few months. That is it.” I asked hoping that it was. Most of the meetings had ended right after I told them that. “Ok well then if no one has any questions I am going to end this meeting early. Oh and here comes the first officer. He will take you all on your tour of the ship. Thank you and have a nice day.” That was the least painful of all the meetings I have had to go to. But now I have to go to and talk with Becky and Amanda. They have told me that there is something exciting that I need to learn. “Becky are you in here?” I shouted as I crawled the last hundred feet to were the lieutenant had said they should be. “Yea Miah you are here good. Come and take a look at this.” She said as I poked my head into one of the maintenance bay that was in the ship. The room was big enough to stand in but I hated them. I had spent all that time in here when I first found her. “Did I have to come in here?” “Yes sir if you wanted to see the people that built this ship then you needed to see this.” “What are you talking about. I have been all over this ship and never have I seen anything that resembled the people that built this ship.” “It is a holographic recording, I noticed that there was a draw from the power supply when I activated the secondary power conduits in this section. When I came up here to investigate, I found her standing here.” “Who?” I asked as I stood up in the room. “Me. I am the former captain of this ship.” “Why haven’t I seen this hologram before this?” “You never turned the secondary power in this section on before this. There was no reason to because you weren’t going to take off.” “Well, what is it that I can do for you miss?” “I am here to investigate whether or not you are going to be the one to lead this ship out into the galaxy. You see if I allow you to take this ship out then you will be representing the last peoples of our alliance.” “Amanda does she have control of the ship?” “Yes Captain she has ever ridden my control on several systems, I still have control over life support and shields. But she has taken transporter control as well as weapons and navigation.” “Alright then tell me do we have to stay in here I hate this part of the ship. No offense Amanda.” “None taken sir.” She said right before the mysterious hologram transported me and her to the bridge. “You were right that is no place for a captain. This is where you belong.”
general hammond · Tue Oct 03, 2006 @ 04:03am · 0 Comments |
Within a few months we had recruited enough people using the stone from file R-113. You see that file contains a molecular scan of a rock that the builders of the ship used to record messages on. With a little modification we were able to record a message on the stone that explains who we are and what we want. The hologram is activated by a human pressing on it. When the recording is finished it gave instruction on what to do if you wanted to join us. We used the transporters to scatter them around the world. We then collected all the people that wished to be collected, scanned them and gave them implants. “Miah.” “What is it Karl? I am a little busy.” I said to him as I was walking to the final briefing for the new recruits. “I found something that I think you should see. It is a plan for a new base that the prior owners of this ship were planning to build.” “That is really great… wait did you just say you found plans for a base?” “Yea and the best part is that when they crashed on earth it was part finished. There was even a livable section.” “That would be great. I want you to get a senior staff meeting together and have it meet in four hours. I have an orientation with the last of the new crew, then I have to get a medical exam and then I will be in for the briefing.” “Yes sir I’ll get right on it.” “God this could be the break that I have been waiting for.” I thought to myself, as I walked into one of the many meeting areas on the ship.”
