Enter if you dare..meh! ^.^;
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Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 08:54am
Posted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 @ 08:53am
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Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 @ 03:04am
Posted: Mon Feb 19, 2007 @ 02:57am
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Posted: Sun Feb 18, 2007 @ 11:14pm
Posted: Sat Feb 17, 2007 @ 05:28am
Story Idea Plot ^^
Random Information on Story Line. (plenty of repeats...)
i want the mage girl to be sent out to the other kingdom to kill a certain knight, whom she thinks is a guy. the knight, being a female, is sent out to kill the mage.. they find eachother, unknowingly, ofcourse, become friends, fall in love then find out that they have to kill eachother and are faced with betraying their kingdoms or betraying eachother.. they could either: a) run away together. b) kill eachother. or c) betray their kingdoms and most likely die in a glorious battle of true love vs the world
Rael is having an affair with Lynra. Gwen, the queen, is having an affair with Ryn, the king of another kingdom who is married to Fivan. Ryn sends Trinity, the warrior, to kill Lynra the mage as a gift to Gwen. Rael sends Lynra to kill Trinity out of fear for his kingdom.
Rael is married to Gwen. Ryn is married to Fivan. Rael is having an affair with Lynra. Ryn is having an affair with Gwen. Ryn orders Trinity to kill Lynra for Gwen. Rael orders Lynra to kill Trinity out of fear. Trinity and Lynra fall in love. Trinity and Lynra realize they are suppose to kill eachother.
Rael(warrior mage) and Ryn(warrior) = Kings Gwen and Fivan = Queens Lynra = Mage/Servant to King Rael. Trinity = Warrior/Solider
Rael and Ryn = Enemies. Cresent Scar = branding by Ryn to remember the threat. Lynra + Trinity = lesbian lovers. Lynra + Rael = lovers. Gwen + Ryn = lovers. Gwen + Rael = married. Ryn + Fivan = married.
Mage wields own energy in the form of "magic" to do various, otherwise, impossible deeds. Very few posess the ability and many are unaware of its existance. This "magic" comes in the form of dark energy or light energy, depending on the wielder. They also have the ability to "read" energy off of others in the form of emotions.
Ending of this story is unclear at the moment..x.x due to my lack of willingness to write it or think about it and my inability to choose between a list of ideas i have given myself. <3
Name Ideas: Shattered Relations(not very well liked by me)
Minor Characters: Mira - Servant Mar - Servant Kenus - Servant
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Posted: Wed Jan 03, 2007 @ 11:06pm
Meh Rant..x.x
Okay.. so.. I basiclly ranted at this guy.. ^^;;
I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: hi Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: Hey there. ^^ Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: How's it going? I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: meh Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: Good or bad meh? I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: iffy Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: Is that good or bad? I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: omg I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: havn't you heard the word "iffy" I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: x.x I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: x.x; I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: it's not bad but it sure the hell aint good..x.x Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: OHHH Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: Now I know. =D I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: x.x Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: So what's so iffy? I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: my sister is here Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: That's iffy? I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: she is ******** annoying.. my god Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: Younger or older sis? I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: ... I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: older I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: MY ******** GOD.. ARN'T OTHER PEOPLE ANNOYED BY THEIR SISTERS?! ******** I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: why the hell do i get questioned everytime i say i hate my sister?! my god..x.x you'd hate your sister too if she was some attention hungry whore with not even half a brain and got knocked up right when you started getting the slightest bit of attention for once and she ******** moved out but keeps ******** coming back each goddamn day to be a stupid lazy b***h and eat all the ******** food in the I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: goddamn house. and all she does is talk s**t and thinks she's better than me when everyone ******** knows she's just ******** jealous because all her ******** life she let herself be used by every last ******** guy and it ******** shows and omfg..x.x i'm sorry if i can't GAIN wieght x.x; but she ******** hates it and won't shut up about it..x.x Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: XD I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: ... I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: go to hell Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: No worries there, I'm in the line to get in. I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: and my ******** sister..x.x and my mother talk s**t about me..x.x I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: OMFG I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: AND THEY ******** ACT LIKE I AM SOME LITTLE b***h-CHILD THEY CAN ABUSE! MY GOD!!!!!!!!! I'M MORE MATURE THAN BOTH OF THEM AND I JUST ******** WANT OUT OF THIS GODDAMN PLACE..X.X I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: X.X I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: i think i'll..x.x god live in my bf's room..x.x; I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: that would make me happy..x.x I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: omfg Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: That'd make anyone happy. I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: i'm 17..x.x I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: and i can;t ******** do anything..x.x I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: MY MOTHER IS ******** PARANOID THAT I AM GONNA GET RAPED..MY ******** GOD HOW DUMB IS SHE? I'M NOT SOME IGNORANT LITTLE b***h GIRL WHO WALKS UP TO THE STRANGER TELLING ME TO COME CLOSER.. THEY TELL ME TO SLOW DOWN WHEN THEY ARE PERFECTLY HEALTHY LOOKING.. I'M GONNA ******** WALK FASTER AND PULL OUT A CELL PHONE NOT MOVE CLOSER TO THE OLD MAN THAT HAS NOTHING WRONG WITH HIM I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: X.X I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: i am not a ******** child.. I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: and omfg..x.x my sister is like 18 months older than me.. k I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: and she's knocked up I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: lives with her bf.. I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: and hardly understands why her exbfs left her.. OMFG..X.X she puts out on the first ******** date..x.x i'd leave the whore too Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: Not too smart about the guys is she? I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: she's ******** retarded.. she didn't even reach the 2nd year of high school Oh shut up and look up, charge ahead full power! says: Sucks for her. I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: i ******** hate them I can't help but become cold and distant for you push me away in to the darkness. says: i get no respect... and i'm the only ******** one out of my mother's three kids to even make it through the first year of high school and i'm a ******** junior now.
Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 08:10pm
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Posted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 @ 08:56am