well... it's also on my NarakuYoukai profile... but whatever... let's get started... The first entry here is... as the tittle also says... a Poem i made... it's a few years ago i wrote it and... uhm... it is original on danish so it will be written on danish first... then the translation will be beneath that... as far as possible it is to translate... and... uhm... I really would like to get some comments at it...
that's it i think... so... here it is...
Vores tid kommer:
Savner dig allerede
Selvom du er lige her
Ved siden af mig…
Det virker så nært
Og dog alligevel fjernt…
Hvornår bliver det vores tur?
Hvornår skal vi herfra?
Bliver det i morgen eller om ti år?
Mørket venter på at opsluge mig
Hvert sekund jeg vender ryggen til…
Men det er stadig som om
Jeg har alt for meget tid…
Hvad skal jeg gøre af mig selv,
Og hvad vil der ske med mig…?
Hvornår bliver det min tur?
Hvornår skal jeg herfra?
Our time will come:
I already miss you
Even that you are here
Right at my side...
It seems so close
and then again so far...
When will it be our time?
When shall we go from here?
Will it be tomorrow or in ten years?
The darkness waits to swallow me up
Every sekund I turn my back...
But it's still like
I got too much time...
What shall I do with myself,
And what will happen to me..?
When will it be my time?
When shall I go from here?
It's not really it that I'm that kind of emo person even that I'm gothic... this was just a task I got at school to write about death... but... I really like it myself though I really never had written poems before that... but yeah... I'll like to get comments... ^_^
![]() Youkai Rei Community Member ![]() |