general hammond · Tue Oct 03, 2006 @ 04:02am · 0 Comments |
“You expect us to believe that you have been working on a space ship for the last several months?” my dad yelled across the garage . “Sir, please settle down. We came here at Miah’s request. We didn’t think that you would believe us so we are prepared to bring you to the ship right now.” Amanda told him in an attempt to calm his nerves. “We can’t just pick up and leave.” I think that he had more to say but he never got it out because I sent Amanda a message to start the transport cycle. When we arrived he was speechless. The cycle is not instantaneous it takes several seconds through which a person is conscious. “Where are we?” My mom asked. “We are now in side my ship. To be exact we are on deck 3 section 5, the transporter room.” “This is what you have been up too building this?” “Yes… well no not building but repairing. Like I tried to tell you the ship was constructed by a group of aliens and stranded on earth. I found Amanda, the ship, and began repairs. She still needs a lot of work but we are in the air above the house right now.” “How did you know everything that you needed to fix this ship?” my dad asked. “When I first found Amanda she implanted me with a chip that allowed her to transfer information into my brain. Once she could do that then she could give me everything that I needed to fix the ship.” “What are you going to do with the ship, don’t you think that we should tell the government or something like that?” my mom asked us. “Well Amanda and I have talked about that but I am the only one who can captain the ship. And we think that the government would try and take her apart if we allowed them to take her.” I told her as Amanda’s hologram reappeared. “What kinda weaponry does this ship have?” my dad asked my. “Well, I think we should head to the bridge and from there we will be able to see every thing.”, I explained as we walked to the turbo lift, “The weapons are exteamly powerful, they are about as powerful as ten of earth’s strongest nuclear weapons. Plus they have no radiation.” “So, this ship only has those weapons?” my dad asked as we stepped into the turbo lift. “Oh, no those are just the big guns, bridge, there are smaller energy weapons that could be used against everything from jets to cities. I also have a complete set of what I call hand phasers. And phaser rifles, that is going to be my gift to you dad. I will take you down to the armory and you can pick out the guns that you want.” I told them as we flew towards to bridge. “Miah you don’t need to get us any gifts.” My mom said as the doors opened to the bridge. “That’s ok me leaving you guys was wrong, and besides I think that you guys should have some of this. I am also going to install some things at the house so that no one can come in and hurt you guys. Amanda, can you get the refreshments that we talked about?” “Yea I can do that. One minute.” “Alright here we are. This is the tactile command center for the entire ship. All the systems can be accessed from here. The bridge alone is supposed to have at least seven people on it, but Amanda and I have to operate it alone. That is one of the things that I need from you guys.” “What?” My mom asked as she walked around the bridge looking at the panels. “I need help to recruit people to run the ship. I need kids about my age. Amanda says that the brain of someone under eighteen is more likely to accept the implant then the brain of an adult. Plus I don’ think that there are too many adults that are willing to take orders from a kid.” “Miah, I can’t read these panels. Why is that?” asked my mother. “Oh I forgot to revert them back into English. See the implant that I have translates any language into English I forget what language I am looking at some times. How is that?” “Much better, so now what do you want us to do?” “I need you to ask some of my friends over to our house then while they are there I will transport them up and talk to them I want to start with Karl I think seeing as he is my best friend he will be most likely to help me. Now Amanda can you take my father to the armory? Let him pick whatever he wants, tell he whatever.” “Yea that is no problem, where are you going?” “I am going to take my mom down to engineering and give her, her gift.” And so my mother and I headed down to the engineering level. “So what is this great gift that you are going to give me?” she asked as we got onto the lift. “To tell you the truth I don’t really know what it is that I am going to give you. We are going to the engineering deck because it has a manifest that you can choose from. There is a lot of things that I think you will like.” “You really don’t have to give me anything I am fine just the way that I am, now that I know that you are ok.” “I know what I can give you!” “What?” “Stop turbo-lift, you have always said that you wanted a bigger house well I can get you one now. I can temporarily interface your mind with the computer and you can design your dream house. I can put it up in a couple of hours if you want.” “Well won’t that ruin your little secrete?” “We would have to wait a while, but I am going to talk with the government once I get my crew for this ship together.” And that was the end of the tour we went to interface her mind but she said that she would do it later. We went back to the house and I said our goodbyes, then Amanda and I went back to the ship to rest of the night. The next day Karl was scheduled to come over and then we would have a lot of work to do convincing him to join us. Amanda said that the first is always the hardest.
