Filippino Ako... but I can't speak Tagalog... |
Today Yuzume walked into a town where many people were speaking Tagalog, the main dialect in the Philippines. He himself, is filippino, but does not speak the langauge. Yuzume understood some of the things they were saying, but when asking some people a few questions he got quickly disoriented... Yuzume speaks a little of Japanese, Spanish, and understands tagalog, but his main language is english. He feels like a failure...
He met another young man... who spoke both Nihongo and Tagalog. The man knew english as well... Yuzume must be such a horrible failure... This young man tried to test Yuzume on Japanese and Tagalog, but Yuzume doesn't know how to type with his eyes on the screen so he couldn't read any of it. Living in Spain, Yuzume is learning how to speak Spanish.. so Nihongo wasn't very easy to remember... and He listens to his mother and father speak in tagalog all the time, but he rarely reads the words on paper. After a few minutes of chatting, Yuzume, the failure left...
Yuzume feels... like he's a bad person... a fool, an idiot, so many bad things... He can't even understand his own blood language... Maybe Yuzume shouldn't be proud of being a filippino at all...
Nihongo o hanashimashita? Iie, hanashimasen... Watashi wa baka desu.
Naiintindihan mo ba ako? Hindi, po... Bastos na ako...
Tu hablar Espanol? No, Yo no hablo espanol... Yo soy muy tonto...
Do you understand these languages? Nope... Yuzume is too much of a failure to...
Yuzume the failure...
Yuzume_Mikien · Mon Aug 13, 2007 @ 02:53pm · 0 Comments |
Yuzume wants the echanted strings, but doesn't have enough gold. His sister won't give him any... He doesn't like that... crying
Yuzume once thought it would be exciting to go to Spain, an adventure that many would die to take part in, sadly Yuzume was wrong... very wrong. Nothing is as it is in Spain... there is no manga, anime, or yaoi in Spain... there is nothing that Yuzume enjoys...
He is also very lonely... no ones to talk to him. He is sad... very sad. Friends he wishes he will make, but no one knows if it will happen.
Yuzume doesn't even have an internet access and can only use the internet very rarely... rarely... Damn...
Yuzume wants to go back to America... He does...
Yuzume's Mind is Mush...
Yuzume is moving... He wants to and doesn't want to at the same time. His internet access will be shut off Sunday and he will be temporarily offline for a long... time.... A few months at least. Yuzume doesn't like this... he doesn't like this at all.... But don't worry Yuzume will return to gaia, he must!!
Yuzume_Mikien · Sat Apr 14, 2007 @ 05:52am · 1 Comments |
Yuzume has never gotten a B+ before... He's always gotten straight A's since fourth grade and now he's goten a B+. He can't believe and he feels so dissapointed on himself. His mother says it's ok, but he can't take it.... Yuzume is such an idiot!
Yuzume_Mikien · Tue Feb 13, 2007 @ 05:39am · 0 Comments |
Yuzume is so bored and lonely!!!!!!!
Yuzume_Mikien · Sun Feb 11, 2007 @ 05:54am · 0 Comments |
Yuzume is speechless. He really is totally and utterly speechless. After five years of saving birthday money and christmas money and babysitting for random neighbors he saved a good amount of money almost $2,000 and then his parents take it from his bank account and use it. They don't even tell him. They take all the money he had saved away and now they are slowly paying back. Yet they didn't tell Yuzume, they just took it and he didn't know how much he had saved specifically so he doesn't know how much money they need to pay back. Yuzume feels bad... really realy bad... He's speechless, no one told him they were going to use his money. He feels sad right now. Why didn't they ask him about his money... why? All that money!
Yuzume doesn't spend much, forty dollars every couple of weeks at best. Now he feels hurt and wants to slam his head against something hard. He saved money and then his parents take it without asking. He would have understood if they had asked, but they didn't... They took his money.
Yuzume's money... cry sad
Yuzume_Mikien · Sat Feb 03, 2007 @ 01:01am · 0 Comments |
Today Yuzume finally recieved the Twilight Princess game for GameCube. He is very happy. Right now he has to post in his rp's and such and then he'll go straight back to the game! The game is slightly confusing, but Yuzume will succeed. He also needs to type his fanfics... If anyone wants to read Left Behind go to FF.net search engine and type Yuzume Mikien. Oh well... like that'll work... neutral blaugh
Yuzume_Mikien · Sat Jan 06, 2007 @ 05:47am · 1 Comments |