<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/N/nekokittychi/1078297611_amomileTea.jpg" border="0" alt="Chamomile Tea"><br>Chamomile Tea... You are Chamomile Tea. Your an original! Helpful to anyone in need and<br>always willing to lend a hand, you take action<br>but not through violence, people listen to you<br>for you have a knack for giving wonderful<br>advice! Many look up to you and you try your<br>best not to let them down. You have many<br>friends steadfast or no who consider themselves<br>lucky to be near you. You may have been hurt in<br>the past but you dont let that stand in your<br>way! You have a wonderful outlook on life and<br>try to see the good in people which is an<br>awesome gift!
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/H/hoplessromantic/1103387913_MyPictures.jpg" border="0" alt="HASH(0x8912f0c)"><br>You are a cat woman. You are independent and very<br>self-rigious. You have a mind of your own and<br>are not afraid to show it. You tend to hide<br>your true feelings and get frustrated (easy).
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/N/Niluial/1101813182_Quizrenoir.jpg" border="0" alt="RG"><br>You have the Renoir girl look. Youd have enchanted<br>the French Impressionists, who painted lively<br>girls at work and play. Their models were<br>ballet dancers, girls of Paris enjoying<br>themselves at open air dances or in music halls<br>and cafes, delighting in the sunshine or the<br>bright lights of French nightlife. The Renoir<br>girl loved to experiment with make-up and were<br>fun loving, sexy yet elegant. The following<br>painters would have loved to paint you; Dietz<br>Edzard, Edourad Manet, Edgar Degas and Auguste<br>Renoir.
<img src="http://images.quizilla.com/N/nekokittychi/1075171887_sAirSprite.jpg" border="0" alt="Air Sprite"><br>Fun loving, childish, innocent and pure You are a sprite of the Air: Fun loving and<br>childish your naive nature only enhances how<br>truly cute you are! You may come off as too<br>childish but only because your not burdened<br>with all the rules and regulations of<br>adulthood. You are carefree most of the time<br>spending your days playing tag or naming all<br>the clouds you see in the sky. You are<br>generally kind to everyone because you have<br>lots of love and happiness to share! Making<br>friends comes easy because they strive for the<br>innocence you possess but be careful, being as<br>nice and kind hearted as you are people will<br>try to manipulate your nature if they have not<br>already. Don't ever let anyone mold you to<br>their standards although I doubt anyone could.
Nema-chan · Tue Dec 28, 2004 @ 04:51am · 0 Comments |