general hammond · Thu Sep 28, 2006 @ 05:54am · 0 Comments |
“God damn could you weigh a little more?” I knew it was a bad time to talk the instant that I said it. I heard shots ring out, I went down. Tommy was hit in the first volley in the chest. “s**t… that ******** hurts.” I got up and started to run. I was the last one left now. More shots, they missed me by only a couple of inches. As I am running I look to my left there are three of them ********. I let about ten shots ring out, I’ll be damned if I am going to let them coral me with out a fight. I was in luck today I nailed all three of them .I still know that there is no way in hell that I am ever going to win this. I am right, just as the thought crosses my mind I took on to the leg. I roll over to see one of them trying to get around me so I take him out without a second glance. Then smack it’s over. As we walk off the field together the guys poke fun at me and Tommy because we got beat so bad. “Well, if you sons a bitches were interested in a fair fight and didn’t always stick us with the neubs and a** holes then we could kick your a**. I don’t know I you noticed but I think the two of us fried half your team.” “******** Miah you went down hard when I hit you in the a**” Said Jake. “Yea… yea I did but I would like to see you try to get around me again. You got shot three ******** times. Man you got to learn to cover yourself when you are moving.” “Hey, Miah you need a ride home with me or are you walkin?” “Yea, I think that I will walk let Sassy out of your truck will you. I am going to go home through the woods I think.” As we were walking through the woods I began to fire off shots at little things, branches and chipmunks and things of the sort. I thought that I heard something so I called Sassy over; we were creeping through the woods when bam the ground was gone. I awoke a few minutes later to a dark room I could see were we had fallen from but it was about fifteen feet above us. I knew that there was no way that I could get us both back up there. “God damn it. You ok girl?” It was a stupid question if I was ok then she was going to be fine. She was a lot more resilient then I am. The room was really dark. Then I heard a noise from above me. The entrance that we had fallen through slammed shut. I know that sounds weird but it is what happened. Like it wasn’t natural. Now the room was pitch black so I pulled out my Zippo lighter. As I tried to find the wall or something I saw a small light a ways away I decided to walk towards it, so I called Sassy over. I didn’t want her to wander off and get into any trouble. As we approached the light a screen turned on. There was a women’s face there. “Hello… hello can you hear me?” “I can hear you just fine. Answer me this one question. All generals must know how to fight but only a good general knows… what?” “Oh, I know this.” “Then complete the quote! You have twenty seconds.” “When to retreat. A good general knows when to retreat.” “Yes, that is correct. There is one more thing that I need you to do before I start to answer your questions.” “Yea, what is th-.” Bam, something hit me in the head like a ton of bricks. “Holy s**t, what the ******** was that?” “I needed to implant you with a link up chip in order for you to be my captain.” “Wow, there what the hell are you talking about I am not the captain of anything much less a big room underground.” “I am much more then a large room, this is just a cargo bay. I am a ship that is capable of travel around 30 times the speed of light. I have ten decks and am a hundred meters long.” “Wow, I still don’t know what is going on. And where is my dog, and what the ******** did you pick me for anyways?” “I placed you dog into a room that will auto clean that way she doesn’t make a mess of the ship. The reason that you were picked is because you are the first one to enter the ship since my other captain died. Also, yours is the first generation that I could explain my operations to.” “What time is it anyways.” I asked as I surveyed the room. “The local time is four o’clock in the afternoon.” “That means I was out for about thirty minutes. I am going to have to leave here pretty soon or my parents will begin to worry. Is there anyway that we can turn on lights or somthin like that?” “Yes, I am raising the light three levels. You can’t leave the ship, if you leave the ship now my computer mainframe will crash. I was in peril of crashing before you entered that is why it was lucky that you showed up when you did. But now that you are here I am relying on your brain to sustain me.” “Am I going to have to spend the rest of my life on this ship?” “No, you just can’t leave until you have repaired the mainframe.” The computer said as I walked through an automatic door on the right side of the room. When I got into the hallway the lights flickered on and I could see the hallway curl around on both sides of me. “Well then I guess we should get to work, what’s first?” “The first thing that you need to fix is the imaging sensors, they problem is a blockage in the circuits. I think all that it needs is a good cleaning. Walk down the hall to the left fifteen feet.” “Alright which panel is it?” I asked as I went down the hall. “ On your right.” “This little thing here?” I asked looking at a panel that looked like it covered an opening that was about one foot by one foot. “Yes open the panel and remove anything that looks damaged, it should be pretty obvious what has burned out. The circuitry is black and malformed if it is damaged.” As I opened that panel I didn’t see anything that I though looked malformed and there was no black in the circuts. But there was one clot of something that was between two metal spires. As I removed it a person appeared behind me. She was beautiful, she had long dark hair that extended to her shoulders she was about as tall as me. She appeared to be in great shape but still very feminine. “Wow… and who might you be?” “I am the computer, the ship. This is the holographic representation that I chose many years ago.” “Are you solid? You know so you can help me with the repairs and things like that.” “Yes this representation uses a force shield technology that will allow me to interact with all solid matter as humans do.” “Well, that will be helpful. I think that we should get to work.” I spent the next few nights on the ship, I sent a letter to my parents telling them that I was still alive and ok but I had found a great opportunity. I don’t think they bought it until I talked to them on my cell phone. After that I talked with them regularly and that made things easier. We worked for the next three weeks, I had fixed up the captains quarters and by the end of that time most of the primary systems had been repaired. All the stealth technology that the ship possessed was working at one hundred percent, the weapons systems were operating at about seventy-five percent, and the ships engines were operating at full capacity. Thankfully there was little damage done to them because the materials needed to fix them weren’t on earth. The next part was hard, I had two more tasks before the ship and I had fully bonded. First I had to name her and secondly I needed to find a crew. That first task too me well over a week, I spent a lot of the time cleaning up the rest of the ship. If there were going to be other people living on the ship it needed to be cleaned. But, I finally relized that she should have a say in what her name was going to be. When we talked about it we came to the conclusion of Amanda. It was a name that she sensed that I liked and she agreed with me. The next task proved to be an enormous challenge, more of one then I thought because I had been gone for well over a month and it wasn’t like I could just pop up at someone’s doorstep and ask if they wanted to serve on my starship. So I decided that I would first go to see my parents and tell them the truth but not by just talking but by bringing them to the ship. “Amanda, what do you think the best way to my parents here is?” I asked as we sat on the bridge and I drank coffee. “I think that the first thing that we need to do is get me in the air. Now that my stealth technology is operating again I am sure that it is safe to fly. We will park above your home with our cloak on. After that we will beam into the woods by you-” “When you say we do you mean the both of us?” “Yes, I can transmit this image outside the ship for about fifty miles in every direction. Now as I was saying we will beam into the woods near your home and go talk with your parents. If they are less the receptive then we will be able to beam them up using the transporter. How does that sound?” “It sounds like a plan, I think that we should do this as soon as possible. I really want to see my parents.” Not weeks later I found myself in the woods not thirty yards from my home. “Well, let’s get this show on the road.” I said as we walked towards the house. As we walked towards the house my dad saw me from the garage and must have called to my mom who was standing in there with him. “Jeremiah, is that you?” as I heard that I turned around saw her beginning to cry. “Yea it’s me mom.” There was more that I tried to say but in never got a chance she had me in a vice grip hug before I could say another word. My dad wasn’t far behind her. When she finally finished hugging me I asked her if we could go to talk in the garage. They had both noticed Amanda by now. “Hello, I am Louanne Jeremiah’s mother, and who might you be?” “This is the women that gave me the chance of a lifetime, something that we have both dreamed of. Her name is Amanda.” “Well it is nice to meet the person that has been keeping our son so busy for the last two months.” my dad said as we walked across the driveway to garage. “That is what I want to talk to you about. I have been working really hard with Amanda for the last couple months to build something. It is going to be hard for you to believe so please just hear me out…” ¬
general hammond · Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 04:29am · 0 Comments |
i got more of the thing that i want most right now. and that is mythrill armor. i love it. i think that it looks great with the sword of aegis. i am going to buy so black under clothing so that the armor is offset. i think that will be cooler. now on to more important business. the twins are going to the post season. i just finished watching the game and i am not afraid to tell you that it was ******** great. the twins won it by 7 runs. the final score was 8-1. mornoe bumped up his RBIs by three by hitting a homerun over the left feild wall with two on (Mauer and Punto i think). but at any rate i am really excited that they are going to post season. now only to beat the damn Tigers. I am in the process of writing a story, i don't know what it is called yet but i am going to be posting each of the chapters in my journal. so if you miss one you can always go back and look it up. please feel free to pm me about your opinions and ideas for the story. but please don't pm me saying that you think that the story totaly sucks if you aren't even into sci-fi.
thanks general hammond
general hammond · Tue Sep 26, 2006 @ 04:28am · 0 Comments |
so if you want to donate or join my guild just pm me
general hammond · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 11:39pm · 0 Comments |
this has been a really good month. i bought a guild, a sword of aegis, and some mythrill armor. man i am happy but i need more
general hammond · Sat Sep 23, 2006 @ 11:36pm · 0 Comments |